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December 16, 2012

Many Socialists Believe Since Most Small Businesses Stay Small They Don't Help the Economy

Over the years, I've discussed with many left-leaning political thinking folks about how unfair our rules and regulations are upon our small business community. I am often completely and utterly dismayed by some of the dialogue they use to refute my comments, although in hindsight I am beginning to understand why they think the way they do. Many of these socialist thinking folks believe that since most small businesses and remain small they don't help the economy much. Further, they contend that the small businesses don't provide "good jobs" or well-paying jobs, and therefore it isn't really that critical. Well, I disagree so let's talk about this for second shall we?

You see, before I retired I was in the franchising business. Every single franchisee we got started was a small business. Over that period of time we established small franchised outlets in 23 states serving 450 cities. Would the socialists have preferred that I had never founded a franchising company and done that? It seems to me that their answer is yes. They would like everyone to work for the government, or for a large corporation, preferably union, and one that pays big benefits, Cadillac healthcare, and guaranteed pensions.

Sounds great right? Only from their point-of-view and perspective, let look in hindsight what has actually happened? Many of those Cadillac healthcare benefits have been cut, and are hardly what they used to be, further it has driven up healthcare costs for everyone, well that plus the massive government flows into the sector. Many of those guaranteed pensions are completely underfunded, and all those promises that were made by all those corporations and even government agencies may never come to fruition. As

While I was growing my business it was hard for me to attract the top talent because the larger corporations kept promising better benefits and pensions. In the end, all those promises they made were BS, but they got the talent promising what was supposed to be a good job, but they reneged.

Further, not everyone can work for a large corporation, and I would submit to you that I don't want to live in a society and civilization where every what works for the government. Did you know that government plus large corporations employ less than 25% of working Americans? 75% are employed by small businesses, or they are their own small business.

Do these socialist and left-leaning thinking individuals really believe that we don't want that 75% of the people employed? Because if they do, there is no way that their little benefit packages, and gifts from the government can continue.

Sometimes I wish that socialists were smarter so they could understand basic economics. But that is one wish I doubt will ever be fulfilled, because trust me when I tell you; the Obama Administration is no genie out of the bottle, and whatever three wishes they promised you, it'll be a cold day in hell before you get your personal million dollar stimulus check in the mail. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Economic Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;


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