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February 26, 2012

Why Financial Security Eludes The Masses

The English philosopher James Allen once wrote: "Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but unwilling to improve themselves, they therefore remain bound."

Truer words were never spoken neither here nor in Hoboken.

Fact is, the masses are always on the hunt for the next big opportunity, stock tip or business fad. Hoping to strike it rich quick without much or any effort if possible. Of course, this mentality is the same as that of a lottery player or gambler. Odds are heavily stacked against someone with that kind of mental and emotional paradigm.

Reminds me of a true story. A few years ago, someone in my family approached me about getting into the same business I was in. At the time, I was a freelance copywriter doing fairly well. I got to that point by putting in the time and paying my dues. I read hundreds of proven and profitable sales letters. And wrote many of those letters and ads out in my own handwriting.

The big secret to my copywriting career success was based on studying, reading and writing out winning promotions. It takes a lot of time, effort and dedication but the financial rewards dwarf the sacrifice. Anyway, so this family member asks me how he can break into the "glamorous" world of direct response copywriting.

My response was simple. I handed him one of the most successful sales letters in history with this instruction. I said, "Read the letter aloud ten times. Then sit down with a legal pad and pen and handwrite the letter three times."

Want to know something interesting? I've never heard back from this person about becoming a copywriter. Apparently, the work involved was too much for them.

Looking back, I know that's not the real reason most people never follow through on their intentions. You see, the same thing holding people back from achieving their goals is the same thing holding them back from financial security.

That "thing" is: All the subconscious crud that comes up whenever we want to accomplish anything. We have all sorts of non-winning thoughts that act as resistance to taking action.

When someone says they want financial security (or anything else) that subconscious resistance rises to the forefront of their mind. Then failure-based thoughts like, "I can't do this"... "It won't work for me"... "This is too hard" comes up.

Financial winners (which represent a tiny fraction of the general population) learn to eliminate those thoughts. So they can dissolve the resistance and take action.

The masses never discover how to eliminate those limiting thoughts and end up remaining bound to a life of financial mediocrity.

John Anghelache writes about a simple process called "releasing" that can help anyone achieve Financial Security or any goal. You can read more about it by visiting

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