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September 15, 2012

Words Can Work Wonders!

I love quotes. For years, I've compiled hundreds of quotes that speak to me and created more than 20 small books, which I can tuck into a purse or suitcase.

For me, these books of quotations, hand-chosen to be voices that are especially meaningful to me, have been a positive voice whispering in my ear, like having a motivational coach in my briefcase.

The quote books I've compiled have different themes, and they vary depending on the phase of life I was experiencing at the time I put the books together. They're nothing fancy: just a blank journal that I've personalized with quotations and photos to help me get through the challenges of everyday life.

These little books might not be coffee-table-gorgeous, but they have brought me enormous joy. They've inspired me when I was facing a challenge, surviving a loss, starting a business, or taking a leap of faith. They've soothed, rewarded, jump started and encouraged me. They've been a friend and a valued business partner, a confidant who always "spoke my language." No matter what I was facing, I could count on my quotation books when the going got tough, when someone disappointed me, or when I ran into an obstacle.

I created books for every mood and need. Some books were designed to get me energized for success, while others helped me toughen up mentally. Some were comforting, while others took a "tough love" approach to help me put disappointments in perspective. There were books to inspire and motivate, and books to make me laugh. Books to encourage me to celebrate wins both big and small, and books to feed me emotionally and spiritually when the going got tough. There were even books to remind me to forgive and move on, lifting me up when the world didn't seem like a friendly place.

Although the quotes span centuries and the photos are a mix of famous artwork, nature scenes, postcards, and magazine clippings, the themes are consistent. Here are some of the mantras that show up over and over in the quotations that resonate with me.

Always take the high roadStay positiveI can do it!I'm not the only one who has gone through this, others have gone before me, and have found a way.There is always hope.Never, ever, give up.I am never alone.I am a part of a larger universe; it's not all about me.Look at the big pictureGet outside the boxHave courage!Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, start over.Forgive.Strive to live up to the ideals that matter.

What resonates with you? If you're feeling down, overwhelmed or challenged, why not create your own quotation book? I'll warn you; it's addictive! Start your own quotation book today, and you might be amazed where the journey takes you!

Faith Monson is a Success Consultant who works with entrepreneurs, designers, retailers and sales-driven organizations. She makes people and businesses better by daring them to be great and helping them to reach their full potential. Visit or contact her directly at or 703-237-2077.


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