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September 11, 2012

3 Success Factors That Really Make A Difference

Are you on the road to success?

Are you getting what you want out of life?

Are you achieving the goals and career objectives that are important to you?

Are you building quality relationships?

It's frustrating when you want to discover the keys to success in your life and career, but have no idea what to do or how to get started. I know because I've been there!

Below are a handful of the big-picture principles that I have used to help me pursue true success in my life and career. I hope these will help you along your road to success as well.

#1 Key to Success - Discover Your "1 Thing"

Did you know one of the greatest keys to success can be found in the movie City Slickers?

In one of its most memorable scenes, Curly (the cowboy) asks Mitch (the city slicker), "Do you know what the meaning of life is?" Mitch says, "No, what?" Curly says, "This," and holds up his index finger. Mitch says, "Your finger?" Curly answers, "No, it's just one thing, and everything else don't mean _________ (I won't repeat what Curly says here; I'll just let you use your imagination)." Mitch says, "That's great Curly, but what's the one thing?" Curly concludes the conversation by saying, "That's what you have to figure out."

This conversation highlights one of the most important keys to success in life -- what is that "1 Thing" that makes life worth living for you? Even more, if everything else is stripped away, what is the "1 Thing" that makes life..."life?"

Key to Success #2 - Align Your "Being" and "Doing"

Another key to success for getting what you want in life is aligning who you are (aka, your "being") and what you do (aka, your "doing") with your "1 Thing." In other words, how does your "1 Thing" impact who you are and what you do? This step personalizes your "1 Thing" and allows you to create a personal purpose (i.e. mission) statement.

For instance, my personal purpose statement is: To glorify God and enjoy Him well (i.e. my "1 Thing") by living it forward in the most important roles of my life (i.e. my "being") and by inspiring and empowering other people and organizations to do the same (i.e. my "doing").

Key to Success #3 - Figure Out What You Don't Want

Once you identify your life purpose, a great way to determine the keys to success for your life and career is to identify what things are in your life and career that won't help you live out your purpose. In other words:

What would you like to change?What are you tired of?What attitudes and habits are NOT in line with your life purpose?What actions are NOT congruent with your career goals and career objectives?

Take a close look at your life and career to determine what things don't fit with your purpose, then take action to get rid of anything that won't lead you down the road to success. This step is challenging, but the momentum you'll gain from aligning your life and work with your purpose is nothing short of amazing!

2012 Kent Julian - All Right Reserved



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