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April 20, 2012

Happiness Is What?

What really makes us happy? Human beings are a tough group to understand. What makes one person happy does not necessarily make another person happy. Do you know what makes you happy? Does it change from day to day?....Moment to moment?...Mood to mood? We really can be finicky. But, so what if we are. Change can be a good thing.

The human condition is fraught with change. Life offers so much to decipher through. We emotionally react and often don't seem to have control over our emotions. Anything can cause an emotional response and because of that, our feelings change from moment to moment which may change our feeling of happiness. Often I question whether or not we even know what can make us happy. I think we get confused by this roller coaster ride called life when what we need to learn is to accept change, not judge emotion and realize that emotion is neither good nor bad. It simply is feeling and we place a judgment on whether the emotion is good or bad.

Perhaps you think getting the right job will make you happy. Or maybe you think if you live in the right house or in the right neighborhood, you will be happy. If you meet the right man or the right woman, then you will be happy. If you buy that perfect outfit, and look absolutely fabulous, then you will be happy. If you loose enough weight, then you will be happy. On and on it goes. There is always something out there to reach for that will bring you joy. But once you reach that goal, what happens? You find another goal. Does that mean you are never content or that you never really feel happy? You are always reaching for something more! That just seems to be the human condition. But it does not mean you cannot be happy with what you have.

People strive. We strive for more. We strive to be better. We strive to improve on our life conditions. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best we can be or have the best we can have. But while you are striving, be sure to appreciate all the steps along the way. Happiness can be triggered in a belly laugh, by a look, a smile, a kiss, a magnificent day, a gorgeous blue sky, a light snow fall, and on and on. Appreciate all the steps that take you where you want to go in life. If you change your mind and change direction, appreciate that process as well. But realize one thing: you are responsible for your own happiness. Happiness comes from you. So appreciate you and find your happiness within.

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Madelynan Doyle is a licensed Counselor who has been working in New York City since 1981. Ms. Doyle can always find a positive spin on life lessons. Ms. Doyle is solution oriented. There are no "problems" only challenges which offers opportunity for growth, Ms. Doyle enjoys helping people find their own power and create their own destinies and welcomes you to her website inviting you to join in her E-Counseling and Personal Growth community.

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