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November 6, 2010

Singapore-Jakarta flights cancelled due to volcano - Reuters

SINGAPORE | Sat Nov 6, 2010 8:15am EDT

SINGAPORE Nov 6 (Reuters) - Several airlines have halted flights between Singapore and the Indonesian capital of Jakarta due to the risk posed by ashes from an active volcano, Singapore Airlines (SIAL.SI) and Changi Airport said on Saturday.

Mount Merapi in central Java began spewing deadly clouds of ash and superheated gas last week, killing over 100 people and forcing the evacuation of more than 150,000.

Indonesia has already shut its international airport at Yogyakarta, with flights diverted to the nearby city of Solo. [ID:nJAK94927] The Indonesian capital Jakarta lies to the west of Mount Merapi.

"So far, 11 flights from Singapore to Jakarta have been cancelled today," Changi Airport's spokesman told Reuters.

The affected carriers include Singapore Airlines, Lufthansa (LHAG.DE), Turkish Airlines (THYAO.IS), AirAsia (AIRA.KL) and Tiger (TAHL.SI).

A Silkair flight to Solo was also cancelled, the spokesman added.

An SIA spokeswoman said the Singapore flag carrier suspended flights to and from Jakarta from around 3 p.m. Singapore time on Saturday due to adverse movements in the volcanic ash clouds.

(Reporting by Kevin Lim, editing by Andrew Marshall)

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