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February 11, 2012

How To Have Success Right Now

Why do some people experience success seemingly effortlessly while others struggle, struggle and struggle some more?

Being successful in business first begins with you, inside of you. It begins with how you see yourself and how you see your business and how you see yourself doing what you do.

Yet, if success has eluded you, if you can't seem to break the code, figure out how "they" do it and make yourself into the success you know you can be, then what I want you to do is read this very carefully.

You see, there really is no secret to success. There is no trick. Success is not an accident, nor is it a matter of luck.

And if anyone tells you otherwise, I suggest you run the other way as fast as you can.

There is a formula, however. There is a blueprint. There is a road map. There is a definite, proven, predictable systematic, repeatable method that will produce success every time, no exceptions. If there weren't, very few people would achieve success. It would just be a random occurrence.

The fact of the matter is that successful people do things in a certain way. They think a certain way. They believe in a certain way. They act in a certain way. They live a certain way.

Unsuccessful people don't (think, believe, act and live) the same way. It's that simple.

So what is it that makes people successful? I believe that all very successful people have certain things in common.

I believe, the success ingredients are:

You have to have a "whatever it takes attitude".
You have to want it more than any excuses.
You have to know why you want it.
You have to be 100% committed to it.
You have to believe you can achieve it.
You have to believe in yourself.
You have to take the appropriate action.
You have to have faith.
You have to be ready to have it.

If any of those ingredients are missing, you'll end up frustrated, confused and wondering why things aren't working out.

But before you consider each of those, there's something you need to do first. That is that you must define what success means to you.

Take some time and actually write down your answer. It will probably surprise you. Most people haven't even thought about it. It's just some nebulous concept. When you define it, it will give you a great starting point on which you can launch everything else from.

Darshan G. Shanti is a Business and Life Turnaround Specialist: He works with small to mid-sized businesses that are actively dying and bringing them back to life in 24 hours... or less. Visit for free audios, ebooks and reports.

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