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April 29, 2012

Mistakes - What To Do When You Make Them

Mistakes really are brilliant! Do you know why?

No matter what error in judgment you may make, whether it's in your relationships, personally, professionally, or financially, you can learn something valuable about you, another, or this mysterious world we inhabit.

Some slip ups are bigger than others and you might even pay dearly in one way or another for them. Others come with consequences or price tags and you probably will wish you wouldn't have made them, but you did, and that's okay.

You can't turn the clocks back but you can make great progress and move forward from them regardless of what they might be.

There are countless inspirational stories from people, including myself, who have made drastic and life-altering mistakes and you can learn to rise from and above them.

Making blunders is part of being human. To me, it's how we learn. If we never made any errors, how would we know when we are on or off track in ourselves and on our journeys?

Sometimes you might not know where your oversights came from. All of a sudden, wham, you are doing or saying something you never thought you would because you are acting from an emotionally charged place, the lapse of reason space.

You detached, for a time being, from your internal knowingness, the God within, Consciousness, Oneness. Sometimes you may not even know or believe this space exists and that it often is found through one's errors.

Most mistakes are made because we temporarily lose perspective. I refer to as "wiggin out".

When we "wig out", we are operating from our emotions, not from our center, and it is not always the best side of ourselves, especially if you are on the receiving end.

We forget "our connection" and become disconnected by feelings of jealousy, inadequacies, fears, anger, sadness, guilt, stress, anxiousness, etc.

Our reactions to, and from, these unwanted emotions are often the culprit to our lack of perspective and union. They often result in our errors which, in return, are offering us opportunities to learn and gain incredible and life changing insights.

What's crucial is not that you have faltered, it's where you go once you have.

If you beat yourself up, don't. Pick yourself up, and brush yourself off.

Take responsibility for your mistake(s) and make amends where you can.

Forgive yourself and others for slipping-up, it happens along our journey.

Look at what you have, or are learning about yourself or another, or the situation at hand through your mistake. This is so valuable and can make a world of difference.

Sometimes the end result of our errors like loss of a relationship, money, job, etc, doesn't always work out, at the time, for what seems like the best for us but other times, or in the future, our mistake leads us to even greater heights and outcomes than we ever imagined.

Look at your lapse as just that, a lapse of connection. A disconnect from source, from your inner knowingness, from that which is and always is. Now you have an opportunity to reconnect and gain significant knowledge you may not have had if you hadn't made an error.

Your mistakes are for your learning, growth and expansion as a human and spiritual being. It's up to you how and what you do after you make them.

When you are connected to God, or whatever you believe this to be, there is right in our wrongs.

Next time you make a mistake, look to it for learning.

The Insight Technique assists you in moving through your mistakes as well as gaining valuable insights from and through them.

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique&trade.

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Kimberley is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy and Polarity Therapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in transforming limiting mindsets.

Soar through the limiting beliefs holding you back and experience the freedom of unlimited possibilities.

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