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April 1, 2012

How To Identify Your Blocks To Financial Security

According to statistics, only about 5% of the population can be considered financially successful.

The rest of the 95% are, for the most part, struggling to make ends meet. Regardless of how the economy is doing. In good times or bad, the same relative percentages apply. A very small number of people thrive no matter what the broad economic picture looks like.

You would think that by finding out what these success-oriented people know and do (and by modeling them) the greater majority could move up and improve their circumstances.

The problem is most people who are doing well financially do not have a blueprint everyone else can follow. Case in point, millions have read the long standing best seller "Think And Grow Rich." Few who followed the plan in the book achieved financial security. The same goes for other similar self-improvement plans. Very few can follow the instructions and succeed.

Does that mean that the plans are flawed or don't work?

No. Not necessarily. In fact, the plans may be easy to implement and likely to produce great results.

But only a small number of people will actually implement. That is the main reason so few of us enjoy the monetary success we so desperately say we desire. Because even when handed a proven way to make more money or move up in our careers we simply don't follow through.

Which leads to another question: Why don't we follow through?

The answer is straightforward.

We all harbor subconscious blocks to achieving the goals we want. These blocks prevent us from doing the things we know we should do.

If you can identify these blocks (and dissolve them) then they won't stand in the way of achieving your goals. Here's how to identify your blocks to financial security:

1. At the top of a piece of paper write down: What are my thoughts, feelings and beliefs about financial security?

2. Ask yourself the question and allow whatever thoughts, feelings and beliefs to come up.

3. Write down what comes up like: "Money is hard to make." etc.

4. Repeat this process -- being as honest as you can be -- until you have at least ten items on your list.

5. Look at what you've written and note which thoughts, feelings and beliefs were positive and which were negative.

If you're like most people you'll be surprised what you discover. Because this is a very revealing process. You'll pull up the negative thoughts, feelings and beliefs nestled in your subconscious. These are the things you need to let go of or release if you ever hope to free yourself to achieve the financial situation you want.

John Anghelache writes about a simple process called "releasing" that can help anyone achieve Financial Security or any goal. You can read more about it by visiting

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