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October 20, 2010

Obama voters harbor Democratic doubts: poll - AFP

Obama voters harbor Democratic doubts: poll(AFP) – 1 hour ago

WASHINGTON — US President Barack Obama remains vastly popular with voters who gave him the White House in 2008, but just two thirds now say they will back Democrats in key elections two weeks away, according to a poll out Tuesday.

The CBS News survey found 82 percent of those who cast ballots for Obama two years ago approved of the job he has done as president, while 67 percent said they would vote for Democrats in the November 2 mid-term contest.

Overall, eight percent said they would vote for Republicans, while 21 percent said they were uncertain, according to the poll, which had an error margin of plus or minus three percentage points.

Among independents, the swing voters who often decide US elections, 42 percent said they would back Democrats, 12 percent said they would vote Republican, and 38 percent said they could still be persuaded.

Analysts say that Republicans, who have cast the election as a referendum on the sour US economy and high unemployment, are likely to retake the House of Representatives, but fall just short of capturing the Senate.

Both sides have ramped up their final campaign blitz in order to energize their core supporters and win over independents ahead of the vote, which will decide the future of Obama's agenda at least to his likely 2012 reelection bid.

Large swathes of Obama's backers in 2008 are unhappy with Washington: 58 percent of Democrats and 69 percent of independents said they were "dissatisfied" or "angry" with goings on in the US capital.

Survey respondents gave Obama mixed reviews on his 2008 campaign vow to transform Washington: just 19 percent of Democrats and nine percent of independents said he brought "a lot" of "real change."

Fifty-five percent of Democrats and 43 percent of independents said he brought "some" change, while 26 percent of Democrats and 48 percent of independents said he brought "not much or none."

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