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December 9, 2012

CO2 Robotic Laser Manufacturing Recapturing Strategy

More and more, CO2 lasers are being used in modern high-tech manufacturing. This is a good use of CO2 and as we try to get rid of CO2 in our atmosphere collecting it from the smokestacks perhaps of electrical energy generation, it becomes a cheap and valuable gas for running these lasers. Now then, CO2 lasers put out a decent amount of heat. We should collect that heat, heat should never be wasted. He should not be waste it from robotic factory welding machines or from lasers. Okay so let's talk for second shall we?

It might be entirely possible to collect a good deal of this energy which is deflected during that laser cutting process, or which finds its way through to the other side. What if we tried this strategy to recapture some of that energy; what if we had a "houseplant pot shaped device" on the other side of the material being cut, and what if we had several of these types of shaped objects surrounding the CO2 laser beam? Those recapturing apparatuses surrounding the laser beam would be set in a concave pattern.

As the energy was deflected, or made it through the material all of that heat and energy would make its way into openings in all of these devices. Inside of those devices we could put small spinning wheels, and then use that energy once again, rather than wasting it. We could use that energy to power up the laser itself, the robotic arm, and perhaps the assembly line mechanism. By recapturing and reusing we would indeed be one with the theory and methodology behind Six Sigma manufacturing strategies.

If each of those little devices had a curved lip on the inside, it would continually redirect the vortex flows within until all of the energy was dissipated. Until all of the heat had been discharged, and the more we use the CO2 laser, the more energy and heat we would accumulate, therefore the faster those wheels would spin on the inside around the inside of that curved opening. Therefore, allowing us to capture the highest percentage of energy used in the CO2 laser cutting and manufacturing process.

If we did the same thing for robotic welding machines at our modern automobile factories we would surely have enough heat energy spinning those small wheels to power up all the lights in the factory.

Wouldn't it be great to know that even if the power went off, the grid went down, or there was any sort of power failure that the factory could keep running because it kept reusing at least most of its energy? Remember in the manufacturing process it's all about efficiency, and that's why I came up with a strategy. Indeed I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;


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