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April 19, 2012

Tough Times: What to Do When You Feel Everything Is Falling Apart

In tough times when it feels like everything is falling apart, we look for meaning. We are often dragged down to our rock-bottom and search for ways to climb back up; to get back to what we know matters most - our health, well-being and happiness, our family and friends, and making a difference where a difference needs to be made. The problem is that we are so frequently beat up by the negativity in the world, and the pressures we put on ourselves, that we don't have a clue about where to start. Yet, the simple truth is that pulling your bootstraps up and getting back on track to living a full and happy life starts with you!

How can you pull out of being a victim and get back to living a full and happy life?

First, establish what is and is not important in your life. Love, family, relationship, purpose, and compassion - these are what's important. What is not important is the car you drive, where you live, or the balance of your savings account! Money and things can't hug us. Only people can.

Second, get committed to taking care of you first. Being a forward and positive thinker requires you to have your batteries charged. To shake off negativity and be ready to take the world on, you have got to be mentally and physically rested, and you won't be if you aren't taking care of yourself. You ask, "What about my family? What about my boss/employees?" Taking the time to take care of you first, will give you the energy and passion you need to take care of others in your life. Think about it: When are you most productive? When you are happy and rested or when you are worn out and feeling down in the dumps?

Third, have a written plan for where you want to go and how you are going to get there. Without a written plan that spells out where you want to go, what you want to achieve, or the difference you want to make on this planet (and the dates by when you will make it all happen) you won't get there, or you will be so tired when you do get there that you won't be able to enjoy it!

Fourth, build an accountability team. We are all creatures of habit, and without a team holding us accountable for taking care of ourselves first we easily slip back into old habits. Ask your team - your spouse/significant other, siblings, children, co-workers - to hold you accountable for taking care of you and for following your plan.

Fifth, be in action in your own behalf. If you see something you don't like, you have got to be willing to 1) do something about it or 2) stop complaining. Remember: the only way a mouse in the house gets away with cleaning out the pantry is when the owner shrugs their shoulders and says: "There isn't anything I can do!"

Pulling up your bootstraps and creating happiness, is really nothing more than making a choice to get off the ground, move forward positively, and create your own happiness. If there were a happy pill, I would give it to every single person on the planet. Yet, there is something about the sometimes elusive nature of happiness and contentment that makes me think happiness is just that much more "happy" when we actually choose it, appreciate it and work for it.

So, choose to take care of you. Choose to be positive even when the world around you is being negative. Choose to be in action! You, your family, your business/employees/co-workers, your neighbors, and the world in general need people who will stand up and choose happiness! What do you choose?

A well-known executive business coach, Clay Nelson is no ordinary, fly-by night, new-to-the-game coach! Clay Nelson has been coaching executives for over 30 years. Coaching from the core fact that growing people is the key to growing any business, Clay has helped countless business executives and their teams come together to not just improve their businesses, but to improve their lives. Clay's personal life experience, years of coaching, and his natural abilities to motivate, teach, and develop leaders is what makes him stand apart as a leader in the field... committed to making a difference wherever a difference needs to be made.

Clay Nelson is also a well-regarded motivational and educational speaker, providing outstanding programs customized to the audiences he is speaking with. Able to speak on any number of topics within his noted specialties, Clay Nelson is known for moving audiences from the status quo to action as they create the businesses and lives they say they want to have.

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