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September 29, 2012

Some of the Best Applications for the BlackBerry in 2012

One can try productive tools, entertainment titles and other tools to perform their tasks. Here is the list of some of the best BlackBerry applications.

Call Reminder Notes

This is a handy app that allows you to set a small note to appear the next time a particular contact calls you. Additionally, The note can be assigned to multiple contacts. So, if you need to remind all your housemates or colleagues of any event or task, you can have it appear each time you call one of them. The reminder is automatically cleared once you hang up from the call, and an optional after-call window allows you to add a new reminder. You can even create a calendar event or add a note to their contact in your phone book.


This is a fun social networking service that lets the user get connected with friends. One can explore their city and earn fun badges along the way. Check in to venues when you're out and earn special badges and promotions. You can even compete with your friends and explore your world. This amazing app of BlackBerry lets you check in, view specials and explore your area.

Where's My Phone Pro?

This is a standalone application, that does not require any third-party service. This app allows the users to email or SMS their lost BlackBerry device with a code word and command it to make certain functions like - emitting a loud beep noise, popping up the screen with a message, etc. The owner of the device can also make it send an email to him, containing the map of its location.

BlackBerry Messenger

This is a great app that lets you chat with friends, send photos and video, start group chats and much more. This is truly an amazing messaging solution for BlackBerry users.In other words, BlackBerry Messenger is a free messaging app that lets you communicate easily with other BlackBerry Smartphone owners to start group chats, plan events or share content. This app is used by a nearly 54 million people from across the world every day.

WhatsApp Messenger

This app is for the user who wish to chat with their friend who doesn't have a BlackBerry. WhatsApp Messenger can be used by people, who have their friends and family on other platforms. With this app one can easily message contacts on other platforms. It works off the contact phone number, so as long as they are in your address book they'll show up on WhatsApp. One can even send images, videos, voice notes and more.


Dropbox is the app which provides the user with 2GB of cloud storage. Dropbox can be used to store photos, video and other files for access when and where they are needed. This can be said as a must have application for BlackBerry Smartphones or any other Smartphone. In other words, Dropbox is an online storage solution that allows the users to upload and synchronize their documents and photos to the cloud, and access them from anywhere in the world.

BlackBerry Protect

This app can be used to protect your valuable BlackBerry device and gives you peace of mind. You can attempt to locate it or even wipe all the data. The app runs in the background and keep track of your device while backing up all the important data.

BlackBerry applications are really cool and can turn normal phones into Smartphones.

Mobile application development process at Endeavour concentrates on enabling unthinkable innovative processes in mobile environments. The available data is looked at being mobilized as this approach enables the enterprise to change the way their employees work. As a thorough mobility company, Endeavour never retrieves from thinking as creatively as possible to arrive at a process that is crafted to perfection and is streamlined for that desired functioning of the mobile solution that has been developed.

September 26, 2012

A Little Bit Of Information About Primates

What do you have in common with a chimpanzee, a mountain gorilla, and a spider monkey? You are all closely related mammals - you are primates.

As you might have already guessed there is a wide diversity among primates, but there are some traits that all share. Most primates have "opposable thumbs", which means that their thumbs can rotate to touch the fingertips on the same hand. This helps primates climb trees and grasp food. Also, primates can see in color, and their brains are generally longer than those of other mammals. They range in size from the tiny mouse lemur, which weighs only 2 ounces, to the gorilla, which can weigh 600 pounds.

The more primitive primates, called prosimians include the strange aye-aye, lemurs and the sifakas. There three-dwelling primates live on the island of Madagascar. Galagos, lorises, pottos, and tarsiers are also prosimians. Scientists believe that the earliest primates that appeared on Earth some 70 million years ago were similar to some of the mammals in this group.

The "higher" primates include marmosets, tamarins, monkeys, apes, and humans. Found only in South America, marmosets and tamarins are squirrel-sized primates that are some of nature's most spectacular mammals.

Marmosets and tamarins eat fruit, flowers, nectar, insects, frogs and spiders. They live in close family groups of between four and 15 individuals. All members of the group help raise the young - sharing food and even carrying them from time to time. It's possible that these "babysitters" are learning how to care for the offspring that they will have one day.

Most primates do not exhibit this kind of family cooperation, but some do live in smaller family groups made up of a male and female and their immature offspring. Gibbons and their cousins, the siamang monkeys, live in groups such as this. In titi monkey family groups, the male takes the lead role in caring for the young. He is the one who is in charge of feeding, protecting and carrying the infant until it is about four or five months old and mature enough to keep up with its family.

The great apes - chimpanzees, orangutans and gorillas - are human beings' closest relatives. These amazing animals have many behaviors and physical characteristics that are just like ours. Apes have no tails, and they have long arms and highly developed brains. Gorillas are usually described as being of either the lowland or mountain variety. The mountain gorilla is an endangered species. Only a few hundred remain in the mountains of East Africa.

September 22, 2012

Benefits of Integrating Smartphones in Classrooms

Within the sphere of Learning and Development, mobile learning is a relatively familiar term now. It's a process of seamless learning, anywhere, anytime, even when you are on the go. With a wide accessibility of devices, such as net books, iPads, iPod Touch or even a Smartphone, these days mobile learning is not a Herculean task to conduct. Today, it is a widely followed educational process, which enables educators to facilitate an interactive learning experience in the most effective way.

Although the traditional concept is that mobile phones is a distraction in the classroom, yet the extensive use of cell phone devices have made many schools accept the outright usability of these gadgets in the training and learning process. However, implementing mobile learning in schools can be of great value. We have come up with several benefits of implementing Smartphones at academic centers.

1. Teachers can record their lectures and get them uploaded as a podcast. Students can share this via their mobile devices as and when required for reference. In case students cannot attend the lecture session, they can access the podcast on a need to know basis.

2. With a Smartphone, the teacher-student interaction is highly facilitated. Teachers can share their contact numbers with students, so that they can get in touch with them as and when required. Thus, students can review their lessons as per their convenience and ask instant question to their teachers. Continuous interaction with students can help you to identify the areas where the students need more guidance.

3. The accessibility to Smartphone in classes can enable students to find answers quickly by using the internet from their mobile devices. It takes much less time to find answers than to look through tons of books. What teachers can do is ask a question and tell pupils to find the answer as soon as possible. Thus, you can check if yours students are able to comprehend the context of the questions.

4. Implementing Smartphones in your day-to-day classes can help both students and teacher remain updated about various important details. What you can do is create a short list of important details, such as exam dates, short summaries, and so on, and can transfer it to students via text messaging.

5. Enabling Smartphone in classes can make learning a fun experience for students and teachers alike. Moreover, it helps to widen the knowledge base. A teacher can request students to go through continental Geography via Google maps. Now, quiz your students on the knowledge that they've acquired.

6. Finally, teachers send out flashcards with a new word and its definition on a regular basis to their students.

Jonathan is a professional trainer. He employs latest technology for online class registration and online training registration that results in more attendance and ROI.

September 18, 2012

Are Whales at Threat of Extinction?

It is common knowledge that rampant overfishing (whaling) in the 18th - 20th centuries nearly drove many whale species to extinction. While whaling certainly existed prior to this, technological improvements allowed the industry to become much more efficient in harvesting whales. Now that the global whaling industry has nearly disappeared, whale populations have been able to slowly recover. Conservation efforts and eco-tourism (centered around whale watching cruises or dolphin interaction tours) are working to fund recovery efforts, but is it too late?

The majority of the great whale species are still on the endangered species list. The United States Endangered Species Act (ESA) still lists the northern right, southern right, bowhead, fin, blue, sei, humpback, and sperm whales as endangered species. The population of the northern right is reported to be less than one thousand animals remaining. One big problem is that, even without a major impact from commercial whaling, many interactions between humans and whales mean further losses in the population.

Commercial fishing vessels pose a great danger to whales. While their target is not the whale itself, the cetacean can often become entangled in the fishing lines or nets that are in active use or have been discarded at sea. This is not a fatal condition immediately, but the entanglement can slow down the animal, impacting its ability to dive and surface or to feed. A whale that cannot surface cannot breathe, and drowns.

Another impact from ships is collision risk. When large ships such as cruise liners or tankers collide with a whale, there is no contest. Serious injury or death is a frequent result. Many areas that are common "interference zones" between whale traffic and human traffic have implemented slower speeds to avoid the collisions, but this is not a 100% solution. There is currently no way to ensure keeping distance between ships and whales in their natural habitat.

The effects of climate change on all aspects of our environment are still not fully understood. However, as ocean temperatures change, the food source for many cetaceous mamals (krill and plankton) will be impacted. It is possible that ongoing temperature increases will create food shortages for the whale population, driving further losses.

Chemical and noise pollution are other factors impacting whale population rebound. Chemicals such as heavy metals make their way into the food chain and can build up over time, slowly poisoning the animals. Noise pollution, primarily from ship traffic, could possibly interfere with the navigation, feeding, and communication of whales. Interrupting these activities can further damage the recovery of whale stocks worldwide.

Finally, commercial whaling is still a minor factor. While a global moratorium on whaling has been declared, there is no central body with any enforcement authority. Annual harvests are closely monitored, and global opinion is largely negative about the practice, but some nations insist that whale hunting is part of their heritage.

With reduced commercial whaling, funding from conservation groups and whale watching tours, populations worldwide have a chance at survival in general. It is unlikely that all species will have long-term success, but through the dedicated efforts of conservationists worldwide it is certain that our world won't lose all the whales.

Anyone interested in the plight of cetaceous mammals, wanting to know more about marine conservation, or finding whale watching trips should visit

September 15, 2012

Words Can Work Wonders!

I love quotes. For years, I've compiled hundreds of quotes that speak to me and created more than 20 small books, which I can tuck into a purse or suitcase.

For me, these books of quotations, hand-chosen to be voices that are especially meaningful to me, have been a positive voice whispering in my ear, like having a motivational coach in my briefcase.

The quote books I've compiled have different themes, and they vary depending on the phase of life I was experiencing at the time I put the books together. They're nothing fancy: just a blank journal that I've personalized with quotations and photos to help me get through the challenges of everyday life.

These little books might not be coffee-table-gorgeous, but they have brought me enormous joy. They've inspired me when I was facing a challenge, surviving a loss, starting a business, or taking a leap of faith. They've soothed, rewarded, jump started and encouraged me. They've been a friend and a valued business partner, a confidant who always "spoke my language." No matter what I was facing, I could count on my quotation books when the going got tough, when someone disappointed me, or when I ran into an obstacle.

I created books for every mood and need. Some books were designed to get me energized for success, while others helped me toughen up mentally. Some were comforting, while others took a "tough love" approach to help me put disappointments in perspective. There were books to inspire and motivate, and books to make me laugh. Books to encourage me to celebrate wins both big and small, and books to feed me emotionally and spiritually when the going got tough. There were even books to remind me to forgive and move on, lifting me up when the world didn't seem like a friendly place.

Although the quotes span centuries and the photos are a mix of famous artwork, nature scenes, postcards, and magazine clippings, the themes are consistent. Here are some of the mantras that show up over and over in the quotations that resonate with me.

Always take the high roadStay positiveI can do it!I'm not the only one who has gone through this, others have gone before me, and have found a way.There is always hope.Never, ever, give up.I am never alone.I am a part of a larger universe; it's not all about me.Look at the big pictureGet outside the boxHave courage!Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, start over.Forgive.Strive to live up to the ideals that matter.

What resonates with you? If you're feeling down, overwhelmed or challenged, why not create your own quotation book? I'll warn you; it's addictive! Start your own quotation book today, and you might be amazed where the journey takes you!

Faith Monson is a Success Consultant who works with entrepreneurs, designers, retailers and sales-driven organizations. She makes people and businesses better by daring them to be great and helping them to reach their full potential. Visit or contact her directly at or 703-237-2077.

September 11, 2012

3 Success Factors That Really Make A Difference

Are you on the road to success?

Are you getting what you want out of life?

Are you achieving the goals and career objectives that are important to you?

Are you building quality relationships?

It's frustrating when you want to discover the keys to success in your life and career, but have no idea what to do or how to get started. I know because I've been there!

Below are a handful of the big-picture principles that I have used to help me pursue true success in my life and career. I hope these will help you along your road to success as well.

#1 Key to Success - Discover Your "1 Thing"

Did you know one of the greatest keys to success can be found in the movie City Slickers?

In one of its most memorable scenes, Curly (the cowboy) asks Mitch (the city slicker), "Do you know what the meaning of life is?" Mitch says, "No, what?" Curly says, "This," and holds up his index finger. Mitch says, "Your finger?" Curly answers, "No, it's just one thing, and everything else don't mean _________ (I won't repeat what Curly says here; I'll just let you use your imagination)." Mitch says, "That's great Curly, but what's the one thing?" Curly concludes the conversation by saying, "That's what you have to figure out."

This conversation highlights one of the most important keys to success in life -- what is that "1 Thing" that makes life worth living for you? Even more, if everything else is stripped away, what is the "1 Thing" that makes life..."life?"

Key to Success #2 - Align Your "Being" and "Doing"

Another key to success for getting what you want in life is aligning who you are (aka, your "being") and what you do (aka, your "doing") with your "1 Thing." In other words, how does your "1 Thing" impact who you are and what you do? This step personalizes your "1 Thing" and allows you to create a personal purpose (i.e. mission) statement.

For instance, my personal purpose statement is: To glorify God and enjoy Him well (i.e. my "1 Thing") by living it forward in the most important roles of my life (i.e. my "being") and by inspiring and empowering other people and organizations to do the same (i.e. my "doing").

Key to Success #3 - Figure Out What You Don't Want

Once you identify your life purpose, a great way to determine the keys to success for your life and career is to identify what things are in your life and career that won't help you live out your purpose. In other words:

What would you like to change?What are you tired of?What attitudes and habits are NOT in line with your life purpose?What actions are NOT congruent with your career goals and career objectives?

Take a close look at your life and career to determine what things don't fit with your purpose, then take action to get rid of anything that won't lead you down the road to success. This step is challenging, but the momentum you'll gain from aligning your life and work with your purpose is nothing short of amazing!

2012 Kent Julian - All Right Reserved



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Ready to make the move to the life and work you love? Then visit

September 8, 2012

The 3 Key Elements of Success

The mantra: "Get out of your comfort zone" may seem to be a daunting task for many people. Once you step out of your comfort zone, the perceived safety net, your safe environment is no longer there.

For the risk takers in the world, the absence of a safety net or a back door simply means no falling back (into old habits) or turning around when the going gets tough. Stepping out of your comfort zone requires some calculated knowledge of risks, support from around you and a whole lot of faith in yourself.

That's why starting a business, learning a new skill, getting into new habits that can lead you to the life you truly deserve, all involved risk. Here's what your SUCCESS formula looks like:



An element of RISK exists because you are doing something different. You are making changes because you want the results in your life to change. Remember the definition of 'INSANITY'? Doing the same things and expecting different results.

You've got to take some risk - calculated risk - to get different results in your life.


Most of the time, SUPPORT does not come from the people whom you thought would be the first to raise their hands. Do you remember how many people thought you could not be successful, get to your goals because you were not flowing with the norm? Remember the last time you said you were trying something new and how many people (your family, closest friends and even you) thought: "There is NO way, you could do that!"?

Seek the company of the men and women who have traveled the same path as you. Whether you are starting a business or want to try your feet at ballroom dancing get around those circles. These people have walked your path and they can teach you a thing or two plus share their mistakes and challenges with you, so you don't have to learn the hard way.

People love helping other people. Be open to learning, to sharing and making mistakes while you are in this 'supportive' environment. You will learn quicker and get to your goals faster.


Faith and Risk co-exist. You take risks because you have faith in yourself and what you do. Faith and Fear though cannot exist at the same time. The feeling of Fear disappears when Faith takes over.

"Courage is not the absence of Fear, it is the presence of Faith!" - Jackie Coan

This is the most important element of the three. Without Faith, you will choose not take risks. There are no guarantees in life and SUCCESS is always hard-earned. Trusting yourself that you will follow through and do whatever it takes to succeed, is the first step towards opening the door to an abundance of opportunities.

What we have covered is the initial preparation towards getting you to believe that achieving SUCCESS is simple. It's just not that easy. You've got to put in the time, the effort and the hard work. You can do the smart work later when you have your foundation in place.

Once you understand the formula, it can be replicated again and again. You can apply the elements to every aspect of your life where you want to see change happen for the better.

You've just got to start here, once you know what you want and how badly you want to achieve Success in your life. No back doors or safety net remember?

Jackie Coan's mission is to "Inspire Change to Create Possibilities". She changes lives every day by teaching others to launch successful profitable businesses from the get go. Visit her website

September 4, 2012

John Edwards Statement to the Media and the Punditry

I was not a John Edward's fan when he ran for president in 2008. I did not get the sense that his depth character had fully developed. (I had the feeling before his haircut video went viral.) But, On Thursday, I believe he showed courage. Edwards stepped out on the courthouse and made a statement after the jury acquitted him on one charge and deadlocked on the five others.

John Edwards thanked the jury for their thoughtful 9 days of deliberations. Edwards said he was responsible. Edwards said he and he alone was responsible. Whether or not he is sincere, we do not know. But, he recognized by saying he was responsible that he had to take accountability on some level.

John Edwards thanked his daughter, Cate, for her support and acknowledged that she was able to give it while loving her mother as much as she does. He acknowledged his love for all his children. He gave intense emotional public declaration of his love for his daughter, Quinn. He acknowledged his sins and said "God is not through with me yet." He vowed to continue to work for the poor. Then the pundits went wild.

Here is my punditry of the pundits. Chuck Todd called John Edward's statement creepy. I have to say I was a little thrown by that characterization coming from Chuck Todd. Then he surmised that nobody wants to hear from John Edward. "Just go home," said Todd.

John Heilemann went as far as to say that Edwards talking about his daughter, Quinn, was creepy. John Heilemann is inaccurate when he says Edwards had not mentioned his other children and had to go back and acknowledge them after he made a point to state his love for Quinn. He had previously acknowledged all his other children then reaffirmed his love for all of them after stating he loved Quinn.

Heilemann concluded Edwards should not have acknowledged Quinn. His reasoning was Edwards would not have been standing on the courthouse steps if it had not been for the affair that produced Quinn. Quinn had nothing to do with the affair. She is not John Edward's shame. Edward's affair is the problem, not the child. So, it was courageous for Edwards to publicly claim his child despite the pontificating he had to know would come.

Howard Fineman called Edwards' statement creepy as well. Then Fineman went on a comical caricature of Edward's statement. Fineman perceived Edwards weaving a story of his children into the plight of the poor. He characterized Edwards as egotistical and delusional. Fineman basically said Edwards was shameless for affirming his commitment to helping the poor in whatever avenues still available to him at this point.

Then Chris Mathews moved from characterizing Edwards' statement as having hit all the right marks to pointing out Edwards could have gone to jail for 30 years for the actions that produced his daughter. Then Matthews commented that it was like Edwards was saying I had this child by this woman and now I want to talk about it. Mathews was in lock step with the others that Edwards should not have acknowledged Quinn because of the affair cover up producing the child. Come on, Chris, think about how you were gushing over your granddaughter last week. You are free to love your granddaughter in the open.

John Edwards' is now free to openly acknowledge his child since all his dirty laundry in the public domain. He was supposed to acknowledge Quinn. The world is going to treat her like an illegitimate child, like the pundits did. John Edwards was supposed to legitimize his daughter.. He had the courage to stand up and claim her, finally.

Chris Mathews missed it again when he said John Edwards was talking to the country and not to Quinn. But, he was talking to Quinn. John Edwards was making a video diary. After denying his daughter, he wanted to have a public record for her. You know what they say. The Internet is forever. I agree with Chris Mathews that Edwards was also talking to his supporter Bunny Mellon when Edwards spoke of continuing to fight for the poor. Chris Matthews was also astute in recognizing Edwards was not talking to him, Fineman or any of the other pundits.

Edwards needed to make the statement. If he had not, as Mark Halprin though would have been best, the press would have hounded him. Some of these same commentators would have been saying Edwards should have made a statement. David Corn said that it was probably not a good time for Edward's to mention 'God is not through with him yet.'. The last time that I checked anybody can call on God at any time.

Al Sharpton piled on that Edward's should have said a word about his ex-wife. Oh no, he shouldn't have. People would have been outraged that he had the nerve to put Elizabeth Edward's name in his mouth. But, he did acknowledge her. He highlighted Cate's love for her mother. That was the best way for him to handle it. He let everyone know that he knows Elizabeth Edwards is still loved.

Sean Hannity tried as usual to lay the predicate for the next line of Republican attack that can be turned on President Obama's administration. He tried to convict Edwards personally without addressing the complexity and flaws of campaign finance laws. He was trying to make an argument for why Edwards should be retried. Hannity conjured up these reasons for a retrial. 1) There is enough evidence to convict Edwards. 2) With a new jury, the prosecutor could do more. 3) Edwards is not sympathetic figure. 4) The prosecutor could do a better job of trying the case.

Big Ed hit the right note. He showed a clip of John Edwards speaking about the big challenges facing our country. Edwards was foreshadowing that you are not going to be able to negotiate with powerful interests about energy policy, healthcare and education.. Edwards said they would have to be forced to the table. President Obama's three years in office has proved that those representing big money interests cannot persuaded by reason to put country first. Ed Schultz lamented on the loss for the democrats. He showed the part of Edwards' statement of him taking ownership for his immoral acts, but asserting he had broken no laws. Shultz was fair and balanced. He showed Edwards on the right side of issues, but acknowledged that Edward's ego got the better of him.

If Edwards can raise awareness about the plight of the poor, more power to him. Who are these people to say Edwards cannot have a future in politics? David Vitter is still a Senator. Bill Clinton is a beloved political figure. Elliot Spitzer is a political analyst. John Edwards can be whatever he wants, if he works hard and helps others more than he helps himself.

Tammi Nikki is a political observer and social commentator. She enjoys satirizing politics and hypocrisy. Follow her @Oforobama and visit her essays and political graphics at