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May 31, 2012

Android App Review Sites for Developers

There are already more than 500,000 apps submitted to the Android market and nearly 345,000 active applications. The important part of the application marketing involves submitting the app to the online review sites. This gives the application a good exposure among the public. Here is the list of Android app review sites -


This is another Android app review site which is featured with the latest apps in the market. The site allows the users to insert reviews on the key functions of the Apps. The database which is in a catalogue style offers readers the information about pricing, user ratings, comments etc. The best thing about the site is that it displays the apps browsed at any given point of time. It means the more engaging and popular the app is, the more it will be featured in "being browsed" list.

Android Zoom

This site enables the users to search, browse and rate the apps. The site is updated every hour with new applications, games, utilities and many other things. In other words, this site fills the lack of an online Android market. This site works well for developers, as it features top-picks every week and a day-wise app.

Android Community

This is the only website that provides invaluable learning experiences with the mobile devices. The developers are allowed to access the indispensable resources through Android Community Forums. Developers can find discussions about specific models of Android, hacks, software list that are compiled by users etc.

Android Apps

This site allows the users to browse and search apps by category. The apps are provided with long descriptions and recommendations. The users are allowed to post screenshots and videos of the apps online. Other than this, the site even lets the developer inform the users regarding price cuts on the app, so that the users stay updated with the app. The site also features top reviewers every week, so that the developer can choose from among the best to review their app.

Android and Me

This is a very extensive Android resource that covers news and software. The developers must check out the application page which has descriptions, reviews, ratings and comments on various applications. There is a page called "Page for Beginners", where the developers will find lots of information on popular terminology or software that a new Android owner should keep up with.

There are thousands of Android app review sites and one must have a look at these sites and see what really is there.

Since 2002, Endeavour - The Mobility Company, has remained focused on strategic mobile consulting & mobile application development. Endeavour's strategic consulting practice especially on iPhone development brings best mobility practices and has helped large organizations and fortune 500 companies with articulating their enterprise mobility strategies and implementation roadmaps. Endeavour's expertise spans across all mobile operating platforms including the big 4 - Android application development, iPhone Application development, BlackBerry application development, and Windows Phone development.

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May 30, 2012

Corruption Destroying India's Progress

Whenever an index for most corrupt countries in the world is made, India is right there among the top five. It is a chronically corrupt nation. When the British ruled India, bribery was given the name bakshish, which is difficult to transliterate in English, but the general meaning is tipping, or giving a person something which he is not legally entitled to, but which the giver gives after being happily satisfied for services rendered. In that period, petty government officials got work done in anticipation of receiving bakshish.

While bakshish was given after one got the work done, bribery is often given before hand, to entice the receiver in doing the giver's work. It has now become a matter of right in most government departments, with even fixed rates in some places, where no work is done without greasing palms. It can be for anything like getting illegal work done; or getting work done out of turn; or getting work done by bending the rules; or for information from which the receiver will benefit but the giver is not officially entitled to give him. This list is only indicative and not exhaustive. Bribery in India takes bizarre forms.

While India is now in the grip of disclosures of huge scams where people have been alleged to have received unimaginable sums of money that has caused the national exchequer unheard of losses, bribery is a cancer spreading from grassroots level that is eating away at the vitals of the nation. A lowly peon will not move your file from one officer's table to the other if he is not bribed. Your pension will not be sanctioned if you do not bribe the officer authorized to do so. The list is endless. It is also not limited to government departments. Private business also has its share of corrupt officers and practices.

It is very easy to point fingers at the bureaucrats, but it is the common man, people like you and me, who bribe them that are equally responsible. When faced with an official who demands a bribe to get work done, we always seek the easy way out. We bribe him or her and get the work done. We do not lodge a complaint against him. We not trap him by informing the concerned vigilance department. Then, our thinking is like; let me first get my work done. But when Anna Hazare starts a movement against corruption, we are the first to join it. If we have heard the story of who would cast the first stone, we choose to be ignorant of it when we egg on Anna.

Like every other transaction, bribery is also between two persons. One is the taker and the other is the giver. One cannot exist without the other. Hence, both are equally guilty. Why should we pay the government officer to get our work done? Doesn't he receive salary, which any way comes from the taxes we pay? How many of us think like that? Going by the statistics of complaints lodged, not even one in one hundred thousand do so. That is why our nation gets scams like 2G spectrum.

There are enough laws to punish the guilty. There are enough laws, also, to punish the corrupt from committing the crime. In the rare case when an offended citizen reports to vigilance, officers are known to have been caught red-handed with bribe money. But many citizens do not report due to fear of reprisal. Hence, the government should seriously look into enacting a strong whistle blowers protection law, as Team Anna is demanding.

A Lok Pal may be effective in curbing corruption in high places. But it would be disastrous to burden him with everything like the lower bureaucracy and the lower judiciary. We do not need a Super Cop. We already have bodies in place that can effectively redress citizen grievance. Admitted they are rusted due to non-use. It is required that the public be made aware of them and they are staffed with good people.That, coupled with a strong whistle blower's protection law, would perhaps reduce corruption at lower level. I say perhaps because, in the end, the common man would need to have the spine to stand up to the corrupt.

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May 28, 2012

Manatees - Should You Touch Them In the Wild?

You have probably seen the "do not touch" signs for manatees and wondered why this would be so after hearing about places like Crystal Springs, Florida where people go to swim with the manatees. I've heard the stories too: manatees rolling over on their backs to have their bellies scratched. People saying how much the manatees seem to like it.

So what is the problem? If they like it, why shouldn't you touch manatees in the wild?

Before I explain why in detail, let me just cut to the bottom line first and say that if you do touch them, you put them at higher risk for getting injured and/or killed. You also put the whole species at risk of dying out forever.

As manatees interact with people, they lose their natural fear of people. They also lose their natural fear of things associated with people that could hurt them like boats. In other words, if you take the "wild" out of a wild creature, it loses one of its best defense mechanisms: the instinct to avoid certain situations and run away when necessary. For a manatee's protection, it is very important that it remain wild and retain its natural wild instinct.

Manatees are an endangered species. This means there are so few left in the world, they are barely hanging on by a thread. In fact, not only are their population numbers low, they are also declining at least 20% every generation! Losing just one manatee to a senseless pre-mature human caused death is a REALLY big deal at this point. It is critical that we do everything we can to protect them. Otherwise, we could lose this amazing creature forever within the next 100 years. It is a sad thought to think that your Great-Grandchildren could live in a world where there are no manatees in the wild.

Another important issue to consider is that manatees only reproduce every 3-5 years. The female stays pregnant for more than a year and manatee pups stay with their Mother for about 2 years. This means that manatees have a slow growing population under the very best of circumstances. They can't quickly replace themselves like other mammals like rodents and rabbits who reproduce far more frequently. If you take out a single manatee, it can have a huge impact on the population at this point.

Boating accidents are one of the primary ways manatees get killed and seriously injured today -- and boat traffic continues to increase across their entire range. Manatees can stay under water for 15 - 20 minutes. However, like all other marine mammals, they have to come to the surface to breath. If there is a boat in the area when they do, they can get hit by the hull or cut up by the propeller. To make matters worse, manatees are short-sighted creatures -- they see better up close than far away. If a boat is traveling fast, they may not even see it coming before it is too late. Manatees that have become accustomed to people are more likely to associate the sound of a boat motor with people and they will be more inclined to move into areas where there is high boat traffic. The number of boat related accidents with manatees has skyrocketed over the last decade.

Another issue with manatees getting too comfortable with people is that not all people are nice and it only takes one bad apple to kill or injure a manatee. If manatees become accustomed to getting their bellies scratched by people, they may expect ALL human beings to be so friendly. Unfortunately, we know that not all human beings are this friendly. In fact, there are some who would actually get some sort of sadistic pleasure out of harming a manatee. It is much safer for the manatee if they don't lose their instinct to avoid people.

It is especially important not to touch or even interact with a manatee Mother when she is with her pup. It takes two years for the Mother to teach her pup all they need to know to survive on their own. Interacting with the Mother and/or pup at this critical stage can result in the two of them getting separated. If this happens, the pup may not be ready to fend for itself and it could very well die, not to mention the negative effect it will have on the forlorn Mother.

Most people who are compelled to touch a manatee are this way because they love animals. They want to touch it because they are drawn to such a fascinating and wonderfully strange creature. They mean the manatee no harm. They just don't realize that touching the manatee could actually harm it or put it at higher risk for being killed. It is mostly for those people who I am writing this article for.

Please understand that for the manatee's sake, the best way to observe it is to keep a respectable distance. There is also a BIG advantage to you doing observing them in this way -- a big advantage that you may not have realized before. When you observe a wild animal from a respectable distance, you get to see how the animal behaves naturally! As fun as it may be to touch a manatee, it is even funner to actually get to see what it does in the wild. If you go out with an ethical eco-tour operator, they can show you how to see animals at a relatively close range but without disturbing them. This can be one of the richest most memorable experiences you'll ever have.

So, if you see a manatee while swimming or snorkeling, try to keep a respectable distance and just observe how it behaves naturally. The less you interact with it, the more acclimated it will be around you and the more natural it will behave. You will be richly rewarded for showing the animal this respect, I assure you! If you are with a group, be sure not to completely surround the manatee, even at a distance, as this will make them feel trapped.

If you are driving a boat and spot a manatee, be sure to slow way down to avoid any chance of a collision. If you are taking a guided excursion and someone else is driving the boat, if they don't slow down, point out the manatee to them and ask them nicely to slow down. Sometimes when manatees surface for air, most of their body stays below water and just their snout sticks out. In these cases, they can be tricky to see and the driver of the boat may have missed it. In this way, even if you are not driving the boat, you can really help by keeping your eyes peeled for them.

Remember that manatees are a true treasure in this world that could disappear if we aren't extremely careful about how we behave around them. Please pass this information on to anyone you know who cares about manatees and other endangered wild animals. You can help save them just by getting the right information out there.

Alexander Tilanus runs a very ethical eco-tourism company based in the Dominican Republic. His Saona Island tour is ranked #1 in the region and his other Punta Cana excursions consistently get rave reviews as well. If you're in the Dominican Republic, Punta Cana or elsewhere, his excursions are your best bet for seeing manatees.

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May 27, 2012

Places to Visit on a Madagascar Wildlife Holiday

A Madagascar wildlife holiday is a wonderful chance to see some of the country's unique animal species - but it's also a chance to explore some of the truly unique landscapes as well. It's often an underrated pleasure of a tour looking at the animals, and wildlife enthusiasts often find that - even subconsciously - they enjoy the benefits of seeing animals in a habitat and environment they are suited to, instead of in the artificial confines of a zoo or similar institution. Here's a quick look at a few of the places that you might visit on a successful wildlife tour.

Central Highlands

A mountainous region in Central Madagascar, the region stretches to 800 metres above sea level - although there's no need to worry you'll need climbing gear to explore the lower areas. On a Madagascar wildlife holiday, a visit to some of the areas surrounding the mountains can reveal plenty of the country's animal life - it's home to species of bats, rodents, tenrecs, and lemurs. Since the Central Highlands are separated from the Northern Highlands by a low-lying valley named the Mandritsara Window, it's a place where you can see animals that are very rare in other regions.

Isalo National Park

For travellers interested in a wide variety of terrains, there's nowhere better to explore than Isalo National Park. It features plenty of different environments - from sandstone formations and deep canyons to grassland and palm-tree lined oases. Those on their Madagascar wildlife holiday will find plenty to look at - the park is home to over 80 species of birds, 30 species of reptiles, and several different species of lemur, including the Ring-tailed Lemur, Red-fronted Lemur, and Coquerel's Giant Mouse Lemurs. The wide expanse of the park means trips may need a longer duration in order to have a hope of seeing the widest possible range of animals - they can last from several hours to a week, or even longer!

Avenue of the Baobabs

While it may not be the first location that springs to mind when contemplating a Madagascar wildlife holiday, this iconic area can really give a feel for the country and its incredible flora and fauna like no other place can. With baobab trees about 30m in height and over 800 years old lining a dirt road, it certainly has a unique atmosphere for a traveller eager to learn as much as they can of this wonderful country and the animals living in it.

Marissa Ellis-Snow is a freelance nature writer. If you're looking for a Madagascar wildlife holiday, Naturetrek specialise in expert-led natural history and wildlife tours worldwide. Naturetrek bring over 25 years of experience to a Madagascar wildlife holiday and other spectacular regions on Earth.

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May 26, 2012

Secretary Chu Announces New Institute to Help Scientists Improve Massive Data Set Research on DOE Supercomputers

Secretary Chu Announces New Institute to Help Scientists Improve Massive Data Set Research on DOE Supercomputers | Department of Energy Skip to main content Find information about your town or city. Search form Search Public ServicesTax Credits, Rebates & SavingsHomesVehiclesBuilding DesignManufacturingNational Security & SafetyEnergy EconomyFunding OpportunitiesState & Local GovernmentScience & InnovationScience & TechnologyScience EducationInnovationEnergy SourcesEnergy UsageEnergy EfficiencyMissionNews & BlogMaps & DataAbout UsFor Staff & ContractorsOfficesAll OfficesProgram OfficesStaff OfficesLabs & Technology CentersOperations OfficesPower Marketing AdministrationOther Agencies You are hereHome Secretary Chu Announces New Institute to Help Scientists Improve Massive Data Set Research on DOE Supercomputers March 29, 2012 - 2:48pm Addthis

Washington D.C. – Energy Secretary Steven Chu today announced $5 million to establish the Scalable Data Management, Analysis and Visualization (SDAV) Institute as part of the Obama Administration’s “Big Data Research and Development Initiative,” which was announced this morning and takes aim at improving the nation’s ability to extract knowledge and insights from large and complex collections of digital data. Led by the Energy Department’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, the SDAV Institute will bring together the expertise of six national laboratories and seven universities to develop new tools to help scientists manage and visualize data on the Department’s supercomputers, which will further streamline the processes that lead to discoveries made by scientists using the Department’s research facilities.

“Scientific discovery in energy research and a wide range of other fields increasingly depends on effectively managing and searching large datasets for new insights,” said Secretary Chu. “The newly establish SDAV Institute takes on the important challenge of ensuring our nation’s talented scientists can analyze these large datasets and make the important discoveries that will shape our nation’s future.” 

The SDAV Institute will help scientists better extract insights from today’s increasingly massive research datasets by assisting researchers in using state-of-the art software tools for data analysis on these supercomputers – ranging from superfast search engines to sophisticated visualization software that enables researchers to literally picture and “see” complex relations among data points.  The Energy Department supports some of the world’s fastest supercomputers located at Argonne, Oak Ridge, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories, which are used by scientists from a wide range of fields. Simulations running on the Department’s supercomputers have increased in size and complexity over time.

In addition to Berkeley Lab, the SDAV team includes experts from Argonne, Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, Oak Ridge and Sandia National Laboratories  as well as from the Georgia Institute of Technology, North Carolina State University, Northwestern University, Ohio State University, Rutgers University, the University of California at Davis and the University of Utah. Kitware, a company that develops and supports specialized visualization software, is also a partner in the project and will accelerate deployment of the technologies that the Institute develops into the private sector. Subject to congressional appropriations, the Department plans to make an additional $20 million available over the next four years to fully fund the Institute.

As part of the Administration’s “Big Data Research and Development Initiative,” six Federal departments and agencies today announced more than $200 million in new commitments that, together, promise to greatly improve the tools and techniques needed to access, organize, and glean discoveries from huge volumes of digital data. For more information, visit

For more information on the SDAV Institute, visit For more information on the Department’s Office of Science, visit

News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940


Addthis Related Articles Initially the network will connect the three Energy Department unclassified supercomputing centers: the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC) at Berkeley Lab, Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility (OLCF), and Argonne Leadership Computing Facility (ALCF), as well as the Manhattan Landing International Exchange Point (MANLAN). New 100Gbps Network Will Keep America on Cutting Edge of Innovation Dr. Saul Perlmutter, who won the 2011 Nobel Prize in Physics, heads the Supernova Cosmology Project at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. It was this team along with the High-z Supernova Search Team which found evidence of the accelerating expansion of the universe. National Lab Scientists Win Nobel Recognition Blood flow visualization | Photo Courtesy of Argonne National LaboratoryPowered by 500 Trillion Calculations What We Do For You General Electric will build a new thin-film photovoltaic (PV) solar panel manufacturing facility in Aurora, Colorado. The plant will produce enough solar panels annually to provide electricity to 80,000 homes and to create 355 jobs in Colorado over the next three to five years. | Image courtesy of Edelman.Energy EconomyEnergy Economy InnovationInnovation National Security Technologies scientists, technicians and engineers from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Nevada Site Office board the Air Force C-17. Highly trained nuclear emergency response personnel and more than 17,000 lbs of hi-tech equipment are being sent to Japan as part of the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration’s effort to assist Japanese personnel with nuclear issues. | Photo Courtesy NNSA NewsNuclear Security & SafetyNuclear Security & Safety Careers & InternshipsContact UsEmail Updates Popular Topics SavingsHeating & CoolingIndustrial Heating & CoolingSolarHome WeatherizationAppliances & ElectronicsAbout this siteWeb PoliciesPrivacyNo Fear ActInformation QualityOpen GovEnergy DepartmentBudget & PerformanceDirectives, Delegations & RequirementsFOIAInspector GeneralPrivacy ProgramSmall BusinessFederal GovernmentThe White

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May 25, 2012

Invasive Species - Emerald Ash Borer

This is the second in our series of articles regarding invasive species. In this article we are going to discuss the background and current status of the emerald ash borer.

The emerald ash borer is native to Asia and is thought to have been introduced here by wood cargo transported in shipping cargo from China to the Great Lake area. It was first discovered in Michigan near Detroit in 2002. Since then it has reportedly killed over 5 million ash trees across the northeast. It is also now present in the southern border areas of Canada.

This species is spreading incredibly fast and considering that there are a variety of ash trees in most of the U.S. states; this invader could do massive destruction in the very near future. Once attacked by these beetles, the tree will usually be dead in three to five years.

The adult ash borer feeds on foliage causing a noticeable reduction in the trees canopy, however; this does only minor damage to the tree itself. The real devastation comes from the larvae of the beetle, which bores beneath the bark of the tree causing permanent damage. They leave behind a distinct "S" shaped path in the trees inner bark and disrupt the trees ability to carry water and nutrients throughout the tree.

You may have noticed over the last few years purple triangular objects tied high in the trees. I know in the Adirondacks I have seen them at every campground I have visited. These are actually scented glue traps that are being used to detect the beetle's presence. They do little to combat the beetle problem directly, but they do enable researchers to detect them early enough to attempt to manage the attack.

Campers and hikers can help slow the advancement of these beetles by buying or gathering firewood near their camp. It is really important not to transport wood from one area to another as I am sure most of you have already been made aware of. This is why!

Treatment for an ash borer invasion is limited, to say the least. Pesticide applied on the surface of the tree can kill adult beetles, but does nothing to stop the destructive larvae. Some states have used a systematic pesticide that is injected into the root of the tree with great results. Unfortunately this method is not cost effective, or a viable solution given the amount of ash trees that would need to be treated to make an impact on the invasion.

Besides the obvious environmental effect, these beetles are also having an economical impact. In North America there are native Indian populations that rely on the ash trees to support their handcrafted goods industry. The loss of these trees will surely have an impact on the future of their trade. There is also the cost involved in removing dead trees, planting replacement trees, and the drop in property values due to the loss of landscape. Consequently there is the cost of researchers, treatments, and supplies that are being filtered down to the tax payers.

These beetles present just another example of how careless humans can be. Not to say the ash borer was released here on purpose, but regulations should be in place to prevent such an event. Perhaps quarantines for imported goods or treatments to cargo pallets could be done in the future to help avoid other invasive species from being inadvertently released.

From what I have read during my research there doesn't seem to be anything we can do to completely stop this invasion. So, what we are currently faced with is an alien species that can continue to invade our nation's forests without much interruption. As patrons of the great outdoors we can do our part to limit the spread by not transporting firewood and by reporting any sightings to local wildlife agencies.

To learn read more about this invasive species and many other informative articles please visit us at

Michael is an avid outdoorsmen who possesses a passion for environmental conservation and writing. The Mighty Angler website allows for both of these passions to be expressed in a fun interactive fashion.

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May 24, 2012

How Learning and Development Industry Can Access the Benefits of Social Media

The potential of social networking in strengthening the learning process has become far-reaching over the past few years. The integration and assimilation of social networking and communication in the learning and development industry have completely revolutionized the way people create and share information. With social media surge in recent years, people can share and upload exciting information instantly, disseminate data, thereby making it viral in the most convenient way. In this article, we are going to show you how this has transformed the panorama of e-learning.

Fostering social intelligence among students is the primary objective of education. The process of web-based learning, along with the integration with social networking sites, has opened up many new opportunities to learn and inculcate interpersonal skills. The social media surge these days has encouraged learning process to come out of the constricted boundaries of traditional classroom. As a result, the knowledge base is extending on a rapid pace using this highly convenient medium.

The use of social media in the learning process has increased interactivity among the peers as well as with teachers, so as to make it more effective. Websites, such as Facebook and Twitter are extensively used in recent times in order to send reminders and disseminate study materials to learners. Through these platforms, students and teachers can interact and communicate, as and when required. The convenient process of interaction makes it easier for teachers and students to stay connected and share their knowledge for better understanding and enhanced experience of learning.

Nowadays, a growing number of companies are investing in social media marketing to create a hit brand for their businesses. In fact, a lot of training organizations are using the potential of social networking sites to reach out to the prospective students. These tools help your organization to build up an extensive network, thus enabling you to double your returns from your classes and training sessions.

The process of integrating social networking with the e-learning process helps you build your interpersonal communication, thereby making learning process interesting and engaging. With a social media platform, people get enormous opportunity to express their views and interact with others. Social networking allows people to reconnect with the rest of the world and expand their social interaction. The more your network will be stronger, the more will be your chance to deliver important messages and news. In this way, the knowledge delivery process will be stronger.

Jonathan is a professional trainer. He employs latest technology for online class registration and online training registration that results in more attendance and ROI.

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May 22, 2012

Energy Department’s First-Ever “Apps for Energy” Competition Begins Today

Energy Department’s First-Ever “Apps for Energy” Competition Begins Today | Department of Energy Skip to main content Find information about your town or city. Search form Search Public ServicesTax Credits, Rebates & SavingsHomesVehiclesBuilding DesignManufacturingNational Security & SafetyEnergy EconomyFunding OpportunitiesState & Local GovernmentScience & InnovationScience & TechnologyScience EducationInnovationEnergy SourcesEnergy UsageEnergy EfficiencyMissionNews & BlogMaps & DataAbout UsFor Staff & ContractorsOfficesAll OfficesProgram OfficesStaff OfficesLabs & Technology CentersOperations OfficesPower Marketing AdministrationOther Agencies You are hereHome Energy Department’s First-Ever “Apps for Energy” Competition Begins Today April 5, 2012 - 2:00pm Addthis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As part of the Obama Administration’s efforts to help consumers save money by saving energy, the Department of Energy’s first-ever “Apps for Energy” competition begins today, offering $100,000 in cash prizes. “Apps for Energy” challenges innovative software developers to build new apps – for mobile phones, computers, tablets, software programs and more – that utilize data from major utility companies to help consumers and businesses use less energy and save money. Today, April 5, the Department released the official rules and began accepting submissions for the competition at

“The Apps for Energy competition supports the President’s goals of helping consumers lower their energy costs and increasing public access to data by challenging our nation’s talented software developers to create apps that provide energy usage data in the most comprehensive and accessible formats,” said Secretary Chu. “Improving consumers’ access to data about how they use energy in their homes will help them save money on their energy bills and reduce energy consumption.”

Developers competing in “Apps for Energy” will create apps that are designed to make the best use of the data provided through the President’s Green Button initiative, which recently announced that nine major utilities and electricity suppliers will provide more than 15 million households access to data about their own energy use. Learn more about the announcement HERE.

This competition is part of the Administration's broader efforts to make government more open and to engage the American people in new ways.  “Apps for Energy” will work closely with the Energy Department’s recently revamped website that offers new tools and resources to help consumers connect with the Department on an interactive, dynamic information platform.

Newly announced rules and dates for the "Apps for Energy” competition include:

Submissions can be for any kind of software application, including apps for the web, personal computers, mobile devices, or any software broadly available to the public. A list of resources for developers is available at May 15 is the last day to submit an app design. Following the close of submissions, an internal review and public vote will take place from May 17 to May 21. The winners will be announced on May 22.Winners will receive cash prizes that in total equate to $100,000. The team that develops the best overall application will win $30,000.  The second place team will win $15,000, and the third will win $7,500. There are also cash prizes available for the best apps built entirely by students, and for the apps that receive the most votes on during the public contest.A diverse panel will evaluate the apps. The panel includes: Patricia Hoffman, Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. Energy Department; Karen Austin, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Pacific Gas and Electric Company; Sharelynn Moore, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Itron, Inc.; Bill Reichert and Guy Kawasaki, Managing Directors, Garage Technology Ventures; and Aaron Shapiro, Chief Executive Officer, HUGE, Inc.

Learn more detail about the “Apps for Energy” competition and see the full list of rules HERE.

News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940

Addthis Related Articles Secretary Chu Launches First-Ever “Apps for Energy” Challenge Launching Apps for Energy! Developers, Are You Ready? Design by Hantz LegerEnergy Department Launches Apps for Energy What We Do For You General Electric will build a new thin-film photovoltaic (PV) solar panel manufacturing facility in Aurora, Colorado. The plant will produce enough solar panels annually to provide electricity to 80,000 homes and to create 355 jobs in Colorado over the next three to five years. | Image courtesy of Edelman.Energy EconomyEnergy Economy InnovationInnovation National Security Technologies scientists, technicians and engineers from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Nevada Site Office board the Air Force C-17. Highly trained nuclear emergency response personnel and more than 17,000 lbs of hi-tech equipment are being sent to Japan as part of the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration’s effort to assist Japanese personnel with nuclear issues. | Photo Courtesy NNSA NewsNuclear Security & SafetyNuclear Security & Safety Careers & InternshipsContact UsEmail Updates Popular Topics SavingsHeating & CoolingIndustrial Heating & CoolingSolarHome WeatherizationAppliances & ElectronicsAbout this siteWeb PoliciesPrivacyNo Fear ActInformation QualityOpen GovEnergy DepartmentBudget & PerformanceDirectives, Delegations & RequirementsFOIAInspector GeneralPrivacy ProgramSmall BusinessFederal GovernmentThe White

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May 21, 2012

Technology of the Future

This might not be the first time that some of you have heard about it, but a long time popular science has been revived with the recent news about ETT, or the Evacuated Tube Technology. ET3, a licensing organization, holds the patent of this proposed technology of the future.

Technology of the future: Magnetic Levitation Capsules

How it works? Well, simply imagine a bright sunny day in New York and suddenly you want to bring your wife on a dinner date, in Beijing! The usual flight time for any commercial flight is 14 hours, and lesser if you're boarding a super high tech jet from the Air Force that can travel supersonic.

But with the ETT, you can travel from New York to Beijing in just two hours. Imagine having that dinner date in Beijing and after you're done it's still a bright and sunny day in downtown New York. And the ET3 believes that the day of high speed suction tubes is not far off.

A proposed prototype of the Evacuated Tube Technology is a six person capsule that would travel through air-less vacuum tubes that can reach to a maximum speed of 4,000 miles per hour. These capsules would run on frictionless magnetic levitation tracks. The Mag Lev technology is not a secret to everyone as is it currently used on some railways in Europe and in the United States. China has also had the same technology with their Shanghai Trans rapid.

If the same logic applies, the tracks and the capsules will have magnets with the same poles. And since only opposite poles attract, the capsule and the tracks would repel each other, making a sort of illusion that the capsule is levitating. While it is convenient and sounds a bit absurd, it sets as a form of bench mark in long distance transportations. It could be considered as a cornerstone for future transportation to come.

This technology can be very ideal, especially to those with busy schedules and to those who want to maximize their routine by shortening the travel time. Instead of the traditional 16-20 hour travel flights, capsules form a sense of urgency to get the destination. Businessman and tourists can greatly benefit this technology. But the question is, will it be available to all countries, or to a selected few (you know what I mean). And if everyone will have access to it, will it be affordable?

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May 20, 2012

The Yoga of Pure Being

Robert Thurman once said that the possibility of becoming a buddha was not in the realm of imagination for most westerners. The idea that one could be connected to everything, have unlimited awareness, and live in perfect joy in this society is so incomprehensible that people cannot move, seriously, toward the attainment of enlightenment.

This is an amazing statement, and somewhat factual, considering that most acts cannot be accomplished if a person can not visualize them, sit with them, think them over, and imagine them. If it is beyond the point of imagination there will be no movement. The imagination is the doorway. It is the first step on the journey to attainment of a thought, idea, or goal. Without this first step the effort and will power to attain the goal will never be set into action and the goal not attained.

It is also somewhat frightening that many people in our society can't imagine something closely related to what Thurman said, that we are already the Buddha. The idea that we are beautiful beings who are connected to everything and extensions of God and universe doesn't set well. People nod and say yes, but they don't really believe it. The mystics have said that we are that beauty which we seek by whatever name, but our society has conditioned us not to believe this. Instead we are constantly monitoring ourselves, looking for evidence of perfection, or at least evidence of being better than others, as we perform the way we were told we should all of our lives.

We are told that we should never be satisfied. Satisfaction means death because it stops of from progressing and makes us complacent. If this is the case, the underlying, shadow side of such an idea is that we should stay dissatisfied. How can we live a fulfilled life when we set ourselves up, constantly, to be dissatisfied? How can we be happy when our loyalties are divided between our selves-the true Self, and the self we are told that we should be; a self so deeply implanted in our subconscious that we cannot escape it without much effort? The answer to all of these questions is to do the one thing that we have been told we shouldn't: we should be satisfied with ourselves fully and completely right now.

There are many exercises and practices that some of us do to accomplish this task. Tai-Chi, Yoga, Chi-gong, meditation, the arts are just a few. They move us beyond our egos and bring us into awareness with the greater universe around us. They teach us to accept ourselves where we are in the moment. If we are not careful, however, the external ideas about the need to perform will even manifest themselves in these practices. We will feel that we are not doing these practices well enough. Based on the performances set up for us by the society in which we live, or the internalized, critical voice of that society, we will begin to not enjoy those things either, or use them to entrench the idea that we are better than others and unique instead of obliterating them. That is why it is important to pay attention to what we are taking in.

There are thousands of books on spirituality and modalities of various, physical practices coming out on just about every subject. They tell us what we should do, what we should think, how we should move, what we should expect. If they don't tell us they show us pictures of people who look like gymnasts doing Yoga, or very thin, young or old people doing Tai-chi, they uphold the great celebrated artists who have been embraced as the best by our culture. They tell us that we should be someone else or get the message across in more subliminal ways. We should be better. We are not enough. Be dissatisfied. I say be satisfied. As soon as you are satisfied you will find that you have arrived at a life full of successes.

When you are satisfied you will have the strength and wisdom to begin to dismantle all of those thoughts and seeds of unworthiness buried in the subconscious and watered, every day, by the media and most institutions. When these negative voices are gone you will find the joy that is already there. The joy that is natural within the human being. You will find the Buddha, or the awakened being within and realize that it is you, and always have been. You are the awakened one and the supreme being you have been searching for wrapped in a human ego consisting of thoughts, ideas, fantasies, imaginations and desires placed in you long ago by a society that has lost its way. It lost its way when it decided that performing, or doing, was more important than being because being took too much time.

"What is the difference between doing and being?" you may ask. When you do art it is mechanical. It is not uplifting. It is not an expression of who you are, but a collection of techniques learned from others. When you are an artist every creation comes from the essence of your being and your art is a gift of God even if you have never taken one art lesson. You are the art. Art lessons, in this case, will help you express more of who you are. Art lessons in the previous case will help you express more of who other people are.

John Gilmore (Om Prakash) is a Writer, lecturer, workshop leader and Spiritual Life Coach. For more articles like these or to learn more about opportunities to explore your spirituality please visit

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May 18, 2012

Energy Department Announces up to $15 Million to Research Biomass-Based Supplements for Traditional Fuels

Energy Department Announces up to $15 Million to Research Biomass-Based Supplements for Traditional Fuels | Department of Energy Skip to main content Find information about your town or city. Search form Search Public ServicesTax Credits, Rebates & SavingsHomesVehiclesBuilding DesignManufacturingNational Security & SafetyEnergy EconomyFunding OpportunitiesState & Local GovernmentScience & InnovationScience & TechnologyScience EducationInnovationEnergy SourcesEnergy UsageEnergy EfficiencyMissionNews & BlogMaps & DataAbout UsFor Staff & ContractorsOfficesAll OfficesProgram OfficesStaff OfficesLabs & Technology CentersOperations OfficesPower Marketing AdministrationOther Agencies You are hereHome Energy Department Announces up to $15 Million to Research Biomass-Based Supplements for Traditional Fuels April 6, 2012 - 10:16am Addthis

WASHINGTON, D.C. – As part of President Obama’s blueprint for an economy fueled by homegrown and alternative energy sources, the Energy Department announced today up to $15 million available to demonstrate biomass-based oil supplements that can be blended with petroleum, helping the U.S. to  reduce foreign oil use, diversify the nation’s energy portfolio, and create jobs for American workers.  Known as “bio-oils,” these precursors for fully renewable transportation fuels could be integrated into the oil refining processes that make conventional gasoline, diesel and jet fuels without requiring modifications to existing fuel distribution networks or engines.

“The Energy Department’s investments to develop renewable transportation fuels are a key part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy to develop America’s domestic energy resources and reduce our nation’s dependence on foreign oil,” said Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “Driving innovation through targeted investments helps to speed development of next-generation biofuels made in America, biofuels that will help to protect American families and businesses from the ups and downs of the global oil market.”

The Department expects to fully fund between five to ten projects in fiscal year 2012 to produce bio-oil prototypes that can be tested in oil refineries and used to develop comprehensive technical and economic analyses of how bio-oils could work.  The proto-type bio-oils will be produced from a range of feedstocks that could include algae, corn and wheat stovers, dedicated energy crops or wood residues.  Domestic industry, universities and laboratories are all eligible to apply.

The results of the projects will inform future efforts directed at advancing bio-oil technologies and bringing these renewable fuels to market. A description of the funding opportunity, eligibility requirements, and application instructions can be found on the Funding Opportunity Exchange website under Reference Number DE-FOA-0000686.

The Energy Department's Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) accelerates development and facilitates deployment of energy efficiency and renewable energy technologies and market-based solutions that strengthen U.S. energy security, environmental quality, and economic vitality. Learn more about EERE’s work with industry, academia, and National Laboratory partners on a balanced portfolio of research in biomass feedstocks and conversion technologies. 

News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940

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May 17, 2012

Obama Administration and Great Lakes States Announce Agreement to Spur Development of Offshore Wind Projects

Washington, D.C. – As part of President Obama’s all of the above approach to energy, the Obama Administration today joined with the governors of Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, New York and Pennsylvania to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that will streamline the efficient and responsible development of offshore wind resources in the Great Lakes.  This effort underscores the President’s commitment to American made energy, increasing energy independence, and creating jobs.

“President Obama is focused on leveraging American energy sources, including increased oil and gas production, the safe development of nuclear power, as well as renewable energy from sources like wind and solar, which is on track to double in the President’s first term,” said Nancy Sutley, Chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality.  “This agreement among Federal agencies and Great Lakes states is a smart, practical way to encourage the development of homegrown energy that will create jobs, power homes, and help increase our nation’s energy security.”

 “As the President has made clear, an American economy that lasts is one built on American energy, designed and produced by American workers,” said Deputy Energy Secretary Daniel Poneman.  “This effort will allow us to tap into our abundant offshore resources, enhancing our energy security through an all-of-the-above strategy that develops every available source of American energy.”

The MOU will enhance collaboration between Federal and State agencies to speed review of proposed offshore wind projects.  Specifically, Federal and State agencies will develop an action plan that sets priorities and recommends steps for achieving efficient and responsible evaluation of proposed offshore wind power projects in the Great Lakes region.

Unlocking the Great Lakes’ offshore wind energy resources could yield tremendous economic and environmental benefits throughout the region, and has the potential to produce more than 700 gigawatts of energy from offshore wind, about one fifth of the total offshore wind potential in the U.S.  The development of even a small portion of the area’s offshore wind potential could create tens of thousands of clean energy jobs and generate revenue for local businesses.  These efforts are in line with the steps the Administration has taken to increase domestic energy production, including increased production of our nation’s oil and natural gas resources – with domestic oil production higher than any time in the last eight years and natural gas at an all-time high.  The Administration is also supporting the construction of the first nuclear power plant in 30 years, and today’s announcement builds on the extensive effort by the Administration to increase energy from renewable sources like wind and solar, which will double by the end of the President’s first term. 

The National Renewable Energy Laboratory estimates that each gigawatt of offshore wind installed could produce enough electricity to power 300,000 homes.  The efforts made possible by today’s agreement will also bolster existing investments in offshore wind technologies by promoting a consistent and predictable regulatory environment that inspires innovation and helps to bring clean energy solutions to market.

“In Illinois, we believe investing in clean energy projects and the development of wind resources helps promote economic development and create jobs, while reducing our dependence on foreign energy sources,” Illinois Governor Pat Quinn said.  “We are extremely pleased to collaborate with the U.S. DOE and our fellow Great Lakes states to harness the clean, natural power of our offshore wind.”

“Minnesota has been a leader in developing wind energy for nearly two decades.  We now have more than 2.7 thousand megawatts of wind projects online, and we rank fifth among the states for the most installed wind capacity,” said Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton.  “We look forward to sharing our expertise with other states and federal agencies, to learning from them, and to collaborating on the further development of offshore wind resources.”

“The Great Lakes have the potential to provide clean energy from offshore wind and related green jobs in upstate New York,” said New York Governor Andrew Cuomo.  “This MOU offers a responsible mechanism for enhanced and efficient collaboration among federal, state and local interests in evaluating processes and proposals for development of this resource.”

“This agreement will enable states to work together to ensure that any proposed off-shore wind projects are reviewed in a consistent manner, and that the various state and federal agencies involved collaborate and coordinate their reviews,” said Pennsylvania Governor Tom Corbett.

To safely and responsibly develop offshore wind resources, Federal and State agencies – which share jurisdiction in the Great Lakes – must fully evaluate the potential social, environmental, safety and security impacts of projects.  The agreement signed today will enhance collaboration between Federal and State agencies to speed review of proposed offshore wind projects and accelerate the development of clean, American energy from offshore wind energy resources in the Great Lakes region.  Under the MOU, Federal and State agencies will develop an action plan that sets priorities and recommends steps for achieving efficient and responsible evaluation of proposed offshore wind power projects in the Great Lakes region.

The following participants have signed the MOU:

State of Illinois

State of Michigan

State of Minnesota

State of New York

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

White House Council on Environmental Quality

U.S. Department of Energy

U.S. Department of Defense

U.S. Department of the Army

Advisory Council on Historic Preservation

U.S. Coast Guard

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Federal Aviation Administration

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

A fact sheet can be found HERE, and the MOU can be read in full HERE.

News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940

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May 16, 2012

Awareness Is Important to Vote for the Right Government

A government is responsible for the well being of its people. Voting is an important right and people should exercise it wisely. Ensuring that they pick the right candidate is the wisest decision that they can make. The roles and the responsibilities on which they base this decision should include providing the three basic needs that is proper food, adequate living space and clothes at no cost. The fulfillment of these basic responsibilities helps to build a trust between the government and its people. It's also helps people decide if the government has fulfilled its responsibility and if they should receive the vote during the next elections.

A government should be open and transparent in their functioning. In a democracy, the government is responsible for the tax payer's money and should be held accountable at all times. Ensuring that the money is wisely spent is important. Transparency will also help to build trust between the government and the people. When a government plans and lets the people know about all the different challenges that they will be facing together it establishes a proper communication with its electorate. It's imperative that people are aware of these decisions and vote for a government that can hold up to this level of expectation.

One of the most important qualities that's required for good governance is experience and honesty. Most governments fall because they lose the trust of their people and are only hungry for power. There are political forums that exist online today that are capable of providing all the right information about the election and detailed candidate information. This kind of information can help to generate the necessary awareness. It ultimately helps people decide the right candidate who deserves their vote. These websites also provide details about the past records and performance of the candidates and measures their contribution to public development and welfare.

Based on such information, voters can vote for the right candidate. Some politicians tend to manipulate people into believing that they are the suitable candidates to win the elections. But it's important to be aware of such people. Instead of listening to election speeches and coming to a conclusion, people should refer to political forums and get their facts about election candidate's right. One of the things that these political forums do is ensure that they spread political awareness and keep people updated about current elections. You can also discuss about candidates and election trends on such forums.

Governments turn corrupt because there is always a lack of information amongst people. People, who are the main victims of corruption, need to share the injustice that they have faced through the right channels. One of the most important channels that are capable of bringing change today is the media. The media has the most wide spread network and it includes radio, television, news papers and the internet. With the help of all these modes of communications, taking a decision on choosing the right candidate will never be a problem. It's all about being aware and ensuring a safer future.

J Viller is the author of this article on Opinion.
Find more information on Event here.

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May 14, 2012

The 4 Step Process of Choosing the Best Android App Developers for Your Project

Everybody wants to be able to choose the best android app developers for their project, but the most professional developers are very hard to come by. This is because the plethora of available choices makes it difficult to search for the developer who has in-depth expertise and experience on the Android platform. Some people, in spite of putting a lot of time and energy in their search proceedings, still end up choosing the wrong developer for their projects.

One of the many reasons for this is the fact that they haven't gone about choosing a developer or a development company in a methodical manner. Here is a step wise approach towards choosing an expert in android app development that usually proves to be successful.

Step 1: Understand the Market

If you are a first timer looking for an expert developer to handle your project, you need to get a thorough understanding of the market and how it functions. This will help you get an idea of the choices available and also the kind of services offered by the developers. More importantly, it will also help you get an in-depth look into the claims and counter claims by the various development companies offering their services in this regard.

Step 2: Shortlisting on Basis of Portfolio

After going through the portfolio of the various companies that you come across in your search, you will need to first shortlist them on the basis of portfolio. Here, it is important to choose the kind of company that has worked on projects that had similar requirements to yours - the ones that claim to have done so and which is evident from their portfolio. You can also use other parameters to shortlist the companies.

Step 3: Establishing Contact

Once you have shortlisted the respective companies, based on their portfolio and various other parameters, you will need to contact them for a personal interaction. You need to talk with their development team and get an idea of their levels of expertise and their ability to handle your projects. After your interaction, you can further trim down your shortlist, based on your levels of satisfaction with respect to the one-on-one you had with the company.

Step 4: Vetting Client References

The final shortlist is made up of android app developers or companies that you have had a constructive interaction with, and those that you believe have worked on successful client projects. You next and final step will be to get client references from these companies, and talk to their past clients. This helps you get a clear idea about the expertise and experience of the developers and whether they are all that they claim to be.

Once you are through this stage, you can choose the company or developers that you would like to do business with. By following the 4 step selection process, it is very difficult to go wrong.

Perceptive Mobile Apps is a leading Mobile Apps Development Company providing iPhone, iPad and Android application development services.

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May 13, 2012

How Your Values Can Create More Satisfaction Every Day

Want to know how your values can create more satisfaction and joy in your life every day? Upfront it's quite simple, clarify your core values and make daily choices that are in alignment with them. Unfortunately most of us face a different reality - we're so busy working, parenting and living that we're living a life which is more "just in time" instead of conscious and connected to our core.

Here's an analogy I like to use to help individuals just like you become aware of what it means to be more conscious of your core and core values.

Put your finger at the tip of your nose now. The tip of your nose is the part that starts to curve under. Guess what although you can see most of your finger, you can't see where the tip of your nose meets the tip of your finger. Although you know you have a "tip" on your nose you're not aware of what's happening there because it's out of your immediate sight. This is how most of us live every day - simply living your day without full awareness.

Now move the end of your finger up just a little bit and you'll be able to see it because now it's physically in front of you. If you're like 98% of the population you pay much more attention to what's visually in front of you. Although the tip of your nose is always there, just like your core values are a part of who you are, when you are not consciously making choices that are in alignment with them you are not taking action that is fully supportive of you creates a level of satisfaction and joy that continues to get you out of bed in the morning ready and excited to begin your day. You'll also notice that if you're not conscious of your core value that you probably tend to procrastinate when it comes to both your daily and long term goals.

The truth is, when you can't physically see something it's easy not to pay attention to it because although it seems like we should know what our core values are, most of us don't take time on a daily basis or even an annual basis to reconnect to them. Instead you may have made an assumption that your core values from oh a decade or so ago are the same ones that are most important to you right now. Guess what, change is constant, what that means to you is that your core values are also shifting in level of importance.

I've worked with hundreds of individuals who prior to our partnership spend more time creating a fun dinner with friends then they do focusing on what's at the core of their foundation often because they "think" they know. What they immediately learn is that some of what they said is most important is outdated or really the opinion of someone else, and they're not taking consistent action to support what is important. You can tell if this is you if you complain about things in your life.

Don't worry if you keep reading you'll learn a few things to help you get reconnected to what's most important.

Right now jot down your three most important core values. The mere action of doing this brings them into your current awareness. Now ask yourself, are these three values what I really think is most important or what I think should be most important. If it's the later do it again. Next to each value write down "why" it's your core value. What you're looking for is your emotional reason for the core value you choose. This emotional why is what makes your core value come alive to you. For example someone may choose "family" because their emotional why is "connection and adventure" and you may choose it because it's about "feeling taken care of and love" - for each person this is true.

Let's pretend you choose family, health and inner harmony as your top three core values. By making this choice you've just moved your finger from the tip of your nose where you can't see it, into your vision and consciousness.

When you become conscious you become more and more aware of yours true self; what's really important on a daily basis. It makes it easy to make choices that support you and fill you with more of your "emotional why".

Again, knowing your core values provides you criteria so that you are more aware of both what you don't want, and more importantly what you do want more of in your daily life. When you understand these distinctions you are able to more consciously stop complaining about what you can't control and do and take actions that support and create more of what supports your core values.

If you haven't reviewed your core values in the past six months I dare you to do so now and take one action every day that's in alignment with them. You're life will never be the same.

Take one action that can shift your life and get your free Values Clarification Tool now.

Michele Corey, partners with women and a few brave men to build their courage muscle and learn to say no to others more often so they can have more and more of what they want every day. Discover her musings on Smart Goal Setting.

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May 12, 2012

Parity in Politics - Why Women Don't Want It

Marking the 20-year anniversary of the Year of the Woman, Karen Tumulty's front-page Washington Post article details the never-ending challenges of gender parity in American politics. While an informative piece about the United States' 78th world ranking in woman's representation in national legislatures, tied with Turkmenistan for those keeping track, it reflects a flawed conventional wisdom about why more women don't run for and win elected office.

In discussing why more women are not politically engaged, many well-know facts were listed:

• Women often wait until later in their careers and lives to run for office making it a challenge to rise through the ranks to high office

• Many women wait to be asked to run, instead of initiating a political campaign, often questioning their credentials and qualifications more so than their male-counterparts

• Often women feel that the electorate is biased against women candidates, with high-profile examples of Clinton, Palin, Pelosi and Bachman as media and partisan targets fresh in their minds

The answer to these challenges as espoused by numerous women's groups is to train more women to run for office. From political "boot camps" like Rutgers Center for American Women in Politics Ready to Run program to the newly minted 50-50 in 2020 women's groups throughout the country believe that if more women are trained to run for office they will.

The problem with this strategy is that it doesn't work-just look at the last 20 years the article details as proof.

In 1992, I was a young political consultant determined to bring parity to politics having grounded my early political life working for a rising star of women leaders, Debbie Stabenow, now one of just 17 females Senators. During that election cycle and for many to come, I flew around the country training women, helping with their campaigns and hopeful that the efforts of so many women who tirelessly gave of themselves, and for a lot less money than our male counterparts, would bring us closer to parity.

Eight years later and hundreds of thousands of frequent flyer miles behind me, I examined the challenge of woman in politics as I created a leadership course at the Graduate School of Political Management at The George Washington University. The reason why women didn't run were clearly researched then and not significantly different that the facts presented today. The answer two decades ago was to prepare women to run for office and 20 years later it has had little impact. Why?

The truth is that preparing women for the battle of politics is not the answer. Woman are not running for office because they are choosing to spend their time and energy in ways other than engaging in the senseless, and all too often futile, act of policy making in contemporary politics. No amount of preparation is going to change the pragmatic nature of women who will choose to focus their energy and attention on real world solutions, rather than engage in politics that rarely creates meaningful change and when it does at a very high personal cost to one's quality of life.

In other words, politics is a very masculine game. Might makes right, the accumulation and wielding of power is rewarded and winners take all, hardly the environment to create meaningful solutions to societal challenges and enduring change for the betterment of the greater good. Which brings us full circle, as the literal and figurative "givers of life," women value the investment of their time and want to see that it has meaning.

Caring for children, the underserved in the community and family members disproportionately falls into female hands, professionally and personally. Are women going to spend their time, seeking the approval of the old boys club, asking strangers for money and launching attack ads against political opponents or are they going to roll up their sleeves and find a better way to teach art in failing schools, cleanup a neighborhood park and make meals for those who wouldn't otherwise eat?

True, better policies, more funding and compassionate policy-makers would make these endeavors easier, which leads to the white elephant in the room. For the most part, the women who do rise to the upper echelons of elective office have become so immerse in the pitched battle that they become more masculine than their male counterparts. While they may advocate for some women's issues, their conduct only further perpetuates the authoritarian rein of our political system instead of changing the tone, nature and outcome of a system design to bring people down instead of build them up.

Is it any wonder that women truly interested in change eschew elective office? As a girl, I wanted to be the first women president. I dreamed of the job not because I wanted to live in a big house and tell people what to do, rather I wanted to see people lifted out of poverty, to be able pursue their passions and to live in safe, caring and happy communities. Perhaps a bit utopian and if given the choice between giving it up to fight political battles or to work on it each day in the way I lead my life, the latter choice is the obvious one for me. And given what I see in my classrooms, with my clients and in the statistics-I am not the only one choosing to lead by example instead of in elected office.

Kathleen Schafer is at the forefront of leadership development with more than 20 years experience. Grounded in the rough and tumble world of politics, experienced in business, honed in academia and broadened by her own journey to create a balanced life, she brings remarkable insights on how individuals can develop their leadership potential to successfully create productive and fulfilling lives. Kathleen's personal presence in one-on-one coaching, seminars, and keynote presentations transforms people's perspective on what they can accomplish and how to walk it in the real world everyday. Her leadership tools are simple, easy to understand allow you to quickly integrate them into your life, starting now!

If you are interested in creating change in your life, your organization or your community, please visit for additional resources, podcasts, on-line courses, and tools to start your leadership journey today.

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