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April 3, 2012

The Arrogance of Architecture and Expensive Suits

Have you ever noticed that when someone wants to exert their authority over you, the first thing they do is dress up in a suit and tie, act professional, or build very large big buildings with exotic architecture to show their great strength and bigness. It's all a bunch of baloney really - a man, a leader, or even a politician is only as good as their strength of character and earned ego (not nonsensical projected ego) underneath the hat and suit and inside those blue suede shoes. Okay so let's talk about this for second shall we?

The Egyptians built great big pyramids, the Greeks and Romans built incredible architecture, the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incans built very large buildings in their civilization as well. The Catholic Church came to power with elaborate, and ominous churches, and let's not forget the czars in Russia, or the Chinese with their great wall, and huge dynasty compounds. In fact, you can go to any nation or human culture anywhere on this planet, and look at the old architecture - they were signs of authority, strength, and power over the people.

Then, we've all heard the quote; "the Emperor has no clothes," and although that is just a story, in reality we all know that Humpty Dumpty was pushed, and all the king's horses and men couldn't put him back together again, nor did they want to - this should be a lesson to us of the value of an individual, or the strength of the leader within that person, it does not come from an external image that they have projected whether it be through the arrogance of architecture or the expensive suits they wear, the limos they drive in, the teleprompter they read (whoops did I just give away my politics there, strike that one) or the red carpet they walk in on to get their Academy Awards (whoops I keep doing it, but I digress).

It is amazing however how easily our population is fooled by nonsensical image building and branding tricks. An individual should be judged by who they are, what they are about, and their integrity, commitment, will, perseverance, and dedication to the cause - whatever that cause may be. Demanding that we put them on pedestals, or are forced to look at giant billboards with their picture everywhere we go around the civilization or society is complete and utter bunk and BS. Just because someone has built a big building in their name, doesn't mean they are of greatness.

After all, they aren't the ones who built, it was built by human labor, and what they probably consider to be the little people. How arrogant indeed. Now then, I'd like you to please consider all this and think on it, because I present it to you as only a political philosophical thought, and not aimed at any of our current leadership, however if the shoe fits they are already wearing it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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