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May 13, 2012

How Your Values Can Create More Satisfaction Every Day

Want to know how your values can create more satisfaction and joy in your life every day? Upfront it's quite simple, clarify your core values and make daily choices that are in alignment with them. Unfortunately most of us face a different reality - we're so busy working, parenting and living that we're living a life which is more "just in time" instead of conscious and connected to our core.

Here's an analogy I like to use to help individuals just like you become aware of what it means to be more conscious of your core and core values.

Put your finger at the tip of your nose now. The tip of your nose is the part that starts to curve under. Guess what although you can see most of your finger, you can't see where the tip of your nose meets the tip of your finger. Although you know you have a "tip" on your nose you're not aware of what's happening there because it's out of your immediate sight. This is how most of us live every day - simply living your day without full awareness.

Now move the end of your finger up just a little bit and you'll be able to see it because now it's physically in front of you. If you're like 98% of the population you pay much more attention to what's visually in front of you. Although the tip of your nose is always there, just like your core values are a part of who you are, when you are not consciously making choices that are in alignment with them you are not taking action that is fully supportive of you creates a level of satisfaction and joy that continues to get you out of bed in the morning ready and excited to begin your day. You'll also notice that if you're not conscious of your core value that you probably tend to procrastinate when it comes to both your daily and long term goals.

The truth is, when you can't physically see something it's easy not to pay attention to it because although it seems like we should know what our core values are, most of us don't take time on a daily basis or even an annual basis to reconnect to them. Instead you may have made an assumption that your core values from oh a decade or so ago are the same ones that are most important to you right now. Guess what, change is constant, what that means to you is that your core values are also shifting in level of importance.

I've worked with hundreds of individuals who prior to our partnership spend more time creating a fun dinner with friends then they do focusing on what's at the core of their foundation often because they "think" they know. What they immediately learn is that some of what they said is most important is outdated or really the opinion of someone else, and they're not taking consistent action to support what is important. You can tell if this is you if you complain about things in your life.

Don't worry if you keep reading you'll learn a few things to help you get reconnected to what's most important.

Right now jot down your three most important core values. The mere action of doing this brings them into your current awareness. Now ask yourself, are these three values what I really think is most important or what I think should be most important. If it's the later do it again. Next to each value write down "why" it's your core value. What you're looking for is your emotional reason for the core value you choose. This emotional why is what makes your core value come alive to you. For example someone may choose "family" because their emotional why is "connection and adventure" and you may choose it because it's about "feeling taken care of and love" - for each person this is true.

Let's pretend you choose family, health and inner harmony as your top three core values. By making this choice you've just moved your finger from the tip of your nose where you can't see it, into your vision and consciousness.

When you become conscious you become more and more aware of yours true self; what's really important on a daily basis. It makes it easy to make choices that support you and fill you with more of your "emotional why".

Again, knowing your core values provides you criteria so that you are more aware of both what you don't want, and more importantly what you do want more of in your daily life. When you understand these distinctions you are able to more consciously stop complaining about what you can't control and do and take actions that support and create more of what supports your core values.

If you haven't reviewed your core values in the past six months I dare you to do so now and take one action every day that's in alignment with them. You're life will never be the same.

Take one action that can shift your life and get your free Values Clarification Tool now.

Michele Corey, partners with women and a few brave men to build their courage muscle and learn to say no to others more often so they can have more and more of what they want every day. Discover her musings on Smart Goal Setting.

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