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October 23, 2010

CHOLERA in HAITI: a view from a first responder - CNN

David Darg is the International director of Operation Blessing. I have had the pleasure of working closley with David Darg on the ground in Haiti. David,myself and Bryn Mooser from tackeled a flooded village area of Haiti where 8 people where kiled by fast moving waters just two days ago(this will be an ireport soon).David was one of the first responders to the Cholera outbreak at St. Marc hospital.... The following is what David had to say

We woke to some disturbing news today.  Our friends at Partners in 
Health emailed to say that there were people arriving at St. Marc 
hospital in droves, sick with diarrhea and that people were dying from 
dehydration at an alarming rate.  The question was clear, could 
Operation Blessing mobilize to provide clean water to an area 
suspected of having Haiti’s first major cholera outbreak in decades.

Our staff immediately began loading our trucks with equipment and 
supplies, just two days ago we responded to emergency flooding near 
Leogane so the drill was fresh in our minds.  During the 2 hour drive 
to St. Marc the details began to emerge of what was unfolding in the 
region.  Email traffic on my phone was showing the death toll climbing 
steadily while there was still speculation as to what was causing the 
sickness.  Many of us suspected Cholera but some of our Haitian staff 
had heard rumors on the radio that villagers had been made sick 
through contaminated sea food.  There was definitely an air of nervous 
tension amongst the staff.

We arrived at St Marc hospital to a horror scene.  I had to fight my 
way though the gate as a huge crowd of worried relatives stood outside 
while others were screaming for access as they carried dying relatives 
into the compound.  The inside of the courtyard was lined with 
patients hooked up to IV drips.  It had just rained and there were 
people lying on soggy sheets on the ground half soaked with rain, half 
soaked with feces.  Children were screaming and writhing in agony, 
others were motionless with their eyes rolled into the back of their 
heads as doctors and nursing staff searched desperately for a vein to 
give them an IV. The hospital was overwhelmed, caught suddenly by one 
of the fastest killers there is, Cholera (still to be confirmed).

Our friend, Cate Oswald, from Partners In Health came out from one of 
the triage tents clutching a hand drawn map.  It showed the local 
river and had the names of a few communities where the patients had 
been coming from.  Cate and some PIH staff loaded into a vehicle and 
led us into the countryside to find the source of the epidemic.

Soon we were heading down narrow dirt roads with rice paddies and 
canals on either side.  The crisis had actually started yesterday but 
had only really come to light last night when doctors realized it was 
getting serious.  By then the villagers had heard of the deaths and 
word spread quickly not to drink water from the river.  Most people 
had stopped drinking the river water and had gone thirsty for hours.  
The roads were lined with villagers holding buckets, begging for 
water.  Some larger groups of villagers had set up road blocks and our 
convoy was forced to stop and explain that we didn’t have water, only 
equipment to purify water and we were only heading to the source of 
the problem.  The villagers reluctantly let us pass and we pressed on.

People were constantly trying to flag us down and pointing to sick 
friends and relatives.  One group forced us to stop and had a girl 
seriously close to death.  The PIH staff quickly started her on an IV 
and placed her in their vehicle.  Her mother, clutching another baby, 
explained that her husband had died yesterday and asked us to save her 
daughter; Cate and the PIH staff did save her.

We arrived at the place where many of the patients had originated 
from, a small dusty community called Babou La Port.  The Operation 
Blessing team immediately went into action setting up our water 
purification system.  The key to the unit is that it filters and 
chlorinates, which ensures that any bacteria or diseases are killed in 
the water.  As we worked the PIH team asked the community to split 
into two groups, those who felt ok and those who felt sick.  The huge 
group of people began to split with sick villagers of all ages 
congregating under the shade of some large trees.

The medical staff placed IV’s in some critical patients.  One of them, 
a boy named Frantz, was bought to us by his grandmother.  He was weak 
and vomiting.  His grandmother was frail and could only point to the 
river when we asked her how long Frantz had been ill.  The unfortunate 
reality in this part of the world is that diarrhea is a common and 
frequent problem.  But a villager with Cholera might lay down upon 
feeling ill expecting to get better as they often do, and be dead 
within hours.

Convoys of trucks plastered with the posters of various presidential 
candidates paraded on the dirt roads in the area.  Many of the 
candidates saw this as an opportunity to campaign.  They were tossing 
out small plastic bags of water to the desperate crowds, there were 
fights for the water and one man was crushed under one of their trucks 
in the scuffle.

Our filtration unit fired up and word spread quickly that there was 
water available.  Soon a sea of multi colored buckets surrounded us.  
Villagers were appearing from every direction desperate to get 
drinking water.  The tap stand was quickly surrounded and water 
flowed.  There were no cheers and little laughter; most of the 
villagers there were stunned, afraid and weak.  They were just 
relieved to have access to water.  Every so often a villager would 
thank us in a gentle voice.

The system kept pumping clean water and night began to set in.  I 
asked our Haitian staff if any of them would be willing to stay with 
the system overnight and keep it operating.  It was a daunting 
challenge, to stay awake surrounded by deadly disease and desperate 
villagers but the staff stepped up to the challenge. Tonight there are 
OB Haiti staff members operating the water system giving life saving 
water to thousands and thousands of people in the midst of a horrific 

Confident that the system was in good hands we set back to St Marc.  
Back at the hospital in St Marc not much had changed, other than the 
death toll.  As I write this the confirmed death toll is 135 and 
rising with thousands more infected.  Tonight there were still 
patients being carried into the hospital close to death. Now however 
the cries of the mothers are louder and there were even more people at 
the gates desperate to hear news of their loved ones.  The hospital is 
struggling to cope with such a sudden influx of patients especially 
considering that it is still recuperating from the January earthquake.

The last time I saw anything like this was a cholera outbreak in Bihar 
India in 2007.  Now Cholera seems to have flared in Haiti to compound 
the misery of the earthquake and floods.  The scenes I saw at St Marc 
reminded me of Port Au Prince after the earthquake: patients lying in 
the streets, doctors struggling to cope, mass hysteria and fatigue.

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