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December 30, 2012

Life Is Made Up of Kindness and Smiles

"Life is made up, not of great sacrifices or duties, but of little things, in which smiles and kindness, and small obligations, given habitually are what win and preserve the heart and secure comfort." Sir Humphry Davy

It doesn't take a lot of effort to be kind.

Imagine the following scenario: it is 6:30 am in early February in Northeast Ohio. It's pitch black, 18°F outside, and the wintery winds are gusting at about 20 miles per hour. You are in front of a large healthcare facility, along with a group of adults, and you are all impatiently waiting for a crossing guard to let you across the street so you can get to work. Finally, the traffic light changes and you all walk past the guard, either scowling or ignoring him entirely.

If this for you, what would you do when you passed the guard? Would you be one of the scowlers, or would you pause to consider that in less than two minutes you are going to be inside a nice warm building while he is still working outside in the bitter cold? Would you smile at him? Would you take just a second and acknowledge him for what he's doing? Think about it.

Several years ago, I was in that group of cold adults. I want to get into that building, believe me, and I was on my way. Instead of joining the crowd of scowling faces, I took a different tact. As I walked by, I put my hand on the crossing guard's shoulder, smiled and said, "Dude, I am so glad I am not you today." The expression on his face was priceless; he lit up. Just for a moment, somebody saw him in his discomfort and acknowledged him. Sometimes that's all it takes.

In the scheme of things, this incident was an extremely small part of my day. Yet when I recall the expression on that gentleman's face, it brings me delightful memories and still makes me feel happy years later.

Think about the number of people that you come into contact with on a daily basis. If you consciously took the time to see each and every one of those people, how many people would it be? 10? 25? 100? The thing is: it only takes one. Connecting with one person at a time gives you a golden opportunity to make a difference.

A smile, a caring word, an act of kindness - that's all it takes to make this world a little better place. Is there someone that you see all the time but you don't take the time to acknowledge? How about changing that? Today, make it a point to bring a smile to someone's face. Chances are excellent that this act will bring happiness to you as well. And who knows, the memory of one short encounter may still light you up years from now.

Have fun,


The crossing guard, the cleaning person, the early morning barista at your favorite coffee shop - who is it that you can bring joy to today?

Lisa Ryan is the Chief Appreciation Strategist with Grategy. She is a keynote speaker, gratitude expert, and author of "The Upside of Down Times: Discovering the Power of Gratitude" and she is featured in the documentary, "The Keeper of the Keys" with Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff, and John Gray.

Learn more about Lisa Ryan at

December 26, 2012

Energy Department Announces New Investment in U.S. Small Modular Reactor Design and Commercialization

Energy Department Announces New Investment in U.S. Small Modular Reactor Design and Commercialization | Department of Energy Skip to main content Find information about your town or city. Search form Search Public ServicesTax Credits, Rebates & SavingsHomesVehiclesBuilding DesignManufacturingNational Security & SafetyEnergy EconomyFunding OpportunitiesState & Local GovernmentScience & InnovationScience & TechnologyScience EducationInnovationEnergy SourcesEnergy UsageEnergy EfficiencyMissionNews & BlogMaps & DataAbout UsFor Staff & ContractorsOfficesAll OfficesProgram OfficesStaff OfficesLabs & Technology CentersField SitesPower Marketing AdministrationOther Agencies You are hereHome » Energy Department Announces New Investment in U.S. Small Modular Reactor Design and Commercialization Energy Department Announces New Investment in U.S. Small Modular Reactor Design and Commercialization November 20, 2012 - 2:48pm Addthis News Media Contact(202) 586-4940

WASHINGTON – As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above strategy to deploy every available source of American energy, the Energy Department today announced an award to support a new project to design, license and help commercialize small modular reactors (SMR) in the United States.  This award follows a funding opportunity announcement in March 2012.  The project supported by the award will be led by Babcock & Wilcox (B&W) in partnership with the Tennessee Valley Authority and Bechtel.  In addition, the Department announced plans to issue a follow-on solicitation open to other companies and manufacturers, focused on furthering small modular reactor efficiency, operations and design.  

“The Obama Administration continues to believe that low-carbon nuclear energy has an important role to play in America’s energy future,” said Secretary Chu.  “Restarting the nation’s nuclear industry and advancing small modular reactor technologies will help create new jobs and export opportunities for American workers and businesses, and ensure we continue to take an all-of-the-above approach to American energy production.”

This project represents a significant investment in first-of-a-kind engineering, design certification and licensing for small modular reactors in the United States. Through a five-year cost-share agreement, the Energy Department will invest up to half of the total project cost, with the project’s industry partners matching this investment by at least one-to-one.  The specific total will be negotiated between the Energy Department and Babcock & Wilcox (B&W). 

The Energy Department investment will help B&W obtain Nuclear Regulatory Commission licensing and achieve commercial operations by 2022 – helping to provide U.S. utilities with low carbon energy options as well as create important export opportunities for the United States and advance our nation’s competitive edge in this emerging global industry. The project will be based in Tennessee and will support additional suppliers and operations in Indiana, Maryland, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.

Small modular reactors - which are approximately one-third the size of current nuclear power plants - have compact, scalable designs that are expected to offer a host of safety, construction and economic benefits. Small modular reactors can also be made in factories and transported to sites where they would be ready to “plug and play” upon arrival, reducing both capital costs and construction times. The smaller size also makes these reactors ideal for small electric grids and for locations that cannot support large reactors, offering utilities the flexibility to scale production as demand changes.

As this nascent industry continues to grow, the Energy Department is committed to supporting research and development that will advance efficient, safe and cost-effective small modular reactor technologies. The Department plans to issue a new funding opportunity announcement to address this goal and support continued design development and certification of innovative SMR technologies.

Find more information on the important steps the Department is taking to jumpstart America’s nuclear industry at



Addthis Related Articles Energy Department Announces Small Modular Reactor Technology Partnerships at Savannah River Site Energy Department Takes First Step to Spur U.S. Manufacturing of Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Obama Administration Announces $450 Million to Design and Commercialize U.S. Small Modular Nuclear Reactors What We Do For You Month by month the clean energy economy continues to grow, creating new job opportunities for tens of thousands of Americans along the way.Energy EconomyEnergy Economy InnovationInnovation National Security Technologies scientists, technicians and engineers from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Nevada Site Office board the Air Force C-17. Highly trained nuclear emergency response personnel and more than 17,000 lbs of hi-tech equipment were sent to Japan as part of the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration’s effort to assist Japanese personnel with nuclear issues. | Photo Courtesy NNSA NewsNuclear Security & SafetyNuclear Security & Safety Careers & InternshipsContact UsEmail Updates Popular Topics SavingsHeating & CoolingIndustrial Heating & CoolingSolarHome WeatherizationAppliances & ElectronicsAbout this siteWeb PoliciesPrivacyNo Fear ActInformation QualityOpen GovEnergy DepartmentBudget & PerformanceDirectives, Delegations & RequirementsFOIAInspector GeneralPrivacy ProgramSmall BusinessFederal GovernmentThe White

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December 22, 2012

Use Power Of Mind Disciplines To Speed Up Your Success Development

A great deal of research has been done on the way our mind works in relation to what we achieve in life. There is a strong connection between success development and the way we think. Researchers have found successful people think in a particular way and manage their life better and more effectively than unsuccessful people. This has led them to develop power of mind disciplines to teach others to think in a similar way. These tools are readily available to all of us.

Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)

NLP explores the relationship of how we think, communicate and behave. It helps people unblock the structures of human communications and excellence. People can study and learn how these are related and they can change the way they think and act. They can then adopt new, more successful models of human excellence.

It has been used effectively in all areas of personal development such as business management, sales and sports coaching. It is an effective tool to help you remove barriers and roadblocks that might stand in your way of you own success development. There are a number of books, CDs and online courses you can use. You can employ the services of a NLP coach for faster more effective results.


When we think of hypnosis we can get images of a stage hypnotist or a Svengali type taking control of our minds and having us do things we would not normally do. Just as an aside: hypnotists cannot put us under their influence unless we want that to happen and they cannot make us do things that would go against our normal behaviour.

A Scottish doctor, James Braid in 1841, brought self-hypnosis to light. He employed the same hypnotherapy techniques he used on patients to relieve his own severe rheumatism. Since then, it has been used extensively to relieve many physical and mental ailments. Its techniques can be applied to any area of life we want to change and they can be learned by anyone. It is one of the most effective self-help systems we have.

Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT)

This is a combination of Western and Eastern medicine. We use the repetitive phrasing of hypnotherapy with the physical connection to the meridians of the body found in Chinese acupuncture. You stimulate energy points in the body by tapping with your fingers while repeating a phrase. Professionals who use it say is quicker than traditional treatment, which can take several sessions with a psychiatrist to get the same results. Many professional believe it is a breakthrough in modern mental treatment.

The great part is, it is something we can all easily learn, it does not cost anything and it is effective. While it was originally used to deal with emotional issues, it is now used to relieve physical pain, overweight and habits such as smoking. It is very effective in helping us to change the way we think and to remove mental barriers to our personal development.

These three disciplines have been proven to be effective in success development. They recognize the fundamental principle that proper use of mind power dictates the results we get in life. They can be an effective form of self-help, but NLP is more difficult and works better with a professional. However, it is easy to learn the basics of self-hypnosis and EFT and they work very well together.

You can use these modern power of mind techniques to start changing yourself to the person you want to be. There is no doubt they will accelerate your success development and give you every chance of achieving the goals you have set.

You can find EFT and hypnotherapy techniques on the FREE software at William Burnell has built and sold his own business, and he has run successful sales teams. He knows what it takes to stay motivated and to stay focused on your objectives to get what you want.

December 19, 2012

Is There a Contradiction Between Euroscepticism and Unionism?

Is there something contradictory about being in favour of the UK leaving the EU, but being against Scotland leaving the UK? Eurosceptics cite that they don't want to be ruled from Brussels, but likewise the SNP does not want to be ruled from London. Are unionist eurosceptics not being hypocritical in denying to the Scots what they want for themselves?

Not at all. Firstly Scotland is going to have a referendum on independence. The first thing that eurosceptics want is a referendum on the EU membership. If we lose we will accept the result just as we will accept the result of the referendum on independence.

Why are eurosceptics against the EU? Personally I'm against the EU not because I'm against unions in general. The United States, for instance, strikes me as an ideal multi state union. Why does it work? Because there is a common identity, a common language and there are common political parties which stand in every state. Each state has a lot of devolved power and each state devolves that power still further so that a great number of decisions are taken by politicians who are close to the people who elect them and who can easily be voted out if they go against the wishes of the electorate. Overseeing all of this is a strong national government, with responsibility over matters, which affect the country as a whole. Of course there are faults with American democracy, but on the whole it is an enviable model.

If the European Union were like that, there might be a case for being a member. But the EU can never be a free, democratic multi state country like the United States, because it lacks the conditions for being a successful nation, a common identity and a common language. It is for this reason primarily that the Eurozone is failing as an optimum currency union. Whereas someone from New York can easily seek work in California, someone from Greece cannot easily seek work in Germany. Whereas richer parts of the United States are happy to transfer money to poorer parts, richer parts of the EU resent the idea of subsidising people who they consider to be foreigners.

Britain already is an optimum currency union, because we have the conditions for being an optimum nation. We have a common language, culture and identity. We do not see people from other parts of the UK as foreigners. We have in Britain what the United States has, a fully democratic country, we have what the EU lacks and can never have.

It is for this reason that I am opposed to breaking up the union of the UK, while being in favour of breaking up the EU. There is no contradiction here.

Scottish independence makes no more sense than Texan independence. Of course each of these formerly independent States could function successfully on their own, but they each benefit from being in a political fiscal and currency union with other people who speak the same language as them, have similar values and cultures and just as a Texan benefits from not being a foreigner in Washington, so a Scot benefits from not being a foreigner in London.

The Scottish independence referendum will be in 2014. I'm campaigning for Scotland to remain in the United Kingdom, by means of a regular blog exploring all of the issues involved. Please come and join the debate by clicking on the above link.

December 16, 2012

Many Socialists Believe Since Most Small Businesses Stay Small They Don't Help the Economy

Over the years, I've discussed with many left-leaning political thinking folks about how unfair our rules and regulations are upon our small business community. I am often completely and utterly dismayed by some of the dialogue they use to refute my comments, although in hindsight I am beginning to understand why they think the way they do. Many of these socialist thinking folks believe that since most small businesses and remain small they don't help the economy much. Further, they contend that the small businesses don't provide "good jobs" or well-paying jobs, and therefore it isn't really that critical. Well, I disagree so let's talk about this for second shall we?

You see, before I retired I was in the franchising business. Every single franchisee we got started was a small business. Over that period of time we established small franchised outlets in 23 states serving 450 cities. Would the socialists have preferred that I had never founded a franchising company and done that? It seems to me that their answer is yes. They would like everyone to work for the government, or for a large corporation, preferably union, and one that pays big benefits, Cadillac healthcare, and guaranteed pensions.

Sounds great right? Only from their point-of-view and perspective, let look in hindsight what has actually happened? Many of those Cadillac healthcare benefits have been cut, and are hardly what they used to be, further it has driven up healthcare costs for everyone, well that plus the massive government flows into the sector. Many of those guaranteed pensions are completely underfunded, and all those promises that were made by all those corporations and even government agencies may never come to fruition. As

While I was growing my business it was hard for me to attract the top talent because the larger corporations kept promising better benefits and pensions. In the end, all those promises they made were BS, but they got the talent promising what was supposed to be a good job, but they reneged.

Further, not everyone can work for a large corporation, and I would submit to you that I don't want to live in a society and civilization where every what works for the government. Did you know that government plus large corporations employ less than 25% of working Americans? 75% are employed by small businesses, or they are their own small business.

Do these socialist and left-leaning thinking individuals really believe that we don't want that 75% of the people employed? Because if they do, there is no way that their little benefit packages, and gifts from the government can continue.

Sometimes I wish that socialists were smarter so they could understand basic economics. But that is one wish I doubt will ever be fulfilled, because trust me when I tell you; the Obama Administration is no genie out of the bottle, and whatever three wishes they promised you, it'll be a cold day in hell before you get your personal million dollar stimulus check in the mail. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Economic Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

December 12, 2012

The ObamaCare Nightmare - How Bad Is It Really?

Well, as an entrepreneur and having started my first company at age 12, you might have guessed that I am not a proponent of ObamaCare. In fact I see it is a nightmare, and yet many people don't agree, they believe that somehow this will bring equality to healthcare, and help the estimated 38 million people who don't have healthcare insurance. Still, if 38 million people all of a sudden have healthcare insurance, and if those people don't have to pay for it, the demand for healthcare services will increase drastically almost right away.

Where is all that money going to come from you ask. Well, what's going to happen is everyone who has healthcare insurance will have to pay more, and supply and demand will dictate increases in prices, and the government will go nearly bankrupt trying to provide payments for all of this healthcare, or they will ration it, and then no one gets decent services.

Still, as a businessman I would say that's the least of our problems, in fact, I'd say it's a lot worse. Not long ago an acquaintance told me that I didn't know what I was talking about, that ObamaCare wouldn't hurt business, but it would make workers happier, therefore they would work harder and have more productivity.

Again, from everything I've read I just don't see how the Affordable Health Care Act is going to do any good for anyone. The beginning estimates are already stating that it will cost an employer an average of $4500 per year or more per employee. There's a lot of businesses where that amount of money would wipe out their profit completely.

They are already running on razor thin margins during the recession, and it looks as if with all the government spending and the trillions of dollars being spent by the Obama Administration, that things are only going to get worse, and with increased taxes consumers will have less money to spend, therefore getting out of the recession probably won't be possible.

MSNBC had an interesting article on their Money Section on November 20, 2012 titled; "Why restaurants freak out over ObamaCare - Papa John's, Denny's and others are as worried about employee pay as health insurance," by Jason Notte which noted;

"The report found that in 2010, 50% of restaurant employees worked part-time "i.e. under 35 hours per week." Under the Affordable Care Act, once an employee puts in 30 or more hours a week, he or she is "full-time equivalent,"


"Under the new law, health insurance premiums charged by employers to employees can't exceed 9.5% of an employee's household income. The largest franchise group in the world, the International Franchise Association, issued a report stating that as many as 38% of employers may be at risk of violating that particular provision."

It seems to me that most people are taking into consideration all of these issues, and these are only a few of the challenges we face as employers with the ObamaCare nightmare. Right now many entrepreneurs and business owners are starting to get quite stressed out, meanwhile their lawyers and accountants still haven't read up on all this, and they don't even know how to advise anyone, because in reality there are very few people who have even read those 1600 pages of law. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank.

December 9, 2012

CO2 Robotic Laser Manufacturing Recapturing Strategy

More and more, CO2 lasers are being used in modern high-tech manufacturing. This is a good use of CO2 and as we try to get rid of CO2 in our atmosphere collecting it from the smokestacks perhaps of electrical energy generation, it becomes a cheap and valuable gas for running these lasers. Now then, CO2 lasers put out a decent amount of heat. We should collect that heat, heat should never be wasted. He should not be waste it from robotic factory welding machines or from lasers. Okay so let's talk for second shall we?

It might be entirely possible to collect a good deal of this energy which is deflected during that laser cutting process, or which finds its way through to the other side. What if we tried this strategy to recapture some of that energy; what if we had a "houseplant pot shaped device" on the other side of the material being cut, and what if we had several of these types of shaped objects surrounding the CO2 laser beam? Those recapturing apparatuses surrounding the laser beam would be set in a concave pattern.

As the energy was deflected, or made it through the material all of that heat and energy would make its way into openings in all of these devices. Inside of those devices we could put small spinning wheels, and then use that energy once again, rather than wasting it. We could use that energy to power up the laser itself, the robotic arm, and perhaps the assembly line mechanism. By recapturing and reusing we would indeed be one with the theory and methodology behind Six Sigma manufacturing strategies.

If each of those little devices had a curved lip on the inside, it would continually redirect the vortex flows within until all of the energy was dissipated. Until all of the heat had been discharged, and the more we use the CO2 laser, the more energy and heat we would accumulate, therefore the faster those wheels would spin on the inside around the inside of that curved opening. Therefore, allowing us to capture the highest percentage of energy used in the CO2 laser cutting and manufacturing process.

If we did the same thing for robotic welding machines at our modern automobile factories we would surely have enough heat energy spinning those small wheels to power up all the lights in the factory.

Wouldn't it be great to know that even if the power went off, the grid went down, or there was any sort of power failure that the factory could keep running because it kept reusing at least most of its energy? Remember in the manufacturing process it's all about efficiency, and that's why I came up with a strategy. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

December 5, 2012

Collaboration, Mobility and BYOD - The Holy Trinity of Enterprise Communication

Today's business has changed a lot. People no longer have to stay within offices to perform their work. Technology has transformed the way a person works and interacts with others. Mobility, real-time collaboration, speech recognition tools, video conferencing or social media are just some facts that a company needs to leverage in order to communicate internally as well with its customers and prospects.

Expensive and inefficient platforms of the past-mobility are no longer trendy and users or businesses have started paying attention to speech recognition and cloud communication.

Mobility via Speech Technology

Gradually, customers have stopped using old voicemail systems, spell-the-name directories and directory-trees and stay in touch with their dear ones or businesses by using various mobile devices and connecting from remote locations. Benefits like real time collaboration and fast communication have transformed speech technology in a have to have.

Great speech technology devices keep mobile employees and customers connected, companies become numberless enterprises, transform the way calls are made, for example voice messages can be translated into text and delivered to the recipient in their preferred method - via email alerts or SMS messaging. Spoken words can be translated to text and typed words converted to speech, creating a seamless communications experience for all parties.

Enterprise Integration & Real Time Collaboration

Businesses can have access to video conferencing and voice services by contracting cloud-based business communications providers. Integrated contact center solutions, presence-aware help desks and other applications that can be accessed by a variety of business partners and clients make keypads obsolete.

BYOD and Dispersed Workforce

Home offices, multiple locations, remote workers, all require unified communication solutions in order to maintain a clear and efficient business relationship. With a dispersed workforce comes the additional issue of supporting a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) environment. Your customers and employees use a diversity of mobile devices to access your data or to contact you.

Efficient cloud based solutions help increase BYOD flexibility in all call handling and messaging for both person-to-person and business contacts, reduce paper-based processes by using mobile-friendly applications, and through permanently innovation creates a truly seamless and smarter workplace.

UC doesn't stop

UC solutions have evolved to improve your company's customer service, improve employee productivity, and make it easier for your customers and partners to do business with you. Many companies and SMB's are already enjoying the benefits of Unified Communication solutions integrated with business applications and processes. What about yours?

December 2, 2012

Department of Energy Cites Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC for Worker Safety and Health Violations

Department of Energy Cites Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC for Worker Safety and Health Violations | Department of Energy Skip to main content Find information about your town or city. Search form Search Public ServicesTax Credits, Rebates & SavingsHomesVehiclesBuilding DesignManufacturingNational Security & SafetyEnergy EconomyFunding OpportunitiesState & Local GovernmentScience & InnovationScience & TechnologyScience EducationInnovationEnergy SourcesEnergy UsageEnergy EfficiencyMissionNews & BlogMaps & DataAbout UsFor Staff & ContractorsOfficesAll OfficesProgram OfficesStaff OfficesLabs & Technology CentersField SitesPower Marketing AdministrationOther Agencies You are hereHome » Department of Energy Cites Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC for Worker Safety and Health Violations Department of Energy Cites Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC for Worker Safety and Health Violations November 9, 2012 - 5:50pm Addthis News Media Contact(202) 586-4940

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Energy has issued a Preliminary Notice of Violation (PNOV) to Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, LLC (SRNS) for violations of the Department’s worker safety and health regulations.  The violations are associated with a July 1, 2011, incident that occurred while a worker was using a Tele-Tower® scaffold to perform facility modifications in the Purification Area Vault of Building 105-K in the K-Area Complex at the Savannah River Site (SRS). The SRNS worker fell from the scaffold and was hospitalized with injuries to his head and torso. 

The PNOV cites four violations of Energy Department worker safety and health regulations in the areas of: (1) identification, assessment, prevention, and abatement of hazards; (2) scaffold safety; (3) training and information; and (4) occupational medicine.  SRNS is cited for failure to comply with 10 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Part 851, Worker Safety and Health Program.  The Department has grouped and categorized the deficiencies as two Severity Level I violations and two Severity Level II violations.   

In response to the event, SRNS temporarily suspended all work on mobile scaffolds at SRS while the appropriate investigations and assessments were completed.  SRNS has implemented comprehensive corrective actions that address most aspects of the violations in the PNOV, including revising company procedures to ensure proper assembly and use of scaffolds and improving worker training.  In light of the promptness and extent of SRNS’ response to the event and consistent with the factors established in Appendix B to 10 C.F.R. Part 851, General Statement of Enforcement Policy, the Energy Department elected to grant partial mitigation of the base civil penalty of $225,000.  As a result, the Department is proposing an adjusted civil penalty of $159,375.

The Bob Stump National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003 authorizes the Department of Energy to take regulatory actions under 10 C.F.R. Part 851, against contractors for violations of its worker safety and health requirements.  The Energy Department’s Enforcement Program encourages contractors to identify and correct worker safety and health deficiencies at an early stage, before they contribute to or result in more serious events. 

Additional details on this and other enforcement actions are available at

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