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March 17, 2012

There Is Nothing Impossible With Inner Peace

What is inner peace? How can we achieve inner peace? These are the most obvious questions that would come to our minds; when we are reflecting internally and ask ourselves if we have inner peace within ourselves.

We cannot expect others to give us inner peace, at the same time we have full control over experiencing our inner peace. To gain inner peace we don't have to enrol ourselves to a mountain retreat! (but that might help to discipline us quicker); we can experience inner peace now, exactly where we are. When we understand the value of having inner peace, we will make deliberate efforts to make it a reality.

Inner peace is achieved from within. We cannot expect to find it externally; meaning it's not something that someone can give us. Sometimes we are delusional that when perfect circumstances arise; or when we strive for the highest status professional, we may get a glimpse of inner peace, but it's always short-lived. We apprehensively struggle to find that perfect person to share our lives in the hope, that we will eventually experience inner peace naturally.

We are often dismally disappointed, that after fufilling our dreams achieving status or finding a perfect life partner, we realize that we don't feel peaceful. We poignantly become aware that our quest for life is still meaningless!

How would I define Inner Peace?

Inner peace is when we are entirely and wholly satisfied and at ease with our current life experiences in various subjects i.e. Self, Health, Money, Relationship and Work.

Inner peace is the most valuable thing that we can cultivate. When we "Let Go" of everything that happened in the past and focus totally and fully in the present. Who am I is not the story about the past. History does not make, "who I am today". My past is the story of "who I was". Who I am today is a choice. I am free to make choices today. All choices that I make today will influence my present and future life.

Therefore to find inner peace it's vital to let go of what happened in the past and concentrate fully in the present. Often we have heard self-help gurus emphatically mention, "Be present in the Now". But we fail to understand how to go about being in the Now. We ask, "How can we do that?

By fully appreciating your life and everything in your life now, we become present.By being non-reactive and positively respond to the present-day challenges, we become centred in the now.By accepting obstacles as opportunities for future growth, we become wholly present in the now.By being at ease in the unknowingness or uncertainty, when we let go of the past, we become fully present in the now.

Being alive is not about getting things done or accumulating possessions or titles. It's about living and enjoying now. Living comes only from "being". We can ask ourselves, "Are we living our life?" Or, "Is life living us?" Is life is just random events with glimpses of joy and inner peace? Are we having knee-jerk reactions to life or crafting authentic optimistic energy into life? Are we in control of our life or are we griped by fear and incapable of taking any action. "We can only find Inner Peace when we totally surrender our past"

Your past keeps you away from your present. If you focus on what happened in the past then it will not let you enjoy your present. Let go of your past by appreciating your present and you will experience Inner Peace.

"The more I stop trying to force outcome and simply be in the flow, the more magic that my life is meant to be, will appear. I made a decision to "let go" and enjoy while appreciating what I was going through and where it was taking me. That is when I realized that I could control everything that I was experiencing. I simply experienced it without labeling it as bad or good, beneficial or loss, releasing all judgement and having faith." You can read more on or email to
Light, Love and Joy always

Divya Vinai Shah
TSF Visionary & Founder
The Soul Frequencies

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