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September 8, 2012

The 3 Key Elements of Success

The mantra: "Get out of your comfort zone" may seem to be a daunting task for many people. Once you step out of your comfort zone, the perceived safety net, your safe environment is no longer there.

For the risk takers in the world, the absence of a safety net or a back door simply means no falling back (into old habits) or turning around when the going gets tough. Stepping out of your comfort zone requires some calculated knowledge of risks, support from around you and a whole lot of faith in yourself.

That's why starting a business, learning a new skill, getting into new habits that can lead you to the life you truly deserve, all involved risk. Here's what your SUCCESS formula looks like:



An element of RISK exists because you are doing something different. You are making changes because you want the results in your life to change. Remember the definition of 'INSANITY'? Doing the same things and expecting different results.

You've got to take some risk - calculated risk - to get different results in your life.


Most of the time, SUPPORT does not come from the people whom you thought would be the first to raise their hands. Do you remember how many people thought you could not be successful, get to your goals because you were not flowing with the norm? Remember the last time you said you were trying something new and how many people (your family, closest friends and even you) thought: "There is NO way, you could do that!"?

Seek the company of the men and women who have traveled the same path as you. Whether you are starting a business or want to try your feet at ballroom dancing get around those circles. These people have walked your path and they can teach you a thing or two plus share their mistakes and challenges with you, so you don't have to learn the hard way.

People love helping other people. Be open to learning, to sharing and making mistakes while you are in this 'supportive' environment. You will learn quicker and get to your goals faster.


Faith and Risk co-exist. You take risks because you have faith in yourself and what you do. Faith and Fear though cannot exist at the same time. The feeling of Fear disappears when Faith takes over.

"Courage is not the absence of Fear, it is the presence of Faith!" - Jackie Coan

This is the most important element of the three. Without Faith, you will choose not take risks. There are no guarantees in life and SUCCESS is always hard-earned. Trusting yourself that you will follow through and do whatever it takes to succeed, is the first step towards opening the door to an abundance of opportunities.

What we have covered is the initial preparation towards getting you to believe that achieving SUCCESS is simple. It's just not that easy. You've got to put in the time, the effort and the hard work. You can do the smart work later when you have your foundation in place.

Once you understand the formula, it can be replicated again and again. You can apply the elements to every aspect of your life where you want to see change happen for the better.

You've just got to start here, once you know what you want and how badly you want to achieve Success in your life. No back doors or safety net remember?

Jackie Coan's mission is to "Inspire Change to Create Possibilities". She changes lives every day by teaching others to launch successful profitable businesses from the get go. Visit her website


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