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May 5, 2012

Start Your Day With Your Happiness

Start Your Day With a Bright Big Bundle of Happiness

Have you ever heard of the phrase "Waking up on the wrong side of the bed?" If you have that probably means you were a bit grumpy that day and definitely not in a happy type of mood. However, as with most methods to master your happiness, forget the past as that doesn't matter to us anymore. From here on in you should wake up with thoughts of gratitude and love. The more happiness you experience in your life and the more gratitude you show you will find that being happy comes easy. Wake up every morning saying "I'm Alive!" with a big smile on your face. Because, unlike the other 200,000 people that didn't wake up this morning you were lucky enough to have that opportunity. You have to wake up with happiness because it will be the driving force of your daily activities. You don't need to be in a life threatening situation and make it out alive to have such a high level of appreciation and happiness. Granted, it will most probably be more happiness and gratitude on your end but it doesn't mean you cant be happy without it.

Starting your morning right is the way to fuel the rest of your day. If you don't wake up feeling joyful then you should at least try and feel joyous and you will subconsciously become a more joyful person. Furthermore, another exercise to apply is to breath mindfully. Right now as you are reading this you are breathing. You can make your breathing a subconscious action which you never take note of or you can make it a mindful thing and take note and appreciate the ability to breath. When you appreciate and show gratitude for every breath you take your whole day will be filled with appreciate and gratitude. Subsequently that gratitude will be transferred over into all actions of your day and not simply the breathing.

I'm sure you have all heard of Art Appreciation and Wine Appreciation and Music Appreciation and so on, but Breathing appreciation will enhance your life far more than Art, Wine, and Music will. Try an activity of counting your breaths for about 3 minutes, this will automatically slow down your breathing. When you breathe slowly and deeply your nervous system relaxes and becomes calmer. Slow and deep breathing alleviates anger, tension, fears, and stress, all of which are traits that are not conducive to being happy. As you breath slowly your mind clears and you will be able to gain a broader perspective that is helpful in dealing with those underlying issues that caused your distressed feelings in the first place. Also, when you add gratitude the process of having your day filled with happiness becomes a lot easier.

This article was written by professional speaker and motivational author Eli Attias from his website. His website provides many informational and inspiring posts and articles on what it means to be happy and touches upon many topics such as Anger, Self-Control, Patience, Relationship Advice, and much more. You can visit his website at

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