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September 4, 2012

John Edwards Statement to the Media and the Punditry

I was not a John Edward's fan when he ran for president in 2008. I did not get the sense that his depth character had fully developed. (I had the feeling before his haircut video went viral.) But, On Thursday, I believe he showed courage. Edwards stepped out on the courthouse and made a statement after the jury acquitted him on one charge and deadlocked on the five others.

John Edwards thanked the jury for their thoughtful 9 days of deliberations. Edwards said he was responsible. Edwards said he and he alone was responsible. Whether or not he is sincere, we do not know. But, he recognized by saying he was responsible that he had to take accountability on some level.

John Edwards thanked his daughter, Cate, for her support and acknowledged that she was able to give it while loving her mother as much as she does. He acknowledged his love for all his children. He gave intense emotional public declaration of his love for his daughter, Quinn. He acknowledged his sins and said "God is not through with me yet." He vowed to continue to work for the poor. Then the pundits went wild.

Here is my punditry of the pundits. Chuck Todd called John Edward's statement creepy. I have to say I was a little thrown by that characterization coming from Chuck Todd. Then he surmised that nobody wants to hear from John Edward. "Just go home," said Todd.

John Heilemann went as far as to say that Edwards talking about his daughter, Quinn, was creepy. John Heilemann is inaccurate when he says Edwards had not mentioned his other children and had to go back and acknowledge them after he made a point to state his love for Quinn. He had previously acknowledged all his other children then reaffirmed his love for all of them after stating he loved Quinn.

Heilemann concluded Edwards should not have acknowledged Quinn. His reasoning was Edwards would not have been standing on the courthouse steps if it had not been for the affair that produced Quinn. Quinn had nothing to do with the affair. She is not John Edward's shame. Edward's affair is the problem, not the child. So, it was courageous for Edwards to publicly claim his child despite the pontificating he had to know would come.

Howard Fineman called Edwards' statement creepy as well. Then Fineman went on a comical caricature of Edward's statement. Fineman perceived Edwards weaving a story of his children into the plight of the poor. He characterized Edwards as egotistical and delusional. Fineman basically said Edwards was shameless for affirming his commitment to helping the poor in whatever avenues still available to him at this point.

Then Chris Mathews moved from characterizing Edwards' statement as having hit all the right marks to pointing out Edwards could have gone to jail for 30 years for the actions that produced his daughter. Then Matthews commented that it was like Edwards was saying I had this child by this woman and now I want to talk about it. Mathews was in lock step with the others that Edwards should not have acknowledged Quinn because of the affair cover up producing the child. Come on, Chris, think about how you were gushing over your granddaughter last week. You are free to love your granddaughter in the open.

John Edwards' is now free to openly acknowledge his child since all his dirty laundry in the public domain. He was supposed to acknowledge Quinn. The world is going to treat her like an illegitimate child, like the pundits did. John Edwards was supposed to legitimize his daughter.. He had the courage to stand up and claim her, finally.

Chris Mathews missed it again when he said John Edwards was talking to the country and not to Quinn. But, he was talking to Quinn. John Edwards was making a video diary. After denying his daughter, he wanted to have a public record for her. You know what they say. The Internet is forever. I agree with Chris Mathews that Edwards was also talking to his supporter Bunny Mellon when Edwards spoke of continuing to fight for the poor. Chris Matthews was also astute in recognizing Edwards was not talking to him, Fineman or any of the other pundits.

Edwards needed to make the statement. If he had not, as Mark Halprin though would have been best, the press would have hounded him. Some of these same commentators would have been saying Edwards should have made a statement. David Corn said that it was probably not a good time for Edward's to mention 'God is not through with him yet.'. The last time that I checked anybody can call on God at any time.

Al Sharpton piled on that Edward's should have said a word about his ex-wife. Oh no, he shouldn't have. People would have been outraged that he had the nerve to put Elizabeth Edward's name in his mouth. But, he did acknowledge her. He highlighted Cate's love for her mother. That was the best way for him to handle it. He let everyone know that he knows Elizabeth Edwards is still loved.

Sean Hannity tried as usual to lay the predicate for the next line of Republican attack that can be turned on President Obama's administration. He tried to convict Edwards personally without addressing the complexity and flaws of campaign finance laws. He was trying to make an argument for why Edwards should be retried. Hannity conjured up these reasons for a retrial. 1) There is enough evidence to convict Edwards. 2) With a new jury, the prosecutor could do more. 3) Edwards is not sympathetic figure. 4) The prosecutor could do a better job of trying the case.

Big Ed hit the right note. He showed a clip of John Edwards speaking about the big challenges facing our country. Edwards was foreshadowing that you are not going to be able to negotiate with powerful interests about energy policy, healthcare and education.. Edwards said they would have to be forced to the table. President Obama's three years in office has proved that those representing big money interests cannot persuaded by reason to put country first. Ed Schultz lamented on the loss for the democrats. He showed the part of Edwards' statement of him taking ownership for his immoral acts, but asserting he had broken no laws. Shultz was fair and balanced. He showed Edwards on the right side of issues, but acknowledged that Edward's ego got the better of him.

If Edwards can raise awareness about the plight of the poor, more power to him. Who are these people to say Edwards cannot have a future in politics? David Vitter is still a Senator. Bill Clinton is a beloved political figure. Elliot Spitzer is a political analyst. John Edwards can be whatever he wants, if he works hard and helps others more than he helps himself.

Tammi Nikki is a political observer and social commentator. She enjoys satirizing politics and hypocrisy. Follow her @Oforobama and visit her essays and political graphics at


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