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April 10, 2012

More Students Buying Class Notes

The college student that finds it challenging to write notes at the same time they are listening to a lecture, or who missed an essential lecture when they skipped a class, will be pleased to know that there is someone taking your college notes when you cannot.

Students are able to share class notes online for free or sell them on websites like, and Although there is mixed feedback from professors, the college notes service is on the upward rise.

Students have wanted to do this activity for a long time. The websites facilitates the ease of students being open with each other and being collaborative with their counterparts.

The note-taking market was formally small, neighbourhood stores in towns where a college is located. The same kind of service can now be obtained online.

The websites also make students able to create online communities, make up study groups as well as provide feedback by way of giving a rating to the class notes that each produce. Unlike several local stores of this kind, the websites provide notes that can be downloaded at any time - night or day. There is also college study guides available.

As more college students are visiting the internet to purchase class notes, the online business shift are causing customary note-taking services to try to modernize their model of business.

Is Purchasing College Notes a Pro or a Con?

To try to standardize the business, policies have been developed by some schools. Like for a few universities, for example, there is a policy requiring local note-takers to let the Office of the Provost be aware and get the go-ahead from the course instructor.

All over the country, students are able to look for items such as college study guides on the websites from whatever school they want and use credit card or PayPal to securely and quickly download files.

Class notes as well as other items of digital form are added by giving essential information, uploading files and let your price be known. Share knowledge with peers by posting everything and anything students may look for.

Students as well as instructors can create college study guides simply by looking over book content or class notes and arranging some questions as well as answers to main topics that are expected to be on a test.

The process of creating the study guide can be very benefiting to the students as they get to concentrate on the important material. Going through the guide afterwards to study will give further boost for students to master what was taught.

Adam runs the website Notesurf, which allows students to buy and sell class notes.

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