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April 9, 2012

Changing the Raspy Voice

In our last-month voice workshop, the participants were all ladies! In preparation for the workshop, I was expecting soft voices and voices with high-pitches. Interesting enough, we had a few with low voices and one with a raspy voice.

The lady with the raspy voice was often thought to be a man during her communication with customers on the phone, which had been frustrating her. She was worried if she could ever change it.

Upon listening to her voice and examining it, I found out the problem was more on the excessive strength she put on her vocal folds (cords), accompanied by the shallow breathing habit. This made her voice sound too strong and manly, giving people an impression of being angry or rude.

The first key was to correct her breathing pattern, using her diaphragm to support her breath, instead of too much strength put on the vocal folds.

The second key was to power her voice with resonance to lessen the unnecessary pressure she put on her vocal folds.

Gratefully, she was able to work really hard. At the end of the workshop on the 2nd day, while we were watching her "after workshop" recording, not only myself, but the other participants were surprised to see her voice being softened!

The secret behind her improvement was diaphragmatic breathing and resonance. They are the solutions to almost all voice problems. Once you master them, you'll find projecting your voice is effortless in any situations. You'll never need as much strength as you sigh. How much strength do you use when you sigh? That is the exact strength you use in projecting your voice.

Cynthia is a voice and speech coach and trainer, based in Singapore. She helps you discover your inner true voice that is authentic and confident. She also helps organizations on voice and presentation skills training. To get more updates on voice through articles, podcasts and video lessons, subscribe Cynthia's newsletter on her website -

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