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April 30, 2012

Haircare Tips!

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The Unsung Heroes of Every Generation

The future foundation of our society' was how one bearded Irishman put it in his rant on Wall Street via a now-famous YouTube video. He was not, of course referring, to the Wall Street bankers, but to teachers.

This is my own rant, aimed at systems of human beings that have come to the decision that public school teachers could be deemed expendable. I simply cannot see how one can justify a layoff of one public school teacher in a developed economy where the same cost-cutting measures could be spread across many of the different sectors in that economy. No, I'm not going to name the different public schools in the United States that have become prey to the downsizing effect simply because the United States is the easiest country to point a figure at. That's only the case because of the vast amount of media reports publicizing these layoffs are only so expediently available at the click of your mouse.

Let me make this clear. This is NOT an attack on the American/Western way of governing. This isn't a critique of the American system of governing. Why? Because this isn't an American issue - at least not exclusively. THIS IS A HUMANISTIC ISSUE, a problem for humanity as a collective to solve, because these layoffs are not happening in one place at a certain point in time.

Every job in an economy is important - every job contributes to a state's welfare. Some, however, are more important than others. There's absolutely no shame in that. But please try to persuade yourself that academia doesn't fit in the all-star category. Think of it. Every single aspect of human development - at least those that us human beings have control over - has come through the efforts of academics. From the language you're reading this article in (hopefully this reads English to you), to the language of writing you would choose to criticize this article; from the logic of reasoning your mathematics teacher instilled in you growing up, to the study of your religion (the list goes on and on). How can one dismiss the fact that this cornerstone of our society can be sacrificed for anything else? It is with this sacrifice, of course, that the teacher gets caught in the crossfire.

Leave politics aside for a minute; leave the fact that the man or the committee on the chair(s) has to take hard, sometimes unthinkable decisions. Leave the economic mess that we're in, with no clear sight as to when this freaking nightmare will end. Have we, as a humane society, dropped down to this? Foregoing the enhancement of our children's' education and why? Because someone thought 'Well hey, we tried different suppliers, we tried getting the municipality to reduce our leasing fees, we tried working with the school board on this, we tried everything. There's just no other way, WE GOTTA LET YOU GO.'

If an economy's most important resource is education, as many (including yours truly) believe, how can we layoff a single bearer of academia? How can we accept one public school teacher - who also needs his half-decent pay-scale to put his own kids through school- to be downsized?

For those of you too immersed in popular culture to research for yourself, I would recommend watching season 4 David Simon's The Wire, which deals with the harsh, realistic conditions in which public schools have to contend with in Baltimore, Maryland. For a more idealized reference, look for a debate on Aaron Sorkin's The West Wing. Season 1, Episode 18: Six Meetings Before Lunch. Rob Lowe's character Sam Seaborn gives this excerpt, which I will close this article with.

"Education is the silver bullet, education is everything. We don't need little changes; we need gigantic, monumental changes. Schools should be palaces. The competition for the best teachers should be fierce. They should be making six-figure salaries. Schools should be incredibly expensive for governments and absolutely free of charge to its citizens, just like national defense. That's my position...I just haven't figured out how to do it yet."

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April 29, 2012

Mistakes - What To Do When You Make Them

Mistakes really are brilliant! Do you know why?

No matter what error in judgment you may make, whether it's in your relationships, personally, professionally, or financially, you can learn something valuable about you, another, or this mysterious world we inhabit.

Some slip ups are bigger than others and you might even pay dearly in one way or another for them. Others come with consequences or price tags and you probably will wish you wouldn't have made them, but you did, and that's okay.

You can't turn the clocks back but you can make great progress and move forward from them regardless of what they might be.

There are countless inspirational stories from people, including myself, who have made drastic and life-altering mistakes and you can learn to rise from and above them.

Making blunders is part of being human. To me, it's how we learn. If we never made any errors, how would we know when we are on or off track in ourselves and on our journeys?

Sometimes you might not know where your oversights came from. All of a sudden, wham, you are doing or saying something you never thought you would because you are acting from an emotionally charged place, the lapse of reason space.

You detached, for a time being, from your internal knowingness, the God within, Consciousness, Oneness. Sometimes you may not even know or believe this space exists and that it often is found through one's errors.

Most mistakes are made because we temporarily lose perspective. I refer to as "wiggin out".

When we "wig out", we are operating from our emotions, not from our center, and it is not always the best side of ourselves, especially if you are on the receiving end.

We forget "our connection" and become disconnected by feelings of jealousy, inadequacies, fears, anger, sadness, guilt, stress, anxiousness, etc.

Our reactions to, and from, these unwanted emotions are often the culprit to our lack of perspective and union. They often result in our errors which, in return, are offering us opportunities to learn and gain incredible and life changing insights.

What's crucial is not that you have faltered, it's where you go once you have.

If you beat yourself up, don't. Pick yourself up, and brush yourself off.

Take responsibility for your mistake(s) and make amends where you can.

Forgive yourself and others for slipping-up, it happens along our journey.

Look at what you have, or are learning about yourself or another, or the situation at hand through your mistake. This is so valuable and can make a world of difference.

Sometimes the end result of our errors like loss of a relationship, money, job, etc, doesn't always work out, at the time, for what seems like the best for us but other times, or in the future, our mistake leads us to even greater heights and outcomes than we ever imagined.

Look at your lapse as just that, a lapse of connection. A disconnect from source, from your inner knowingness, from that which is and always is. Now you have an opportunity to reconnect and gain significant knowledge you may not have had if you hadn't made an error.

Your mistakes are for your learning, growth and expansion as a human and spiritual being. It's up to you how and what you do after you make them.

When you are connected to God, or whatever you believe this to be, there is right in our wrongs.

Next time you make a mistake, look to it for learning.

The Insight Technique assists you in moving through your mistakes as well as gaining valuable insights from and through them.

Kimberley Cohen is the Founder, Facilitator and Personal Insight Coach of The Insight Technique&trade.

Sign up today for your FREE Special Report - 3 Key Insights That Can Change Your Life!

Kimberley is certified in Body Mind Counselling, Process Oriented Body Work and Spiritual Psychotherapy and Polarity Therapy. She founded the Insight Technique™ - Your Insight to genuine Happiness, Purpose and Prosperity to assist herself and others in transforming limiting mindsets.

Soar through the limiting beliefs holding you back and experience the freedom of unlimited possibilities.

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California Smooth

Learn more about California Smooth's professional Keratin smoothing

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April 28, 2012

Healthy Heatless Curls On Relaxed Hair Pt 2.

How to achieve healthy heatless curls on relaxed hair. Remember no heat = mainly no damage! Part 3:

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What the Etch A Sketch Really Reveals

While Mitt Romney continues his limp toward the Republican nomination, his Etch A Sketch moment has revealed and even deeper and more fundamental flaw in his campaign strategy.

While there is a part of me that is pained to see a favorite childhood toy become a political metaphor, it shows that his campaign ultimately sees this election as less about the mettle and personal characteristics of the candidate and much more about the environment in which he is running. Hence, the example used by Romney's senior campaign advisor Eric Fehrnstrom. In his mind, it was an apt example of the way they see the world, they keep drawing pictures to please the audience and they can simply clear it away and move onto the next drawing, because in the end this election is not about the candidates rather about the conditions in which this campaign is taking place.

A tough economy, high gas-prices, rampant unemployment, lackluster approval ratings, ask any student of politics and they would say this doesn't bode well for the incumbent President. The mistake of this mindset it that it ignores the human nature of most voters-they want to vote for a candidate and not against them.

This fallacy pervades much of partisan politics and will certainly undermine Romney with the conservative wing of the Republican Party. While many primary voters continue to pull the lever for Rick Santorum in his increasing quixotic bid for the nomination, they say they will support the eventual nominee even if it is Romney. The truth is that while some may do it, many will not be motivated to go to the polls and their lack of enthusiasm will pervade the race at every turn.

Which brings us back to Romey's Etch a Sketch strategy for the fall. The campaign seems to believe that by simply pointing out how bad things are, they do not have to present a candidate who actually gives people something to get excited about. Shake it up, start over, and try a new design-loads of fun for an eight-year-old in the 70's and not the way to electoral success in 2012.

All this brings us back to the issue everyone keeps talking about and to which the Romney campaign seems impervious-Mitt keeps redesigning himself with no more solidity then the sand on the screen. Who is this man? What does he really stand for? Is he passionate about anything other than making money and continuing his father's political lineage?

My guess is that like so many heir apparents their life, while blessed by money and position, has done little to support an understanding of who they truly are and what they really care about. Romney's campaign has brought this into stark relief and the only perplexing piece is why it has done little to bring about any introspection on his part. Which explains the strategy if they can't give people any solidity on what they are voting for let's get them to vote against the opponent.

Sadly, this tactic rarely works and that is the good news; despite all we are faced with in the world today, our human spirit is touched more by the desire to believe in, then it is to fight against. No, this won't be true for everyone this November and I am confident that it will be enough to see President Obama re-elected.

Let's hope in Romney's doomed strategy that perhaps he finds the courage to speak his own voice. While it won't assuage the right-wing, it may give him some small satisfaction that the past few years have produced at least some positive impact. And in knowing that many will be going to the polls this November is search of something better, let us hope that President Obama gets the message and the courage to actually bring his visions into reality instead of building them on shifting sands.

Kathleen Schafer is at the forefront of leadership development with more than 20 years experience. Grounded in the rough and tumble world of politics, experienced in business, honed in academia and broadened by her own journey to create a balanced life, she brings remarkable insights on how individuals can develop their leadership potential to successfully create productive and fulfilling lives. Kathleen's personal presence in one-on-one coaching, seminars, and keynote presentations transforms people's perspective on what they can accomplish and how to walk it in the real world everyday. Her leadership tools are simple, easy to understand allow you to quickly integrate them into your life, starting now!

If you are interested in creating change in your life, your organization or your community, please visit for additional resources, podcasts, on-line courses, and tools to start your leadership journey today.

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April 26, 2012

How to Wear Gold Jewelry This Spring

People have been making jewelry out of gold for a long time. Artisans during the Copper Age started working with the precious metal as early as the 4th millennium BC. Gold was prized for its beauty, rarity, and versatility by most of the great civilizations of antiquity. The Ancient Egyptians had a special relationship with the metal. Investments in mining technology and a commitment to prospecting made gold one of their most valuable natural resources.The Greeks were also fond of gold, but the Romans were downright obsessed with it. Their enormous empire gave them access to lands where the

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Stop the Insanity

Einstein's ubiquitous quote about the definition of insanity as "doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result," is so widely used because we see this behavior all the time, particularly in election season. Armed with enthusiasm and often more money than sense, candidates dutifully make the rounds telling crowds what everyone wants to hear-that by simply pushing the button for the "right" candidate on Election Day it will solve all our problems. Lulled into complacency by rousing rhetoric and adoring crowds, politician and public alike support each other's lunacy by believing that what they are doing is truly making a difference.

Before the sobering reality of the morning-after Election Day hits and we begin tearing down those who we have just built up, perhaps we can take a moment to reflect on what really creates change.

- Ryan Hreljac, was a six-year-old Canadian boy so upset upon learning that many children in African didn't have access to clean water that he began raising money to build his first well there by the time he was seven. Now a college student his foundation has built 319 wells in Africa and impacted the lives of tens of thousands of people including his own in many various and magnificent ways.

- Leymah Gbowee was a homeless mother of three children having been abused by her husband. In her war torn home of Liberia she worked herself through school in trauma counseling before becoming the head of a peace movement that toppled the dictatorial regime of Charles Taylor, allowing the election of the country's first female president. In her historic remarks before the President and other government officials, she stood for her values and spoke for thousands of Liberian women, "We are tired of war. We are tired of running... We are now taking this stand, to secure the future of our children. Because we believe, as custodians of society, tomorrow our children will ask us, "Mama, what was your role during the crisis?"

These are only two of numerous examples of ordinary people, who by simply following their conscious and doing what they can to change the world-did it. They didn't wait until they had money, neither did. They didn't wait until they were in a position of authority; neither of them was. And they didn't let the "reality" of the world stop them from being their best. A young Canadian boy who wished to help Africans and a poor women from Liberia quite literally changed the world because they did not let others to tell them what they could or couldn't do and they didn't wait for someone else to it for them-they believed in themselves and they took action to make their vision a reality.

So why are we constantly lulled into the belief that elected officials will actually change things? Because it feels easier to think that "someone else" will solve the problem, rather than sinking into our knowing that we are the only ones who can truly change things. And like providing drugs to an addict, elected officials are all too willing to tell us they are the ones who will be different, who will change things. The truth we all know is that there is nothing elected officials can do for us, there are only the steps that we can make together that will ever have any lasting impact. No, I don't believe that every political leader is a drug dealer, and there are too many of them who refuse to talk about what is really going to make a difference for fear it will turn the voters off. Instead they make promises they can't keep and then tell it us it was the fault of the "other side" when they don't.

The way forward is to stop believing that someone else is going to make the changes we wish to see in the world. Right now we have two ends of the spectrum searching for this reality. In Egypt we see a fledging democracy trying to avoid Western control while the political players fight for position and power as good as their American counterparts. In the US, citizens are engaged in the quadrennial pastime of testing their ability to suspend logic and believe in the power of elections to solve our problems.

For both countries, and indeed the world, the answer lies in our capacity to trust ourselves and to know that true democracy is not about ceding power to the elected, rather it is found in the glory of each person bringing their best to the community. And perhaps the best place to begin is by answering a question posed by one successful leader, "what was your role during the crisis." Now think about the answer you would give your children-then go start doing it.

Kathleen Schafer is at the forefront of leadership development with more than 20 years experience. Grounded in the rough and tumble world of politics, experienced in business, honed in academia and broadened by her own journey to create a balanced life, she brings remarkable insights on how individuals can develop their leadership potential to successfully create productive and fulfilling lives. Kathleen's personal presence in one-on-one coaching, seminars, and keynote presentations transforms people's perspective on what they can accomplish and how to walk it in the real world everyday. Her leadership tools are simple, easy to understand allow you to quickly integrate them into your life, starting now!

If you are interested in creating change in your life, your organization or your community, please visit for additional resources, podcasts, on-line courses, and tools to start your leadership journey today.

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April 25, 2012

UFO Sightings: Reality or a Myth!

Flying saucers have always generated much curiosity among many giving rise to stories about extraterrestrials or even alien abductions. It is a field of interest for many and a passion for others. This has led to the emergence of a semi-scientific area of research called Ufology. Our world would be less colorful without the mystifying world of UFO sightings. UFO or Unidentified Flying Objects are unusual objects that are seen in the sky which leave the observers wondering about their true nature, their origin and much more. Whether these objects really exists or not is still a debatable topic, as there is no full proof evidence of its existence.

Many believe in the existence of UFO as UFO sightings were reported in the past. There is also evidence of sightings of these objects. The first UFO sighting has still remained a mystery. However, UFO sightings today are practically synonymous with aliens. Millions of people have come forward claiming to witness a UFO. Many sightings have occurred throughout recorded history from World War I, when flurry of such incidents were reported.

One such incidence of an unidentified flying object being sighted, and widely publicized and investigated, was the Roswell 1947. This incident occurred when there was a violent storm in Roswell New Mexico in 1947. The residents of New Mexico town were reported to have seen a disc-like object flying through the sky. Metallic debris was recovered from the site. The properties of the metal reported were different and strange. It was believed that the metal disc was a UFO. However, after investigation, it was reported that the object was a weather balloon. Evidence of such sightings can also be found in the biblical records. In these records, an assumption was made that flying saucers were the vehicles of fallen angels when Elijah was carried into the sky. There are reports that there were alien meets during biblical times, which proves sightings of aliens in the bible. People described it as a wheel within a wheel which could be an indication that it was actually an alien spacecraft. However, the questions concerning UFO sightings and Bible still remain unanswered. Much UFO news has been doing the rounds about people reporting such events. There was news of a UFO photo vanishing from British Ministry of Defense office and many more, to name a few. In modern times, spotting a UFO has become a common. Many describe them as flying objects which are shaped like huge spheres also called as flying saucers.

Like aliens sightings, there are various stories about the 2012 doomsday, which speculate on the end of the world in 2012. As Mayan calendar ends in 2012 it is said that the world will end on 21st December, 2012. The end could either be due to collisions with comets and planets or by a magnetic polar shift that will give rise to earthquakes and tsunamis. The number of UFO sightings has increased drastically raising the possibility for many of some credibility in the UFO 2012 story.

Chuck Marino is the author of this article on ufo 2012. Find more information, about 2012 doomsday here

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How to Sell Your Timeshare Safely Under the New European Timeshare Directive

Buying and selling timeshares can be a worrying thing for most, horror stories circulate and people get stung, lose money and think less of the industry as a whole. It doesn't have to be such a traumatic and damaging experience, the European Timeshare Directive coupled with a bit of savvy can make the whole experience a lot less painful.February 2012 saw many European countries sign up to a new European Timeshare Directive, this initiative, spurred on by the European Commission, was to protect timeshare sellers and prospective buyers from a market that has a patchy history at best.There have

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April 24, 2012

French Roads And Driving In France

The French Roads And Driving In FranceAfter our last article we thought that this may be of help as well...Some helpful driving tips and guidelines for the French roads in France to hopefully keep you out of trouble.French Road Speed LimitsWe did mention this last time but the speed limits are different from the UK and are actually slightly faster, but these are also always shown in kilometres rather than miles per hour.So the speed limits on motorways are 130km per hour, but this is reduced in bad weather down to 110km per hour.Then on a duel carriageway is only 110km per hour and main roads

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The Most Important Quality To Create Success Is Focus Of Mind

The key to putting this knowledge into place is to fully understand its power and simplicity. It will take a few days to build the momentum, but it will be well worth it.

1. Always live in the moment

This means putting your whole mind and life on what you are doing, as you are doing it. This is the only place where your mind should be. If you continue to live in the moment all the time, you will find it easier to access and connect to the subconscious mind within you. You will feel more alive and energised that good things are happening all around, and this will enhance your chances of achieving good success.

To live in the moment means concentrating on what you are doing and only that. There should be no thoughts on anything else. It takes practises to bring this quality into place, but it can be achieved by everyone. You need to be putting immense effort in and pushing yourself hard to your goals. This process is the best way to achieve exceptional results for anything. As you live in the moment, the subconscious mind gets accessed, and its inner resources get released. Your mind becomes powerful and you can get more of the things you want out of life that way.

2. Imagine your success as you want it to be

When you begin to imagine things as you want it to be, you send new signals to your unconscious mind. The mind then re-wires itself to make those things become more of a reality for you in the physical world.

You should spend 10 minutes every single day imagining your life going perfectly well and everything going perfect. This is a great way to access more of your inner resources and makes it easier to move quickly to what you want. Things you can imagine are how you want things to go in your life. What kind of house do you want to live in and who do you want to associate with? What things will you say to yourself every day? How would your life look if you were doing everything perfectly well and everything was truly amazing? This is the types of sensation you need to have on a regular basis. You need to be imagining things going in a resourceful way. When you feel true confidence flowing through your system, it becomes easier to move quickly to your goals.

You can also imagine your confidence as you achieve the things you want out of life. How confident would you feel being totally motivated and congruent with that of a millionaire? How good would you feel driving your dream car and knowing that everything is going perfectly well? Imagining things going perfectly well in your life and truly getting into the experience will change the way the unconscious mind communicates. This then begins to draw the real possibility of those things into your experiences.

Try these two steps above and see what it can do for you.

Please visit our how to increase IQ site to learn more about how to use your mind for achieving success.

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April 23, 2012

Natural Hair Update - New Protective Style - Chunky Braids And Small Singles - Apr 12

This video is part picture with a tutorial at the end. The tutorial was requested, so I hope you enjoy it, and like the style. This is especially good for those trying to grow out edges/hairline.. As this style does not put any pressure on the

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April 22, 2012

My Haircare Routine - How to make your hair grow FASTER!

Visit my blog! This is my everyday (or every OTHER day) routine for taking care of my hair. I'll show you my routine, some tips on styling and how to make you hair grow longer! Product Mentioned - Tresemme Natural Radiant Volume Shampoo - Tresemme Natural Radiant Volume Conditioner - Garnier Fructisse Sleek and Shine Leave-In Conditioner - Fredric Fekkai Glossing Crème - Suave Professional Heat Protection Spray - Extra Virgin Olive Oil - Pantene Pro-V Anti-Breakage Detangling

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The Wonderful Walrus

When travellers arrive on their polar holidays expecting to see a myriad different creatures, one of the animals that inevitably makes the 'top three' list is the Walrus - and though it may seem hard to believe without seeing these impressive animals in the flesh, there are plenty of reasons for such high regard. The Walrus is a fascinating creature in its appearance, habits, and even in the way it became an integral force in the mythology and culture of the surrounding communities, who hunted the walrus for its meat, fat, tusks, and bone. Visitors hoping to catch a glimpse of these animals will be well rewarded - after all, with their size, they're pretty hard to miss!

Tough Tusks

Undoubtedly one of the most fascinating features you'll note about the Walrus during your polar holidays is the giant creatures' tusks. Believe it or not, these elongated canines can reach lengths of up to one metre in both males and females - even though you might not be able to get close enough to measure them from tip to gum! The tusks are generally larger among males, where they're used for fighting and dominance displays. No matter the gender of Walrus, though, their tusks come in useful in their everyday life - such as to help make holes in ice, or to aid in dragging prey out from the sea and onto a solid surface.

Predators and Prey

Due to its great bulk and intimidating tusks, the Walrus enjoys a life of relative safety from predators. It only needs to worry about two creatures hungry for a Walrus snack - the Orca, and the Polar Bear. Luckily, however, the Walrus isn't a large part of either predator's diet, meaning there are always plenty around to see on your polar holidays.

Myth and Legend

The Walrus features prominently in the religion and folklore of many Arctic communities. In one version of the folktale 'Myth of the Raven' (where Raven recovers the stolen sun and moon from a spirit by seducing his daughter), the father hurls the daughter from a high cliff in retribution, and as she plummets into the water she transformed into the original Walrus. According to legend, the tusks were originally formed from the tears of the weeping girl. However, the Walrus has also featured in more modern stories across the world - those two distinctive tusks making them an instantly recognizable creature, whether on polar holidays or in the pages of an illustrated children's book. One of the greatest examples is from Lewis Carrol's poem, 'The Walrus and the Carpenter', that appeared in his seminal 'Through the Looking-Glass', in 1871.

Marissa Ellis-Snow is a freelance nature writer. If you're looking for polar holidays, Naturetrek specialise in expert-led natural history and wildlife tours worldwide. Naturetrek bring over 25 years of experience to polar holidays and other spectacular regions on Earth.

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April 21, 2012

Chaz shows you how to use WEN on fine thin hair

Danielle has thin fine hair and oily scalp but her ends are still dry. Chaz Dean shows how easy it is to treat oily scalp and dry ends with WEN Cleansing Conditioner.

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Marrying the Humanities to Physics for Optimal Innovation

The ideal of the Renaissance man has permeated western education for centuries. It is symbolic of our longing to nurture human potential to its highest level through a well-rounded education in science, philosophy, art, mathematics, and ethics.

This ideal has been embodied by such intellectual giants as da Vinci, Galileo and Newton. Their innovative accomplishments grew out of their integration of advanced knowledge in several fields.

Modern Questions Require Innovative Answers

Our modern dilemmas of environmental destruction and weakening global economies, beg advanced and creative solutions. Such ideas and strategies arise from a balance of science and the "softer" disciplines. Technology and culture are at their best when integrated for the good of mankind.

An encouraging sign of the times is the fact that almost 40% of Yale's student body chooses to major in the Humanities. They realize that academic training and research in subjects like history, languages, comparative cultures and rhetoric will not only enrich their lives, but hopefully the lives of generations to come.

Yet the practical value of humanistic studies is still questioned on a regular basis.

Swedish Enterprise Prefers Technology to the Humanities

Recently, The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Sweden's leading business advocacy group) published a report called "The Art of Messing Up a Life." This report presents data showing how education in the Arts and Humanities puts students at a disadvantage because of the limited earning potential these degrees offer. Graduates also take longer to find employment according to the report. Even the quality of coursework in the Humanities is questioned.

The Dean of the School of Humanities at Lund University in southern Sweden, Prof. Lynn Akesson has commented on this report. Her data refutes the conclusions in it. Facts show a more positive prognosis for students of the Humanities as regards employment and future earnings.

Above all, Professor Akesson is surprised that debating the value of technological education versus cultural studies, is still happening. In our times, well-educated humanists are clearly needed (and also employed) in all sectors and most organizations.

Bringing out the Best of Both Worlds

The dean would like to see students of the Humanities have more contact with technical subjects at the University. Integrating cultural and historical perspectives in the development of new technologies, can result in unique, highly lucrative innovations in both business and society.

Will Sweden Be the First to Take This Bold Step?

Dean Akesson would also like to see Lund University propose to the government, that for every new, major investment in scientific laboratories, a percentage be earmarked for research in the Humanities. This would help counter the tendency to overlook humanistic contributions to society, while favoring the more easily quantified contributions of science and technology.

Lund University in a Unique Position

In Lund, there are two, very large scientific laboratories in the pipeline: Max Lab IV for studying accelerator and nuclear physics, and the European Spallation Source (ESS) which will expand our knowledge of material science at the neutron level.

When these state-of-the-art laboratories make new discoveries in the decades ahead, we need to study how they will affect us, our culture, and the generations to come.

In the spirit of the Renaissance, this will deepen and expand our understanding of the world and our place in it.

Then - as now - the Humanities are a strong component in the mix.

Lund, Sweden

March 2012

About the Author: Janet Boynton Runeson is a freelance web copywriter and director of Entrepreneurial Copy. With several advanced degrees in the humanities, fine arts and economics, she has extensive experience in international marketing and specializes in cultural awareness.

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April 20, 2012

Outdoor Adventures During Your UK Beach Holidays

UK beach holidays are sure to be exciting because of the outdoor adventures you can do. You can have the time of your life in the southwest region of England but you need to organize and plan it well. You can do a plethora of outdoor activities during your UK beach holidays. Whether you want privacy or the fun crowd, you will find it here. Visit historic sites and beaches, gardens and farms, golf clubs and theme parks - if you want to enjoy your vacation to the fullest.The Pirate AdventureOne of the most fascinating spots that your family would love to go to during your UK beach holidays

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Happiness Is What?

What really makes us happy? Human beings are a tough group to understand. What makes one person happy does not necessarily make another person happy. Do you know what makes you happy? Does it change from day to day?....Moment to moment?...Mood to mood? We really can be finicky. But, so what if we are. Change can be a good thing.

The human condition is fraught with change. Life offers so much to decipher through. We emotionally react and often don't seem to have control over our emotions. Anything can cause an emotional response and because of that, our feelings change from moment to moment which may change our feeling of happiness. Often I question whether or not we even know what can make us happy. I think we get confused by this roller coaster ride called life when what we need to learn is to accept change, not judge emotion and realize that emotion is neither good nor bad. It simply is feeling and we place a judgment on whether the emotion is good or bad.

Perhaps you think getting the right job will make you happy. Or maybe you think if you live in the right house or in the right neighborhood, you will be happy. If you meet the right man or the right woman, then you will be happy. If you buy that perfect outfit, and look absolutely fabulous, then you will be happy. If you loose enough weight, then you will be happy. On and on it goes. There is always something out there to reach for that will bring you joy. But once you reach that goal, what happens? You find another goal. Does that mean you are never content or that you never really feel happy? You are always reaching for something more! That just seems to be the human condition. But it does not mean you cannot be happy with what you have.

People strive. We strive for more. We strive to be better. We strive to improve on our life conditions. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be the best we can be or have the best we can have. But while you are striving, be sure to appreciate all the steps along the way. Happiness can be triggered in a belly laugh, by a look, a smile, a kiss, a magnificent day, a gorgeous blue sky, a light snow fall, and on and on. Appreciate all the steps that take you where you want to go in life. If you change your mind and change direction, appreciate that process as well. But realize one thing: you are responsible for your own happiness. Happiness comes from you. So appreciate you and find your happiness within.

For more personal development, go to:

Madelynan Doyle is a licensed Counselor who has been working in New York City since 1981. Ms. Doyle can always find a positive spin on life lessons. Ms. Doyle is solution oriented. There are no "problems" only challenges which offers opportunity for growth, Ms. Doyle enjoys helping people find their own power and create their own destinies and welcomes you to her website inviting you to join in her E-Counseling and Personal Growth community.

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April 19, 2012

Hilton Head Golf Course Rates - Which Course Has the Best Rates?

At the slightest hint of warm sunny weather, golfers from all over the world begin to search the country for the best courses and with them comes the daunting tasks of finding the best golf course rates for your money. While some golfers have a specific course they have been 'dying' to try out, others love the game so much they don't care where they golf.It's lucky for those heading to Hilton Head Island golf courses because there isn't a bad golf course to be found. The temperature tends to average 70 degrees Fahrenheit during the day which is perfect golf weather!Golf Course DetailsArthur

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Tough Times: What to Do When You Feel Everything Is Falling Apart

In tough times when it feels like everything is falling apart, we look for meaning. We are often dragged down to our rock-bottom and search for ways to climb back up; to get back to what we know matters most - our health, well-being and happiness, our family and friends, and making a difference where a difference needs to be made. The problem is that we are so frequently beat up by the negativity in the world, and the pressures we put on ourselves, that we don't have a clue about where to start. Yet, the simple truth is that pulling your bootstraps up and getting back on track to living a full and happy life starts with you!

How can you pull out of being a victim and get back to living a full and happy life?

First, establish what is and is not important in your life. Love, family, relationship, purpose, and compassion - these are what's important. What is not important is the car you drive, where you live, or the balance of your savings account! Money and things can't hug us. Only people can.

Second, get committed to taking care of you first. Being a forward and positive thinker requires you to have your batteries charged. To shake off negativity and be ready to take the world on, you have got to be mentally and physically rested, and you won't be if you aren't taking care of yourself. You ask, "What about my family? What about my boss/employees?" Taking the time to take care of you first, will give you the energy and passion you need to take care of others in your life. Think about it: When are you most productive? When you are happy and rested or when you are worn out and feeling down in the dumps?

Third, have a written plan for where you want to go and how you are going to get there. Without a written plan that spells out where you want to go, what you want to achieve, or the difference you want to make on this planet (and the dates by when you will make it all happen) you won't get there, or you will be so tired when you do get there that you won't be able to enjoy it!

Fourth, build an accountability team. We are all creatures of habit, and without a team holding us accountable for taking care of ourselves first we easily slip back into old habits. Ask your team - your spouse/significant other, siblings, children, co-workers - to hold you accountable for taking care of you and for following your plan.

Fifth, be in action in your own behalf. If you see something you don't like, you have got to be willing to 1) do something about it or 2) stop complaining. Remember: the only way a mouse in the house gets away with cleaning out the pantry is when the owner shrugs their shoulders and says: "There isn't anything I can do!"

Pulling up your bootstraps and creating happiness, is really nothing more than making a choice to get off the ground, move forward positively, and create your own happiness. If there were a happy pill, I would give it to every single person on the planet. Yet, there is something about the sometimes elusive nature of happiness and contentment that makes me think happiness is just that much more "happy" when we actually choose it, appreciate it and work for it.

So, choose to take care of you. Choose to be positive even when the world around you is being negative. Choose to be in action! You, your family, your business/employees/co-workers, your neighbors, and the world in general need people who will stand up and choose happiness! What do you choose?

A well-known executive business coach, Clay Nelson is no ordinary, fly-by night, new-to-the-game coach! Clay Nelson has been coaching executives for over 30 years. Coaching from the core fact that growing people is the key to growing any business, Clay has helped countless business executives and their teams come together to not just improve their businesses, but to improve their lives. Clay's personal life experience, years of coaching, and his natural abilities to motivate, teach, and develop leaders is what makes him stand apart as a leader in the field... committed to making a difference wherever a difference needs to be made.

Clay Nelson is also a well-regarded motivational and educational speaker, providing outstanding programs customized to the audiences he is speaking with. Able to speak on any number of topics within his noted specialties, Clay Nelson is known for moving audiences from the status quo to action as they create the businesses and lives they say they want to have.

For more information go to:

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April 18, 2012

7 Easy Steps To Prepare For A Translation Project

Are you new to the translation process? Are you looking for a step by step guide on getting your documents translated?We understand that venturing into a language project may feel like a daunting task. This is the precise reason why we have prepared some easy questions for you, which will help you gather the required information for your upcoming language project.Collect the following project information:1. Language and audienceIdeally, you should know which language you would like to translate into.Why is this important? - This may sound obvious, but let's look atan example: You have an

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April 17, 2012

Achieve Happiness In The Rat Race

What is happiness? Is it having the job or business you like - that incidentally also pays or earns you enough for you to like it, having the most wonderful and loving wife, adorable kids, enviable home and hot set or sets of wheels, all bills paid and savings in the bank? Or is it being at peace with oneself?

One can argue that it is possible to be rich and successful and be at peace with oneself. The joke doing the rounds in social media goes like - money cannot buy happiness, but it better to cry in a mansion. If one achieves both material success and mental peace, there is nothing better than that.

But experience has shown that material success has no upper limit. By force of human nature, one looks up the ladder and is envious of those up there ahead of one. One does not look down the ladder to see how better off one is from those below. It is good to be ambitious to try to achieve the next rung of success, but the rat race leaves no time for being at peace with oneself.

Life becomes stressful as the nudge to perform is overbearing. The performance has to be better than x number of people who are also striving to achieve what one is after, or even more. At such times, and especially if one fails to achieve one's goals, it is quite possible for one to breakdown. A creeping sense of self-doubt enters the mind - am I not good enough? If you tried and failed it is no big deal. Remember for each success there are hundred failures. It is shameful not to try, but not so to fail after trying. You can try again.

When one breaks down, a whole lot of things are possible - alcohol or drug abuse, depression, self-destruction, violence or even mental unbalance can take over.
It is at such times that the need for being at peace with oneself manifests itself. No psychologist can help you if you do not help yourself by first promising yourself that you will not let things come to such a pass.

India has a host of Baba's and Guru's who cater to the constituency of people wanting to be at peace with themselves. Ancient Indian scriptures are full of ways and means for one to achieve this. In fact, scriptures of all religions show the way. If one is vigilant enough, one does not even need such help. Being at peace with one's inner self involves one simple mantra - doing something that brings one unbridled joy or satisfaction, with or without monetary considerations.

It is not necessary to go to a church or a temple. It is not even necessary to donate large sums of money. Gurudwaras of the Sikh religion all over the world have langars or kitchens open to any and every one. One can just go there and physically help by feeding the people who came there. It gives a lot of mental peace to be of help. Volunteers from all over the world come to Kolkata to help the poor and disabled by working with The Missionaries of Charity, the organization set up by Mother Teresa. They all come in search of peace.

The CEO of a giant corporation can achieve mental peace by taking time out and playing the guitar with a band he helps set up. It was always his ambition to play guitar on stage. A doctor can achieve the same by treating poor patients free by taking time out from his busy practice. The drift of the argument is that if something creates a load on your conscience; just do the reverse to lessen it. Do not keep wishes hidden because you think people will make fun of you.

Achieve mental peace whichever way you want, but do it before the rat race consumes you. It is not necessary to leave your successful life to do this. I will illustrate this point with a story from Hindu mythology. Narad Muni once asked God who was his greatest disciple, certainly expecting God to name the Muni himself. But God asked him to come down to Earth with him. There, God took him to a vast and barren field. A single farmer was tilling the field with his bullocks and singing melodies in praise of God. He, and people like him are my greatest disciples, God said, because they remember me all day without leaving or shirking their jobs, duties and families.

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An Online Guide to Doha Accommodation

Doha is not only the capital of Qatar but also the largest city of the country accommodating one million people. It is a an amazing multicultural city and offers some of the world's hottest tourists' attractions like Qatar National Library, souqs, plenty of shopping malls, the cornice offering picturesque architecture and dazzling views of the harbor and several historical museums. Once a small fishing village has now become one of the most popular destinations for visitors from all around the world.The city is the recipient of thousands of business and leisure visitors from four corners of

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How To| Pin Coils

◄◂▽▽▽▽▼▽▽▽▽▼ Follow Me if you'd like: Peep the blog: 6 #65 - Top Favorited (Today) - Howto & Style #162 - Most Viewed (Today) - Howto &

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April 16, 2012

The Wisdom of Youth - Or The Folly of Old Age

I have been blessed on my travels through this world to meet people who have taught much that enabled me to re-evaluate time worn wisdom.

My personal experiences of working with the elderly over a two year period and observing and listening to their perspectives I came to believe more and more that a life without purpose and meaning is a life not worth living. For many older people once they have undertaken the roles life has presented them with, they are left with huge amounts of time to fill. To end ones retirement years as many do, by watching the television screen dish out superficial programmes in the name of entertainment, must numb the real heartbreak of feeling useless in a Universe that appears to treat them as someone to be fed and watered, where real communication is lacking and a loneliness and emptiness of purpose is their lot.

There was a time when the "senior" years was regarded as a time for the "wisdom of the elders" - perhaps in some cultures this remains true, but here in the U.K. this reflection does not ring true.

Yet the wisdom of living a life of purpose and meaning with knowledge that we are part of a universal consciousness and not simply a small human being of little importance was emphasised for me when I met a young ex Israeli Soldier who shared much of his perspectives of his life's experiences with me. Yet where will the future find him say in forty years into the future?

When young we do not give thought to how we will spend the time available to us perhaps we are physically challenged and can no longer do the things that inspired us as a youth. To take some time and reflect on this could be useful and prevent long years of misery. Sadly this was the lot of some of the residents I worked with as I attempted to bring new energy and inspiration into their lives, some responded but most had given up the ghost long before I arrived in their lives.

I must concede that age is not a factor in wisdom, only experience can teach wisdom, not books, not movies that at best can point a way and at worse be a total distraction from the very need to take up the challenge of first- hand experience. Listening to the wisdom of our hearts may be the first step. That in itself is a challenge in the clamour of the noise of polluting forces as it succeeds in pulling us as far away from our hearts and souls as it is possible to go.

As a progressive and evolving being,
man is where he is that he may learn
that he may grow;
and as he learns the spiritual lesson
which any circumstance contains for him,
it passes away and gives place
to other circumstances.

James Allen

Many Articles on Experienced Spirituality, Multidimensional Reality and Personal Growth can be found on including free E-Book upon Request

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April 15, 2012

How I style my curly hair (while wet)

MY BEAUTY BLOG: follow me on twitter! "Like" my Fcebook page:

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Bolster Self-Determination - 4 Cornerstones to Strengthen Self-Discipline

"The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination." Tommy Lasorda

How would your life be different if you strengthened self-discipline? For some people 'discipline' sparks negativity so I will use 'self-determination' instead. Strengthening self-determination is one of the best things you can do to make great advancements in life and work. You gain freedom, confidence, and success. Self-determination leads to accomplishing more, perseverance, healthier choices, financial stability, a positive career/ business outlook, confidence to handle and achieve whatever comes your way, better control of time, and perceiving obstacles as only bumps in the road. Below are 4 cornerstones to bolster self-determination.

"People of mediocre ability sometimes achieve outstanding success because they don't know when to quit. Most men succeed because they are determined to." George E. Allen

Determination- Determination is resolute. Firm decisions are made with the best possible outcome in mind. The objective is established often in contrast to emotions tied to instant gratification. There is no room for excuses. You are set in your purpose. This is where strategy becomes your structure to hold you accountable to a systematic plan to reach your end result. Whether you are deciding on stopping at the donut shop next to the gym, working an elaborate project, or growing a new business determination is the first step. Pause and make the best choice with firm resolve knowing your ultimate objective.

"The minute you settle for less than you deserve, you get even less than you settled for." Maureen Dowd

Daily Discipline- This is the execution of your strategy. It is disciplining and training oneself to follow through on the best choice while refusing to give in to emotionally-based instant gratification. You carry out a regimen knowing the rewards are great. You strengthen your will to resist impulses that conflict with your best interests. When you fall down you get back up, learn from it, and continue. With free will we can alter our fate. Daily discipline provides the support system. Through this process positive transition occurs.

"Every worthwhile accomplishment, big or little, has its stages of drudgery and triumph; a beginning, a struggle and a victory." Gandhi

Discomfort- A natural part of the growth process, discomfort permeates our being when resisting an impulse. It indicates growth and rewards are on their way. Similar to muscle soreness after a workout, discomfort signifies growing pains. As you continue saying 'yes' to building skills, developing knowledge, healthier food choices, taking time for your most meaningful relationships, handling details of a project, exercising, etc. you become comfortable with discomfort.

"Winners take time to relish their work, knowing that scaling the mountain is what makes the view from the top so exhilarating." Denis Waitley

Desserts- The final course, the rewards, is sweet. When you become resolute in your determination, consistently continue daily discipline, and forge through discomfort you begin experiencing rewards. Some are slow to come but have long range, carrying you into the future with more stability. Others come while reflecting, acknowledging, and celebrating steps achieved and progress made. Do not skip these 'feel good' moments by looking at what is yet to be done. Set milestones to relish the journey along the way.

In The Mental ABCs of Pitching the author H.A. Dorfman shared, "Self-discipline is a form of freedom. Freedom from laziness and lethargy, freedom from the expectations and demands of others, freedom from weakness and fear-and doubt. Self-discipline allows a pitcher to feel his individuality, his inner strength, his talent. He is master of, rather than a slave to, his thoughts and emotions." You do not have to be a pitcher to apply this wise piece of advice. Do you currently choose to be a master or slave to your thoughts and emotions? Use the 4 cornerstones above to tap into the massive amount of strength you hold within and bolster self-determination... Starting Now!

Be Unlimited Action Challenge

Choice A- Choose one specific area to build self-determination.

~ Begin with a smaller goal to build a record of accomplishment. Choose your objective and strategy with firm determination. No hoping. It is a decision, a commitment, with firm determination to succeed.

~ Execute your strategy with daily discipline. Record in a journal each time you succeed in overcoming emotionally-based impulses by making the best choice for you. If you give into an impulse learn from it. Jot down what was going on: were you tired, hungry, sad, stressed, etc. Excuses are not an option but we can learn from them in order to take better care of ourselves and strengthen.

~ Decide what you will tell yourself about discomfort so that you continue to make the best choices.

~ Acknowledge your progress and enjoy the rewards. Congratulations! Celebrate your achievement! Continue strengthening!

Choice B- Practice building self-determination for a full month.

~ Mark the last day of the month as a Celebration Day!

~ Make a note in your smart phone, a handy notebook, or whatever works best for you each time you encounter a moment of self-determination. Note the date, day, the situation, how you felt before and after, if you used self-determination or gave into impulses.

~ Build a record of strengthening. Learn from moments of weakness.

~ Each week acknowledge your progress, growth, and any rewards.

~ Do something special to enjoy your Celebration Day! Congratulations! Continue strengthening!

Beth Tabak of is a Business & Life Coach, speaker, columnist, & owner of Starting Now. She coaches big thinkers to move beyond limits, stand out in the crowd, and experience the vastness of their capabilities. Stop by to see all that is available to you and say hello.

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April 14, 2012

How to Shave the Right Way!

Blog: Products in this video: Clinique Age Defense Hydrator SPF15: Shave Cream: Shave Gel: Clean & Clear Cleanser: CeraVe Moisturizer: Gillette Fusion Razor: Shick Hydro 3 Blade: I know this video is on the long side, but I really tried my best to cover EVERYTHING you need to know about shaving. The perfect shave is a skill you must acquire but there are definitely things you can do to reduce irritation and prevent razor burn! As always thanks for watching! BLOG: FACEBOOK

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Award Your School for Sustainability - Green Ribbon Schools Recognition Award

Children are constantly learning, and educational institutions strive to build a strong foundation for future success. They need to be taught the interrelatedness and interdependence of our local and global existence, and they should be provided the opportunity to constantly improve themselves, their learning, their school, and the environment. We need to empower children to make thoughtful and responsible decisions.

Leading through example, we can promote this initiative through our schools. The Green Ribbon Schools program is the first comprehensive green schools program by the Federal Government. Effective for the 2011-2012 school year, the program recognizes the highest performing green schools in the nation. These schools excel in environmental impact, health and education, and pave the way for a generation of socially responsible citizens. Selection is based on the National Green Ribbon Schools three pillars:

Pillar 1: Reduced environmental impact and energy efficiency

Pillar 2: Healthy school environments

Pillar 3: Environmental and sustainability education

Schools are evaluated based on their progress towards these concepts and a wide variety of green benchmark. The achievements recognized by the Green Ribbon Schools Recognition Award directly benefit School Districts. They advance the complementary aims of cutting schools' costs; fostering health, wellness and productivity; providing a well-rounded education. Healthy, high performing buildings support healthy, high performing students.

Efficiencies recognized through these green schools lead to reduced costs within the school district, allowing the district to retain employees that they could otherwise not afford. Infrastructure improvements to school facilities create jobs within the community and the school district, and save schools money.

Green schools teach healthy behaviors, and foster health, wellness and productivity. They are as vital to individual students as they are to the nation as a whole. Schools should promote high standards of nutrition, fitness and facility conditions in order to improve student and staff health, attendance and productivity.

Green initiatives aim to provide a well-rounded education to all children, enhancing achievement and engagement. Leading by example, these sustainable initiatives increase skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), skills which ensure students' college and career preparedness. In addition, students are more prepared to participate in the green economy.

Environmentally sustainable buildings serve to strengthen the nation's energy security and conserve our natural resources for future generations. Healthy behaviors, environmental awareness and environmentally sustainable facilities are as vital to students as they are to our nation.

The Green Ribbon Schools program recognizes schools "that save energy, reduce costs, feature environmentally sustainable learning spaces, protect health, foster wellness, and offer environmental education to boost academic achievement and community engagement." The deadline for this year has passed, but you can get a jumpstart on your application for next year! Applications are available on the Pennsylvania Department of Education website. This year, schools nominated by the PDE received recognition as a "Pennsylvania Pathways Green School," which included a $3,000 grant to be used to further enhance the school's curriculum in the field of environment and ecology.

In addition to State and Federal recognition, recipients will likely receive national and local press coverage. This achievement may encourage re-energized staff and parents, enhanced community support, increased application rates, and new private financial assistance. Begin thinking about your application for next year, and visit the Green Ribbon Schools website for more information.

Are you ready to compete with the highest performing green schools in the nation? Visit to see new construction and renovation projects in which Lewis & Associates Architects has implemented innovative design practices!

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April 13, 2012

Mass Emailing Versus Bulk SMS

Sending out Bulk SMSs using a short messaging system gateway has come to become a very popular method of direct communication with customers around the world. Brands are able to directly engage with customers, employees as well as vendors without investing in too much time and money.SMS versus Mass EmailWhen compared to its online counterpart, the email, sending out mass emails is a concept that has been hackneyed and exploited to a great extent. This has resulted in most mass emails going directly into spam folders, which means that there is hardly any chance that your target audience even

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Why Romney's Inauthenticity Will Doom Him to Defeat in November

Fresh off of his Super Tuesday "victories," Mitt Romney was so desperately pleading his case that he was the inevitable winner of the Republican Presidential Primary, yet the results in Mississippi and Alabama reveal that the electorate is not ready to bestow that title upon him. While his wealth and political machinery may provide him the razor sharp edge he needs to pull it off, one thing has become painfully clear during these primaries-no one is enthused about him as a leader and even those who are voting for him are doing while holding their nose.

Even while outspending his opponents nearly 5 to 1 in Alabama and 2 to 1 in Mississippi why is a man who is physically attractive, established, successful, well educated and has a perfect pedigree for presidential politics so disdained by the public? Some pundits point to his flip-flop on key policies (or any policy for that matter), his never-ending string of public gaffes and his stiffness on the stump as the main culprits for his chilly reception. While these are legitimate observations they are the symptoms and not the cause.

The root of the issue for Romney, as it has been for all losing presidential candidates, is the failure to be oneself, which it is the quickest path to electoral defeat.

Predicting electoral success is often seen a cross between deep dives into political data on economic trends, public mood and approval ratings. As one who has studied and taught political leadership for more than 20 years, there is a much easier way to predict success-which candidate is being real? Who can go out day after day and be true to themselves (or at least more so than their opponent) in front of a variety of different audiences in a vast array of situations?

By simply looking at the presidential elections in the 21st Century, we find numerous examples of this phenomenon.

Bush v. Gore: Al Gore had everything going for him that a candidate could wish for, intelligence, experience and a successful double-term as Vice President for an albeit embattled, yet likable President Bill Clinton. The one thing he didn't have was confidence in who he was-no, he wasn't the exuberantly charismatic Clinton, and he was a knowledgeable, steady statesman with a vision of how to make government work more effectively. Unfortunately, Americans didn't see this in presidential candidate Gore. Instead one day he was the earth-tone clad "green" candidate, next he was the "Blackberry on the belt" techno candidate only to hit his lowest moment as the exasperated wonk who couldn't believe a dolt like George W. Bush could even be on stage with him in a debate. Like many Americans who also couldn't believe Gore would be beat by someone so inexperienced, they underestimated Bush's appeal in saying what he meant and meaning what he said. Government is too big, taxes should be lower and I am reformed sinner... while not exactly the qualifications most would list for America's chief executive, being rooted in who he was, was enough to win. (Postscript: for those who want to debate the recount, Supreme Court decision etc.-I agree Gore should have won AND in keeping with the logic of this article, there is no way this race should have come down to 528 votes.)
Bush v. Kerry: Need I say more?
Clinton v. Obama: In what could easily have been a glass-ceiling shattering, crowning achievement for a life-time of excellence in public service, Hillary Clinton had everything going for her to clinch the democratic nomination for president. With a seasoned political machine and the fundraising prowess of a political dynasty at her disposal, her intelligence, her eloquence on the stump and her tireless advocacy on behalf of women and children worldwide were merely icing on the cake. And yet, somehow, an inexperienced, unknown, African-American first-term Senator was able to yank victory right out from under her. Why? Two key decisions kept then-Senator Clinton from the Oval Office. First, while the junior Senator from New York representing the people most devastated by 9-11, she seemed to have no other choice than in voting to go to war in Iraq. That vote ran counter to her core beliefs, and at some level, the public knew it. It was that vote that allowed Obama to garner the attention of those who were mystified by the capitulation to Bush and his fear-mongering cabinet. Next, in a continuing nod to the belief that what America wanted was a "strong, decisive" leader who could take that 3:00 a.m. call, all the qualities that made Hillary Hillary went out the door. As her campaign tried fortify her strength, without recognizing the public knew she was as tough as nails, they failed to support her in being human, which was all the public wanted to see. In her, teary moment after losing the Iowa caucus the frustration overflowed, the public got a glimpsed of the real person and by that time, it was too little too late.
Obama v. McCain: No time in contemporary presidential politics has a candidate so captured the hopes, dreams and inspiration of our nation. From a compelling personal story to his history-making march as the nation's first African-American President Obama was Obama. McCain, however, veered from his maverick, and often bi-partisan style, to please the right-wing. In the end he came across as the much less sincere and fiery candidate than he has been at other times in his career.

While President Obama has failed to bring his dynamic vision for America to his governing, he remains a candidate who is comfortable in his own skin. Romney, on the other hand, has the resume and the skills to be useful to the country during this recession. It is unfortunate, that in his relentless pursuit of the office, he has so comprised who he is to assuage the far-right that there is nothing left but a caricature of himself.

So the challenge for Republicans is that they have a front-runner doomed to defeat in November. The current alternative, Rick Santorum is winning the hearts of many because he is so genuine on the stump-the challenge, however, is that who he really is so unpalatable to the mainstream he has no chance in November either. President Obama has to be the luckiest man alive... so perhaps being yourself in Presidential elections does have its rewards.

Kathleen Schafer is at the forefront of leadership development with more than 20 years experience. Grounded in the rough and tumble world of politics, experienced in business, honed in academia and broadened by her own journey to create a balanced life, she brings remarkable insights on how individuals can develop their leadership potential to successfully create productive and fulfilling lives. Kathleen's personal presence in one-on-one coaching, seminars, and keynote presentations transforms people's perspective on what they can accomplish and how to walk it in the real world everyday. Her leadership tools are simple, easy to understand allow you to quickly integrate them into your life, starting now!

If you are interested in creating change in your life, your organization or your community, please visit for additional resources, podcasts, on-line courses, and tools to start your leadership journey today.

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April 12, 2012


You are watching the latest business report from FRANCE 24. More business news on FRANCE 24: FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7

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Apple iPad, Tablet, Hybrid, Laptop, Netbook, or Notebook?

An impressive range but which is right for you?

I have always been impressed with the Apple iPad, Tablets and countless other versions put out by the vast spectrum of computer manufactures. There is very much something for everyone, but it is important that you the prospective buyer understands the differences and chooses wisely.

Apple iPad, Tablets:

The iPad and Tablet are very much in a class of their own. A great idea for many, but if you need something that is a little more perky and versatile then there are plenty of options available for you. The main attraction of these is in being compact, light weight, and having a relatively long battery life. On the other hand they have limited hard drive storage with a current maximum of only 64 Gig. These are fine for "Surfing the Net," sending and receiving emails and playing around with a plethora of boutique programs.

The small 64 Gig hard drive renders devices of this nature useless for me in my line of work. To give you some idea, storage of a 1 hour 30 min MP4 movie takes up about 5 Gigabytes alone, while my basic essential programs on my desktop take up just over 85 Gig. If your heart is set on an iPad or Tablet then ensure it has both a USB port and a HDMI socket of some description. These will come in handy, particularly if you plan to take your device with you on your travels. The bigger the hard drive the better. For me a USB port is essential. Prices range from as little as $250.00 up to $1,200.00 AUD/USD.

The Apple iPad 3 at a glance:

Aside from an "Over Charging" issue, I can only recommend a personal appraisal before finalising any purchase, especially if you are considering an iPad or one of the vast arrays of Tablets. Again the new Apple iPad 3 has a limited hard drive 64Gig and no native USB or Video output socket. It does however come with a USB to Apple Dock connector cable, and boasts of battery life of up to 10 hours on a single charge. Do not hesitate to ask questions, It is important to get the details on the iPad 3 charging issue, and more importanly what is being done to address it.

Transformer hybrid tablet with keyboard docking station:

These consist of a tablet with a keyboard docking station. A good idea but the brands I looked at all had one major problem, they were clumsy to use, and in short the "Tablet" component was continually falling off the docking station mount rendering them close to useless for any practical application. Prices range anywhere from $500.00 to $1,500.00 USD/AUD. All those that I have looked at are far too fiddly for my liking.


Nowadays these are quite good value for money, with relatively large hard drive capacity, long battery life, and many now faster and more powerful than some home PC's. These are a great option to have if you do not intend buying a dedicated desktop PC for your everyday home or business use. Prices range anywhere from $600.00 to $3,400.00 USD/AUD depending on your needs. My only concern is that some of these tend to overheat when left on for a while; it is well worth enquiring about that aspect before making any purchasing.

Notebooks and Netbooks:

These are little gems, small, and compact usually with a 10 inch screen, decent hard drives ranging from 120Gig to 500Gig, what sets them apart from the rest is their massive power to weight ratio. Apple iPads and Tablets are very close to the same size and weight, but the added advantage of between 2 to 3 USB Ports puts them way in front. Almost all have a video output of some description, and usually a HDMI Socket. What really surprises me is speed and power of these tiny devices. Although in a slightly different category to the iPads and Tablets, I believe that they are a much better buy than their iPad, and Tablet, counterparts. Prices range from as little as $300.00 up to $1,500.00 USD/AUD.

Specifications Common to Laptops, Netbooks, Notebooks and Hybrids Hardware:

Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Hard drive 250 Gig plus, 2 to 4 Gig RAM Plus, USB, HDMI, SD Card slot.


There are an impressive range of "Operating Systems" depending on what type of device you purchase. One that has caught my attention is the OEM "Windows 7 Starter." This is a little ripper and there is no reason why you shouldn't be content with it as your dedicated Operating System, There are two main restrictions between this and Windows 7 Home, one being that you cannot change the desktop background, The other being that the program is 32 bit and as a result will only read up to a little over 2 Gigabytes of RAM.


Small, light, and compact with a long battery life. Wifi is a great asset if you can get that option.


Tablets and iPads generally have a small hard drives of 64 Gig or less. The absence of a native USB port on the Ipad is enough to put me off ever purchasing anything from that range.


Everyone has different needs. There is something for everyone, with plenty of brands, styles and prices to choose from. USB and a HDMI port's are important as is a decent hard drive capacity greater than 120 Gigabytes. Choose carefully, and don't be afraid to ask questions. If you are buying direct from a retailer then there is usually plenty of room to haggle. Retailers will be well aware that you can get a better deal by going online and are usually prepared to fight hard to get your business.

Article by: Brendan Mckenna - Outstanding

Professional Writing:
- Articles- Product Reviews, News, Documentary.
- Editing - Written and Photographic.
- Website Design and Build - Including SEO and Statistic Counts.
- Concise Instruction Booklets, Quick Reference Guides.
Copyright: Brendan Mckenna 21 March 2012 Warrnambool Australia

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April 11, 2012


You are watching the latest business report from FRANCE 24. More business news on FRANCE 24: FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7

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April 10, 2012

More Students Buying Class Notes

The college student that finds it challenging to write notes at the same time they are listening to a lecture, or who missed an essential lecture when they skipped a class, will be pleased to know that there is someone taking your college notes when you cannot.

Students are able to share class notes online for free or sell them on websites like, and Although there is mixed feedback from professors, the college notes service is on the upward rise.

Students have wanted to do this activity for a long time. The websites facilitates the ease of students being open with each other and being collaborative with their counterparts.

The note-taking market was formally small, neighbourhood stores in towns where a college is located. The same kind of service can now be obtained online.

The websites also make students able to create online communities, make up study groups as well as provide feedback by way of giving a rating to the class notes that each produce. Unlike several local stores of this kind, the websites provide notes that can be downloaded at any time - night or day. There is also college study guides available.

As more college students are visiting the internet to purchase class notes, the online business shift are causing customary note-taking services to try to modernize their model of business.

Is Purchasing College Notes a Pro or a Con?

To try to standardize the business, policies have been developed by some schools. Like for a few universities, for example, there is a policy requiring local note-takers to let the Office of the Provost be aware and get the go-ahead from the course instructor.

All over the country, students are able to look for items such as college study guides on the websites from whatever school they want and use credit card or PayPal to securely and quickly download files.

Class notes as well as other items of digital form are added by giving essential information, uploading files and let your price be known. Share knowledge with peers by posting everything and anything students may look for.

Students as well as instructors can create college study guides simply by looking over book content or class notes and arranging some questions as well as answers to main topics that are expected to be on a test.

The process of creating the study guide can be very benefiting to the students as they get to concentrate on the important material. Going through the guide afterwards to study will give further boost for students to master what was taught.

Adam runs the website Notesurf, which allows students to buy and sell class notes.

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Elephant Wildlife Conservation in History - A Remarkable Tale

It is common knowledge that, throughout history, there have been some harrowing and tragic accounts of nonsensical hunting of endangered animal species, some even to extinction. It is, with this in mind, a breath of fresh air when we hear a rare success story that derives from an initial tragedy.

The History

Historical accounts from the early European settlers in Southern Africa's Eastern Cape, depicted the area as one of the richest wildlife areas in the whole of Africa. Their accounts tell of vast, grazing herds of Elephant and Buffalo dominating the plains and large cats such as Lion leopard and cheetah roaming free.

Due to the conflict and dangers imposed to the farming and agriculture of the early settlers these amazing animals were hunted and eradicated from the area. By 1856 the last wild lion was killed and by 1919 the last of the mighty Cape Buffalo was also shot, the once vast herds completely destroyed. It was at this time that a legendary hunter, Major Pretorius, was invited by the Administrator of the Cape to hunt down and eradicate the remaining elephant herds that still remained. By 1931 the hunting had been so severe that only 11 elephant remained in the Addo area, around 60km from the Indian Ocean. The original section of Addo Elephant National park was founded in this year in order to provide sanction for these last remaining 11 elephant and protect them from hunting, the original park was partly due to the wildlife conservation efforts of Sydney Skaife a South African entomologist and naturalist.

The Success

The original wildlife conservation area of Addo was just over 5,000 acres in size, and with no adequate fence line around the park the conflicts between elephant and farmers continued up until 1954. It was the park manager at this time, Graham Armstrong, who introduced a revolutionary elephant proof fence, made of tram rails, which successfully contained the 22 resident elephants at the park.

The reserve today covers a vast 444,700 acres of wildlife conservation area. The ecosystem has been finely tuned and is now sanctuary to number of wildlife species including lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino and many more. The elephant population now stands at over 550, which is an amazing achievement in wildlife conservation and is one of the rare success stories that rose from early devastation.

Future plans for the park include proclamation of a 296,500 acre coastal marine wildlife conservation area.introduced a revolutionary elephant proof fence, made of tram rails, which successfully contained the 22 resident elephants at the park.

The reserve today covers a vast 444,700 acres of wildlife conservation area. The ecosystem has been finely tuned and is now sanctuary to number of wildlife species including lion, leopard, buffalo, rhino and many more. The elephant population now stands at over 550, which is an amazing achievement in wildlife conservation and is one of the rare success story that rose from the early devastation.

Future plans for the park include proclamation of a 296,500 acre coastal marine wildlife conservation area.

Nick Christie is the Managing Director of Gap Africa Projects, an online tour operator offering experiences in wildlife conservation ( )

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The Housing Market Effect On The Economy

Every homeowner has surfed the web to get a sense of housing values in the neighborhood. The plunging home prices continue to put a drain on the economy. The lowest mortgage rates in history have not been a big enough bonanza for many prospective home buyers to take advantage of the unparalleled combination of historical rates and attractive home prices. How much does real estate contribute to the economy is open for debate. Some pundits say as little as 10% and other economist estimate as much as 20% of the economy is real estate related. Housing has a domino effect on the economy. A decline

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April 9, 2012

Changing the Raspy Voice

In our last-month voice workshop, the participants were all ladies! In preparation for the workshop, I was expecting soft voices and voices with high-pitches. Interesting enough, we had a few with low voices and one with a raspy voice.

The lady with the raspy voice was often thought to be a man during her communication with customers on the phone, which had been frustrating her. She was worried if she could ever change it.

Upon listening to her voice and examining it, I found out the problem was more on the excessive strength she put on her vocal folds (cords), accompanied by the shallow breathing habit. This made her voice sound too strong and manly, giving people an impression of being angry or rude.

The first key was to correct her breathing pattern, using her diaphragm to support her breath, instead of too much strength put on the vocal folds.

The second key was to power her voice with resonance to lessen the unnecessary pressure she put on her vocal folds.

Gratefully, she was able to work really hard. At the end of the workshop on the 2nd day, while we were watching her "after workshop" recording, not only myself, but the other participants were surprised to see her voice being softened!

The secret behind her improvement was diaphragmatic breathing and resonance. They are the solutions to almost all voice problems. Once you master them, you'll find projecting your voice is effortless in any situations. You'll never need as much strength as you sigh. How much strength do you use when you sigh? That is the exact strength you use in projecting your voice.

Cynthia is a voice and speech coach and trainer, based in Singapore. She helps you discover your inner true voice that is authentic and confident. She also helps organizations on voice and presentation skills training. To get more updates on voice through articles, podcasts and video lessons, subscribe Cynthia's newsletter on her website -

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Where Could The Door Of Perception Have Gone?

Jim Morrison's voice was a firm stone of reality, like the rock of Gibraltar, in an era of overzealous peace and love. He was raw sexuality and unashamed of his unabashed masculinity. For over forty years The Doors have been dissected and written about. They have left a deep and beautiful wound on the history of music. It is hard to find the same telepathic nuance in a collective consciousness that they held as a group.Ray Manzarek was the true founding member and the keyboardist who set the psychedelic background stage for Morrison's vocal onslaught of poetry. Drummer John Densmore and

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App Maker Guideline: Is Mobile Application Development Worthwhile for Your Business?

Mobile app development has become quite the talk of the town in the last few years. And businesses that aim to remain competitive in the market should consider becoming an app maker, one who creates a mobile application that perfectly fits their clients' needs. But is it worthwhile to go through this path? With careful planning and sufficient knowledge, it would be worth it. To ensure it is worth your while, keep in mind these important reminders when making an iPhone app or other mobile application:

Before anything else, assess what type of app you want to develop, which should be in accordance with your business goals and your clients' requirements. Unfortunately, many are rushing to create an app only to realize in the end that their prospects and customers don't need or want it.

Next, decide on the kind/s of mobile platform/s you want to use. The iOs (iPhone/iPod/iPad) is undoubtedly the most popular platform, but you might also want to check out other options like Android, BlackBerry, Symbian, Windows and others. To figure out which mobile operating system or platform to use, you need to perform an intensive market research on the type of smartphones/devices your target audience uses.

Note also that there are two primary reasons or motivations for developing an app: one, to generate direct income; two, to help with marketing agendas. However, many businesses are jumping into the bandwagon just because every company is doing it--and without even thinking how a mobile app can benefit their organization or their customers. An iPhone app or any other mobile application can provide value if it offers convenience and versatility of doing business with your clients. For example, an app for order placement while on the fly, etc.

As you may have already imagined, developing an application is not an easy breezy endeavor. And while mobile app development requires a lot of time, effort and resources, all your hardships would be worthwhile once you succeed. For a fool-proof mobile app development, you can always consult a professional app maker to help you create an efficient app best suited for your business.

Bizness Apps is making mobile apps affordable and simple for small businesses. We're a do-it-yourself app maker for iPhone, iPad, HTML5, and Android app platform with a full white label mobile app program.

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April 8, 2012

Are You Experimenting At Your Customer's Expense?

Experimentation is both the lifeblood and bane of our existence. Through experimentation we have Penicillin and Post-it Notes, but also infomercials. Loyalty & customer centricity are both relatively new concepts. Models, best practices, and effective measures are only just beginning to emerge. Adapting these and creating new ones is one of the most important jobs of customer-facing leaders. Doing so requires experimentation and testing, coupled with close supervision and continuous refinement.Yet sometimes experiments go awry, as in the introduction of New Coke, the more recent Gap logo

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Why iPhone Application Development Must Be Methodically Planned, Managed and Controlled?

The fact that mobile app development is such a challenging task means that developers need to take every care in the book, to ensure its success. More importantly, they need to make an extra effort to take the app project through the various stages of development. Also, each stage must be comprehensively thought out and must cover all the necessary aspects that are fundamental to the development of a stable, robust and extremely functional application.

For this to happen, the entire process of mobile app development must be thoroughly planned, managed and controlled. If this is not done, then say good bye to any chance of developing an effective iPhone app. This fact remains true, even during iPad app development or development of tablet apps for any mobile OS other than the iOS.


How are you going to approach iPhone app development? The answer to this question helps developers plan their development process. Planning includes identifying the various stages of development and also determining the hierarchy of these stages and assigning responsibilities to the right people/team members to ensure that the project is taken through each stage successfully.


A detailed project development plan is one thing, but what is also important is the need to ensure that it is managed properly. What this means is that developers need to ensure that enough resources are assigned to the project and it is organized in an optimum manner. Each aspect of the project must be managed perfectly in order to ensure that it remains on track for submission within the pre-designated deadline.


If there is an absence of proper control, the process of iPhone app development will go haywire. At the basic level, controlling the development process means making sure that everybody who is a part of the project development is doing their job properly. More importantly, it also involves ensuring that all development work is on track and in line with client's needs and requirements.

These three aspects are a vital component of any mobile app development strategy. Developers ignore the importance of these aspects at their own risk. Astute developers are well aware of the need to ensure proper planning, exemplary management, and authoritative control of the process of development. They know that if this is not done, there is a good chance that even their best efforts won't be enough to ensure the successful development of their iPhone app. On the other hand, adherence to the highest standards of planning, management and control, will give them rich dividends in the form of a highly successful iPhone app that scales the popularity charts.

Visit us, for more services like iPhone Application Development and iPad Application Development at MyFirstMobileApp.

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