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February 29, 2012

What Form of Socio-Economic Structure Do We Need for a Space Colony?

Perhaps, you've played the computer game SimCity and designed your own city? It's amazing all the things you have to consider to get it right, for instance; transportation, education, distribution, living spaces, parks, stores, etc. - but what if you were designing a future space colony totally from scratch, and there were no deliveries for food or railroads to bring in supplies. Everything would have to be made, recycled, re-used, and prepared or manufactured on sight, and there would be scarcity for everything from the very beginning.

The other day, I was discussing this with an acquaintance, and I reasoned that as much as I decline to endorse communism in our modern world today on Earth, communism in a colony might be the best bet at least in the beginning because at the village level it works to keep things going. My acquaintance then stated;

"You say that communism is OK at village level, if we were to colonize other planets then surely communism would be the initial system to use as a colony would only be visit sites in the beginning, capitalism would be the end goal by as its starting point communism would be ideal."

Communism in the case of a space colony will still end up harvesting and harnessing the synergies of bartering. Capitalism's roots will emerge quickly, and as long as they are allowed to grow, the problem will solve itself. This is when my acquaintance got to thinking and added;

"Perhaps some thought needs to be put into a Financial System that works in stages matching the development of the colony EG communism for one colony as a colony grows to two or three villages introduce a basic form of capitalism, when there's 100 villages Bringing capitalism as an example."

I agree, the most important thing is "very basic" framework and little if any micromanagement, capitalism, that is to say free-market capitalism is best organically grown. It might be possible to control the flow of capitalism in the beginning, but it is nearly impossible once it gets going to control every single transaction, nor would you want to. Okay so, maybe originally jobs will be assigned based on skills, and as things get moving, bartering, trading, and the basic elements of capitalism could be allowed to flourish and allow for future abundance in a semi-Utopian motif.

Please consider all this and think on it. Consider our future in space and off-world planets, as we boldly go, and the future unfolds.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Space Colonies. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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ABC Business News and Market Analysis

ABC Business News and Market

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February 28, 2012

Business News - (28/02/2012)

Watch latest top business news in India and across the globe in Apna Sapna Money Money. From monday to friday on news24at 5:30p.m. For Details Click

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Interesting Facts About Raccoons

While there are many animals in this country that fill people with wonder, there are few as interesting as the raccoon. This animal, whose English name was given to it by the Native Americans who used to live in what is now Virginia, is highly adaptable and often lives near human habitations. They have become incredibly common in many part of the country in recent years, so it is important that people brush up on their raccoon information. Since the 1940's the countrywide population of raccoons has increased by over 10,000%.

Raccoons have a visually distinctive appearance. Everyone knows about the black bandit mask and striped tail that make them such a visually iconic species. One interesting bit of raccoon information is that this mask is also considered by scientists to be visually iconic for the animals themselves. It is thought that it aids them in recognizing faces of other raccoons, which is useful for such a highly sociable species. Their sociability is obvious if you've ever seen a group of raccoons walking together across the road. They generally travel in groups of up to four of a single gender.

Because the United States, where Raccoons originated, is rather densely populated, we must pay special attention to raccoons who live here. This is especially true because of the large amount of raccoons who live here. Raccoons' sociability and lack of fear toward humans often leads to dangerous confrontations between us that can lead to rabies being spread from raccoon to person. The population density of the state often exacerbates tensions because it means there are more people confronting raccoons in smaller areas than in other parts of the country. Raccoons have been known to be carriers of rabies, which makes it especially important to understand what we can about raccoon information to ensure we can live alongside each other peacefully.

The most important step to understanding raccoon information is to know that raccoons share something major with humans: their ability to eat anything. Because of this, and the fact that they are much less finicky than we are, they are strongly attracted to our garbage. We must be sure to cap our garbage cans to ensure raccoons don't smell the remains of food inside. This is especially true here because it will ensure humans and raccoons can get along without confrontation. Besides their desire to eat everything, raccoons share other features with humans, such as their tendency to wash their food when in captivity. The reason for this is unknown, however, as wild raccoons have never been witnessed doing it.

Because raccoons carry rabies more often than most other animals, it is important to contact an animal control specialist if you see one acting strangely. There are many such people who understand specialized raccoon information that they use to handle these creatures humanely. The reason for doing this is twofold. First, it is very important that an untrained person does not attempt to come in contact with an animal that is infected with rabies, as this might spread rabies from the raccoon to the person. The second reason is that it is important to isolate infected raccoons in order that the disease doesn't spread further in the raccoon community. Rabies epidemics spread incredibly fast, so controlling it quickly is the best solution for both humans and raccoon alike.

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February 27, 2012

Haircare tips for afro textured hair (type 4)

For more information go to: This haircare video is a suggested haircare routine for women/girls with afro textured kinks, curls and

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February 26, 2012

Why Financial Security Eludes The Masses

The English philosopher James Allen once wrote: "Men are anxious to improve their circumstances but unwilling to improve themselves, they therefore remain bound."

Truer words were never spoken neither here nor in Hoboken.

Fact is, the masses are always on the hunt for the next big opportunity, stock tip or business fad. Hoping to strike it rich quick without much or any effort if possible. Of course, this mentality is the same as that of a lottery player or gambler. Odds are heavily stacked against someone with that kind of mental and emotional paradigm.

Reminds me of a true story. A few years ago, someone in my family approached me about getting into the same business I was in. At the time, I was a freelance copywriter doing fairly well. I got to that point by putting in the time and paying my dues. I read hundreds of proven and profitable sales letters. And wrote many of those letters and ads out in my own handwriting.

The big secret to my copywriting career success was based on studying, reading and writing out winning promotions. It takes a lot of time, effort and dedication but the financial rewards dwarf the sacrifice. Anyway, so this family member asks me how he can break into the "glamorous" world of direct response copywriting.

My response was simple. I handed him one of the most successful sales letters in history with this instruction. I said, "Read the letter aloud ten times. Then sit down with a legal pad and pen and handwrite the letter three times."

Want to know something interesting? I've never heard back from this person about becoming a copywriter. Apparently, the work involved was too much for them.

Looking back, I know that's not the real reason most people never follow through on their intentions. You see, the same thing holding people back from achieving their goals is the same thing holding them back from financial security.

That "thing" is: All the subconscious crud that comes up whenever we want to accomplish anything. We have all sorts of non-winning thoughts that act as resistance to taking action.

When someone says they want financial security (or anything else) that subconscious resistance rises to the forefront of their mind. Then failure-based thoughts like, "I can't do this"... "It won't work for me"... "This is too hard" comes up.

Financial winners (which represent a tiny fraction of the general population) learn to eliminate those thoughts. So they can dissolve the resistance and take action.

The masses never discover how to eliminate those limiting thoughts and end up remaining bound to a life of financial mediocrity.

John Anghelache writes about a simple process called "releasing" that can help anyone achieve Financial Security or any goal. You can read more about it by visiting

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February 25, 2012

Peter Schiff on FOX Business News 02/24/12 Ron Paul Video Playlist FAIR USE NOTICE: This video may contain copyrighted material. Such material is made available for educational purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in Title 17 USC section 107 of the US Copyright Law. fox business news, Euro Pacific Capital, peter schiff, Sanibel Captiva Trust, Pat Dorsey, RJ O'Brien, John

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In Vino Veritas

For those of you sitting there with your eyes glazed over wondering what the hell the title means (assuming you aren't Catholic and didn't learn Latin under the rule of some crazed Nun cracking you across the knuckles with a ruler), In Vino Veritas means (paraphrased translation): "There is truth in wine."

When you take a step back and look at the United States since World War II then the wine has done nothing but flow continuously and hubristically since we won that war.

Like a hardcore alcoholic its citizens can no longer can distinguish fact from fantasy, right from wrong, democracy from fascism, morality from individual freedoms or defense from murder. Everything in our sight has become a blur because living as the dominant nation on Earth has given us the delusions of grandeur and like the Gods of mythology we sit on the throne of Olympus and drink ambrosia while passing judgments on all mortals in our purview.

This hubris isn't confined to adults. No, they imbibe their ambrosia and declare from the pulpits of their churches, their living rooms and dining rooms during holidays their disgust for human beings who aren't like they are and by doing so they pass this hate onto their children.

We see young children drinking this wine and passing the cup around to each other. They swear to each other that this is good wine because they heard it from their parents, grandparents, aunt, uncle, cousin, their minister or another friend.

That person heard it from their relative or from a minister or read it out of the Bible even though 1,000 people could read the same passage and interpret 1,000 different ways, they swear it meant to hate Muslims, black people, Asians, Latinos or homosexuals.

That cup of wine is always filled with hate. We hate communists. We hate liberals. Like Randy Newman said in his song, Political Science, "Everyone hates us so let's drop the big one and see what happens!"

When the children spill this wine all over the objects of this hate then they feel hated, outnumbered, alone and useless. A child lacks the life experience to deal with this unstoppable flow of metaphoric sour grapes.

Then one day their parents find them hanging by their neck in a tree in their backyard. Perhaps they left a note or a YouTube video showcasing their pain and shame and then again, maybe not.

The cadence marches on: In Vino Veritas.

I reply: Vinum mendacium!

That wine is a lie.

By Stephanie Donald

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February 24, 2012


You are watching the latest business report from FRANCE 24. More business news on FRANCE 24: FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7

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February 23, 2012

Stop Procrastinating! Tips to Move Forward

"Just one more story, please Mummy, then I'll go to bed." "I'll do my homework in the morning; it's not due 'til Monday." "I'll tidy up my room after this program."

Sound familiar?

Many of us learned the art of procrastination at a very young age.

Procrastination is something most of us do, but when is it a problem? Joseph Ferrari, psychology professor at DePaul University in Chicago, and author of Still Procrastinating? The No-Regrets Guide to Getting It Done, says everybody procrastinates, but not everyone is a procrastinator. "A procrastinator is someone who habitually and consistently delays tasks." Occasionally screeching in before a deadline is one thing, but if your life is in constant disarray because nothing ever gets done, then you've got a problem.

Ferrari thinks you should start by looking at why you procrastinate. Fear of failure is one of the most common reasons. Many people put things off because they're worried the task will be too hard. If this is an issue for you, you could try breaking it down into easier steps and then visualize yourself completing the task. Is it really that hard? In extreme cases, Ferrari recommends using counseling to help change the way you think.

There are simple techniques for overcoming a tendency to procrastinate. The easiest is to write a list. There's something about an ink and paper list that makes you want to get a task finished and crossed off. I can't be the only person who finds it so satisfying I write down tasks already completed, just so that I can cross them off.

Do important and urgent tasks first, then ones you really don't like, saving the easiest and pleasantest for last. Keep your list regularly updated and make sure your goals are achievable. I have a long master list with absolutely everything I need to do on it, then each morning I create a smaller list of tasks I need to achieve that day. The feeling of satisfaction I get from finishing my daily list goes a long way towards motivating me to get the unpleasant tasks done.

Many people think they work better under pressure, and they may be right. But if you leave something to the last minute then your child gets sick, you're going to have a problem. Try and schedule your time in so you can get things done without having to rush.

Switch off distractions. For me this is key. I love Twitter and Facebook, but having them on in the background is the surest way for me to leave stuff unfinished. We're all great at multitasking, but actually we're more productive when we focus on one thing.

Finally, don't forget to reward yourself for a job completed. Finish that tricky report, then head out to your favourite coffee shop to meet a friend.

About Flourish - Business Support Services
Meet Caroline Pigott, owner and founder of Flourish, an all-in-one business support services firm ( ). Simply put, Caroline launched Flourish to help other women business owners succeed. With an innate ability to listen to the needs of her clients, Caroline helps businesses flourish through such all-in-one outsourcing services as Internet marketing, administrative assistance and graphic design.

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About Honeymoons

Your honeymoon is a once-in-a-lifetime experience and it should be as magical as your wedding. Planning your honeymoon can sometimes get overlooked among the fervor and stress of wedding plans. Take time to sit down with your partner and talk about what you each envision for your honeymoon. A cruise, beach vacation, European tour or just a weekend away in a lovely bed and breakfast can all make for a lovely honeymoon. Consider your hopes, dreams, budget and lifestyle when planning your honeymoon or other special romantic getaway.Choosing a Location A number of factors can go into choosing

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February 22, 2012

Senator Murkowski Talks about Energy on Fox Business News 2/7/12

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Are Late Term Abortions Safe?

There is a lot of controversy regarding late term abortions because of the misleading information that has been circulated regarding them being able to be performed for any reason. This is far from the truth. There is also the misunderstanding that performing late term abortions is a dangerous procedure for the mother. There is no definite definition of a Late Term Abortion. We will use it as being a termination of pregnancy that occurs after the 24th week of pregnancy. With today's modern medications and highly advanced surgical techniques and medical equipment, performing Late Terminations of Pregnancy are very safe. These abortions are performed when there is a threat to the mother's life or health, or a fetal genetic defect or significant fetal abnormality.

Late term abortions can be performed using several methods. One method is where it is performed over a two day period of time. The first day consists of the insertion of laminaria (sterile match stick seaweed) into the cervix (the lower part of the uterus) which allows the dilation (opening) and softening of the cervix to take place which 1) reduces the chances of any complications that can occur and 2) helps to reduce the time from the onset of the abortion procedure to completion of the delivery process. The fetal heart rate is then stopped using one of several techniques to assure that there will not be the possibility of a live birth. The patient is then sent home or to a hotel overnight and returns the following morning where the induction of labor process is started. This can last anywhere from 3 to 12 hours. Pain medications are administered as required for patient comfort. After delivery, the patient is observed for a short period of time and then she is discharged. The complication rate is far less than a patient delivering at full term.

Some indications for late term abortions include genetic defects such as trisomy 18, trisomy 13 or fetal abnormalities such as body stalk or anencephaly where there is virtually a 100 percent chance of fetal death while pregnant or shortly after birth though there are a few cases where a child born who has anencephaly can live for over 6 months. If the mother has a health issue that is a threat to her life or health such as severe kidney disease, heart disease, certain connective tissue diseases, or severe diabetes that threatens the mother's eyesight or there is a high probability of maternal death, then there is indication to terminate the pregnancy.

James Scotty - About the Author:
late term abortion Dr. James S. Pendergraft was instrumental in helping to open late term regarding services for women, late term abortion clinic, who are in need of a late term abortion procedure.

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February 20, 2012

Foxes Are One Of The Most Adaptable Of All Animals

Foxes are among the most attractive and adaptable of all animals even despite the unfair reputation for being scoundrels. Foxes are members of the dog family although dogs are social animals which live and hunt in packs and foxes are solitary by nature. Dogs rely on their eyesight and speed and foxes rely on their noses and ears as well as their cunning and stealth.

Foxes of one kind or another are found in most parts of the world and have adapted to environmental conditions ranging from ice to snow and desert. Fox species include those from North America which is the red fox and then the European foxes, arctic fox and the bat eared fox of Africa, the Tibetan sand fox from Central Asia, the Bengal fox of Southern Asia, the Cape fox of Southern Africa and no less than 10 separate species in South America.

Wherever foxes live they can be identified by their characteristic long muzzle, large erect ears, relatively short legs and prominent bushy tail. The red fox which is found in Europe is widely distributed and is not only found throughout Europe but also in parts of Asia and North West Africa. The red fox has also been introduced into South America, Australia and New Zealand and is also being raised on farms to supply the fur trade.

The family of foxes is carnivorous and they posses numerous cat-like characteristics which actually supports the theory that both cats and dogs have both descended from the same ancient ancestral stock. Like other predators foxes live by hunting and are condemned by the human race as sly poultry thieves and scoundrel's and due to this fable the fox has been hunted and killed mercilessly worldwide

Foxes are more than often victims of rabies which is a disease than can be transmitted to other animals as well as humans. One should avoid contact with wild foxes and should be treated with caution due to this reason. In general a healthy fox will do everything possible to avoid people. Foxes are nocturnal so most of their hunting is done at night and their days are spent underground in dens which they either dig themselves or take over other animals dens that have been abandoned. The fox's needs are simple as they never remain in one den for very long.

In the winter months the fox grows a heavy coat to keep itself warm and in the spring this thick fur is gradually molted and looks a lot thinner in its summer coat. When autumn returns and the weather begin to get colder the coat thickens again. During this time the female which is known as vixen's starts to clean her den out by tidying up the passageways of feathers and bones as well as other rubbish and pushes it outside. The male fox which is known as the dog fox generally shares his territory with several vixen's.

The dog fox continuously renews his territory to make sure that his territory will be respected by other strange animals and does this by leaving excrement in exposed places such as rocks, tree stumps and mole hills. He also sprays urine on prominent places which leaves a pungent smell that even humans can smell it. The scent is especially strong during mating season which is between the months of December through to January. During this period the dog foxes are exceptionally preoccupied with marking and defending their territory.

In the evenings one can hear the fox's rather high-pitched bark and the vixen's screaming as they celebrate their pairing. The dog fox finds the vixen's scent irresistible and is drawn to her as if by magic. The vixen will remain on heat for around two weeks although she is only capable of conceiving for three days. Fox's do not pair for life and every year the dog fox has to compete for her favors again. Only the strongest and healthiest male will win which ensures that the cubs are sired by the fittest males. The weaker males are unsuccessful and do not breed. Offspring born via this system of natural selection are the strongest and the healthiest and thus have the best chances of survival.

Observing these animals in the wild is not at all easy since it is impossible to enter their dens. While conditions which animals live in zoos and wildlife parks makes it easier to observe them, animals living under conditions which are essentially artificial behave differently from those in their natural environment. If you observe the fox in its natural environment and at close quarters and observe its interesting behavior, this will enable you to follow the trail of the fox and understand this amazing animals needs.

Beverley A Graham has written many articles on exotic pets as well as on Southern African wildlife.

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February 19, 2012

How To Make Money

Join Free Here --- --- How To Make Money is something that everyone wants to know right? Well in this video I explain how to really make money with step by step training to help assist you! You now have the chance to stop wondering how to make money, by actually knowing how to make money with me! Let's make money together because you now have came across someone who will take you by the hand and show you how to make money! How To Make

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Can We Use AI Software to Teach Philosophy, Change the Narrative, and Challenge Minds?

The goal of education is to educate our society, and it should also be to create smarter humans. However in order to do that we need to teach them how to think, and we are not doing that presently, at least not in the US as in our schools we are teaching to the test, and we have so much rote memorization going on that the kids are not really thinking, at least most of them aren't, and I have a problem with this. Let's go ahead and talk about this for second.

To teach people that think, we need to have better mentorship and fewer kids in the classroom, but obviously the budget constraints, the underfunded pensions, and the costs are just too great. But what if we used software to interact with students - asking them questions and teaching them to think while following along? Is this possible? Well, we already have avatars and computer programs which interact with autistic kids, and they do so in such a way that brings the artistic child "out of themselves" and they get quite a bit of learning done which they could not get in a small classroom with even a 1:4 ratio, or one-on-one instruction.

As artificial intelligence gets better and stronger, why can't we develop computer programs which can do the same thing with regular kids? Now then, I know of a company out of Atlanta; they created "genius software," and it would string together famous quotes and phrases, and it could do so in a basic assimilation of a conversation. The software could also be used to make writers look really intelligent by borrowing pieces of writing from famous quotes, which they could cite in their articles.

I would submit to you that we could use the same software, albeit 10 generations from that old genius software which was available in the mid-90s to teach kids philosophy and get them to think. Okay so, let me ask the question then, and we can walk through this; can we develop and use Artificial Intelligent Software to teach philosophy to future students to get them to think, change the narrative, and challenge minds?

Why do I mention "change the narrative" - it's simple, because this is something that DARPA has been working on to help interact on social networks, speaking to individuals who might have hostile intentions, such as terrorists, guerrillas, lone wolf terrorists, or major disruptors of society. By challenging their minds, starting a conversation, and moving that conversation towards a more positive note these individuals learn to interact with others, and perhaps come out of their shell, and dismiss their radical ideas and notions.

Why can't we use all of these software developments to help teach students? I believe we can. In fact, I've already been practicing with one of these software systems, and it actually works pretty good. Best of all it takes the information that I feed it, and might use that information modifying and changing the words and the derivatives of various statements, to interact with other individuals, on the same or similar topics. That's pretty cool when you think about it, and maybe we can teach our next generation to think, using the very social networks and interactive process that they do for fun, in the educational process.

Yes, there's a lot more to all this I understand that, and you're welcome to shoot me an e-mail if you'd like some of my ideas and theories which go well beyond this, in fact I can probably write a whole book on the topic. It is something that we should be discussing and working on. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on the Future of Education. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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February 18, 2012


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February 17, 2012

How Come President Obama Can Misrepresent in the State of the Union?

As with anything, the facts will set you free, and the poppycock will pile higher and higher until you are smothered in it. Now then, today, I'd like to discuss the State of the Onion, yes, Union, but to me it's all been a really bad joke, so I use Onion in this case, and refer to the speech as more like comedy or charades if you will. Okay so, let's talk shall we?

There was an interesting article on the ABC News website on January 25, 2012 titled; " Fact or Fiction Number 1 - The Booming Economy: Obama's Jobs Story," by Huma Khan, Elizabeth Hartfield, Matt Negrin, Chris Good, Amy Bingham, Jeunee Simon, Greg Krieg, Meg Fowler and Sarah Parnass report: "Did the economy crater before President Obama's inauguration, then rebound once his policies took effect?" The article stated:

"It seems unlikely that the president would utter inaccurate jobs numbers during his State of the Union address, but while we wait for official White House citation, the president made at least one claim that for now looks iffy. The transcript: states."

Now then, this article caught my eye as it was being discussed on the CFO Magazine blog and website as well. Consider if you will that you are a large corporation which makes a "forward looking statement" which you know not to be entirely correct, but it's close and if you use trickery you can pull it off, then you misrepresent the past accounting as well. Okay so, we all know what will happen - class action lawsuits galore from "minority shareholder" investors (minority shareholders is a legal business term, look it up, it has nothing to do with minorities or skin color) and the SEC will knock on your door the day after such a conference call, interview, or printed annual report.

What a bunch of hypocrisy we have here. If the President of the United States does this in front of congress, and televised to the whole nation and world, it's okay? How is it okay, may I ask? If someone lies to Congress in a testimony, they throw their butts in jail? We have an integrity problem in Washington DC and it needs to stop.

Now then, the good thing about this is that that you can't fool all the people all the time, and now people are on to all this teleprompter showboating. Still, there are folks who believe it all, enough of them in fact to really throw a loop in our system, as these people still vote, and actually believe some of this spewed nonsense and class warfare rhetoric, misrepresentation of truth, and falsification of facts - clouding it all in enuendos, and carefully worded sentences misleading the public.

If this were a business man or someone testifying to congress they'd go to jail for it, yet the president stands before the US Congress, US Citizens, and is televised to the world and somehow that's deemed okay because it's just politics - amazing I say, simply amazing.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

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Let's make MONEY

Most of us have no idea where our money is. The only sure thing is that it's not in the bank to which we entrusted it. The bank has submitted it for circulation in the global money market. After WE FEED THE WORLD. Erwin Wagenhofer presents his new film Let's Make Money, following the tracks of money through the world-wide finance system, and points out the consequences of our greed for

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February 15, 2012

Dump Truck Online Storage

Giganews Usenet has recently released their Dump Truck online storage solution and is making it available for free to all Giganews Usenet users. Dump Truck allows users to store photographs, documents and data files on Giganews' very impressive distributed storage architecture that currently provides access to NNTP. This online storage solution was developed by Giganews Usenet's partner Golden Frog and was designed for both speed and security, it uses 256-bit encryption to secure users files and delivers nearly unlimited speeds similar to their NNTP services.

During my testing for this article, I have been very impressed with Dump Trucks features and its performance. I liked the simple Drag&Drop capabilities that are available with nothing more than your browser and an internet connection, which is available by following the "Standard Setup" below. However, for real power users, the "Advanced Setup" is really almost a necessity. It allows you to work with the service like it is just another hard drive in your computer, and being able to drop an entire folder of images on the server is a definite plus. However, if you have a slower internet connection (ie. DSL at my office), I would recommend you still work with smaller batches of files, unless you want to just drag the whole folder and then walk away until it is done.


Unlimited Transfer Speeds - when I transfer files to/from the servers I am only limited by the speed of my connectionCreate folders to help organize users filesUsers can Drag&Drop files onto the browser when logged inThe only file size limitations are the amount of storage a user has purchasedAll file transfers use 256-bit SSL to provide securityFiles are stored on Dump Truck servers using a 256-bit AES encryption making your data unreadable, even by Golden Frog's staff, without your password.WebDAV support is available and allows users to use Dump Truck as a drive or a folder on their computer using Mac OS/X Finder or Windows Explorer

Standard Setup

If you are not currently a Giganews Usenet customer, you need to sign up for an account. You can follow the link in my resource box below to see a review of their services.After you have an account, you need to go to the Giganews Usenet website and sign in using your username and password.Once logged in, you will be shown your Control Panel which details your account level, status and available features and services.Click on the "Access" link next to "Dump Truck" under additional services and you can then log in on the Golden Frog servers.It is now possible to drag files from your desktop, or windows explorer, on to your browser and drop them in Dump Truck.

Advanced Setup (WebDAV)

WebDAV is a protocol that was originally created to simplify web site development. It allows users to create, change and move files on a remote server and they can also create and maintain folders on the server. Dump Truck has been designed to take advantage of this protocol allowing users to use the servers like a folder or hard drive on their computer. This simplifies working with files, and eliminates the need for a browser. In addition, with WebDAV it is possible to drag and drop entire folders on the server.

Configuration of WebDAV varies depending on the type of device you are using (ie. desktop PC, Mac, iPad or Android tablet), and in the case of windows it depends on the version of windows you are running. Instructions for configuring WebDAV for most devices can be found on the Dump Truck WebDAV web page.

Brian McCane has been operating Usenet servers since 1987. He began developing and hosting his website about free Usenet servers and newsgroups in 1993. Visit his site to see a Giganews Usenet review.

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Funemployed - Ep 6 - Videos don't make money.

"Funemployed" a new web series by Wong Fu Productions and KevJumba Making videos isn't as easy as they thought. Time to find an alternative way to make money. Selling old junk! Follow Jason and Kyle on their journey through unemployment as they discover what their friendship and chasing dreams really mean. Behind the scenes commentary, Outtakes, and deleted scenes HERE: **Made with no budget and no crew =P FEATURING Kina Grannis - Conor Barrett SPECIAL THANKS Regina Fang Philip Tran MUSIC by David Choi - Far East Movement - "Girls on the Dance

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February 14, 2012


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The Whitetail Deer

Even if you don't know what they are, chances are you've seen a whitetail deer sometime in your life. They are the most common and widespread deer species in the world. Their population in North America alone is between 20 and 25 million.

The whitetail deer gets its name from the cotton-white colored fur on their tail and rear end. When spooked or threatened, they will raise their tail and run, showing off their white as an alarm.

Like all other species of deer, the whitetail is a herbivore, meaning they only consume plants. Their diet will change depending on the food that's available to them in their environment, but typically consists of grass, plants, acorns, fruit, and corn.

The stomach of whitetail is similar to a cow in the sense that it has multiple chambers for digestion. For example, when a whitetail consumes and swallows some acorns, they will go to first chamber where enzymes will begin to break down the food before going to the next where they'll be broken down even more until reaching the fourth chamber where the actual digestion takes place.

If a whitetail remains healthy, they can live 11 to 13 years on average. They do have several predators that actively hunt them out, though. Some of which are coyotes, bobcats, wolves, mountain lions, bears, and humans. Their natural defense mechanism is make grunting sounds, stomp with hooves, and if nothing else works, run away.

When a female (doe) is pregnant, she will give birth to 1 to 3 baby deer (fawns). Fawns are able to walk at birth and usually have brown with white spotted fur that allows them to blend into their environment better.

Male deer (known as bucks) grow antlers from the base of their skull each year. Bucks use these antlers to show their strength when they battle other bucks during the mating season. After the mating season is over, the bucks testosterone level will drop much, causing them to shed their antlers. When spring comes back around, they will begin to grow new antlers that are typically larger and more complex than the ones that were already shed.

Something not many people know is that deer cause more human deaths than any other animal. This is mainly due to automobile accidents involving them. While it may seem inhumane to some, hunting is a great way to help regulate their population and lower the deaths and crop damage caused by them.

Whitetail deer are simply beautiful creatures and it's important for us to always understand and respect them. Nearly a century ago, they were on the verge of extinction, but with conservation efforts their population has skyrocketed. Let's take care of our world and all the creatures in it.

Find out more about the the whitetail deer by visiting our website. We also have a large selection of deer antlers for sale available.

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February 13, 2012

Make Money on eBay Buying and Reselling -- Part 1 of 2

Blog: In this video I am going to walk you through a few methods of buying and reselling on eBay. I'll also give some various listing tips. Note: I used these methods combined to earn over 00 a month back in the day. Check out Part Two:

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Career Options For English Degree Holders

There are many job choices for individuals who are choosing to earn their undergraduate degree in English. If you are considering entering into a Bachelor degree program in this field, you should take a look at some of the job opportunities that you can enter into and see if they are a good fit for you.

One option available for English degree holders is to enter into the teaching field at the middle or high school level. This can allow you to teach valuable reading and writing skills to adolescents. You can also expand this into teaching various literature courses as well. English is one of the core courses that every student has to complete making it a great occupation to go into. This is especially true if you have a love for children as well as for teaching.

If you choose to advance your education with an English degree, you can also choose to teach at the collegiate level. It is necessary for you to go on to earn your graduate degree in order to do so, but this option can offer you great success. Teaching at the collegiate level will allow you the ability to narrow the scope of your instruction to a particular area such as American Literature or English Composition.

An English degree can also provide you with the tools necessary to become a writer. There are various aspects of a writer, and you can choose to write fiction, blogs, or reviews. Depending on what type of writing you are interested in can help you determine what type of writing that you want to do. You can choose to write for a specific publication, or you can choose to become a freelance writer, allowing you the opportunity to write for different types of businesses and such.

You can also choose to become an editor. An editor is responsible for making sure that written material has been checked for factual information as well as for grammatical errors. It is also an editor's job to ensure that the material that will be published makes sense and will be easily read by the audience that it is meant for. Editors can work on magazines, newspapers, and many other print and online publications.

Students with an English degree can also opt to enter into the world of business. Businesses are in need of professional individuals who are able to effectively communicate with various co-workers and clients. Those with an English degree have the know-how on successfully communicating via written and oral aspects. Businesses are also in need of individuals who have a collegiate background, and this is something that those with an English degree can offer.

If you have an interest in law, you can use your English degree as a catalyst to enter into the field. Many students who have completed their undergraduate degree in English have gone on to enter law school. You can also choose to obtain the proper certifications to become a paralegal or court room typist. There are many options within the field of law that English degree holders can enter into.

A degree in English can offer you the ability to work in a variety of careers. Whether you want to become a lawyer or a writer, you can do so with an English degree. Some of the courses you take in your degree program may be online classes.

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February 12, 2012

Hair Care Routine

Hey everyone! In this video I share with you guys what I use for my hair on a daily basis, as well as my favorite tips and tricks. Please leave any questions, comments, or requests down below. *Suave Professionals Almond & Shea Butter Moisturizing Shampoo *Suave Professionals Almond & Shea Butter Moisturizing Conditioner *Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Moist Deep Conditioner *Aussie 3 Minute Miracle Sydney Smooth Deep Conditioner *Tresemme Thermal Creations heat Tamer Spray *Cricket Massive Round Brush- buy it here! *Conair Ion Shine 1875 *Paul Mitchell Super Skinny Serum *iChi

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February 11, 2012

Hair Care Routine and Products

Everyday Hair Tutorial video: Information on my Haircut: My Styling Tools: BaByliss Pro Nano Titanium Portofino 6600 Hair Dryer Sedu Pro Ionic Ceramic Tourmaline Flat Iron (1 1/2") Twitter: Facebook: Blog:

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How To Have Success Right Now

Why do some people experience success seemingly effortlessly while others struggle, struggle and struggle some more?

Being successful in business first begins with you, inside of you. It begins with how you see yourself and how you see your business and how you see yourself doing what you do.

Yet, if success has eluded you, if you can't seem to break the code, figure out how "they" do it and make yourself into the success you know you can be, then what I want you to do is read this very carefully.

You see, there really is no secret to success. There is no trick. Success is not an accident, nor is it a matter of luck.

And if anyone tells you otherwise, I suggest you run the other way as fast as you can.

There is a formula, however. There is a blueprint. There is a road map. There is a definite, proven, predictable systematic, repeatable method that will produce success every time, no exceptions. If there weren't, very few people would achieve success. It would just be a random occurrence.

The fact of the matter is that successful people do things in a certain way. They think a certain way. They believe in a certain way. They act in a certain way. They live a certain way.

Unsuccessful people don't (think, believe, act and live) the same way. It's that simple.

So what is it that makes people successful? I believe that all very successful people have certain things in common.

I believe, the success ingredients are:

You have to have a "whatever it takes attitude".
You have to want it more than any excuses.
You have to know why you want it.
You have to be 100% committed to it.
You have to believe you can achieve it.
You have to believe in yourself.
You have to take the appropriate action.
You have to have faith.
You have to be ready to have it.

If any of those ingredients are missing, you'll end up frustrated, confused and wondering why things aren't working out.

But before you consider each of those, there's something you need to do first. That is that you must define what success means to you.

Take some time and actually write down your answer. It will probably surprise you. Most people haven't even thought about it. It's just some nebulous concept. When you define it, it will give you a great starting point on which you can launch everything else from.

Darshan G. Shanti is a Business and Life Turnaround Specialist: He works with small to mid-sized businesses that are actively dying and bringing them back to life in 24 hours... or less. Visit for free audios, ebooks and reports.

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February 10, 2012

How to Make Your Own Fun Fizzy Bath Bombs

What is the best way to unwind after a stressful day? Jump into a hot bath and feel those tight muscles start to relax. Feel the tensions release as you sink into the warmth around you. What could make this better? Bath bombs! Imagine champagne fizzing all around you, tiny bubbles bursting against your skin. Well that's the effect of a soothing batch bomb. Not only are the fun to put in your batch but also fun to make are fantastic presents too. As they fizz they release skin softening properties and a lovely soothing aroma to go with, or change your mood.Making your own bath bombs is a

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February 9, 2012

Online Voting Begins for “America’s Next Top Energy Innovator”

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) today invited Americans to vote online for the most innovative and promising start-up companies in the “America’s Next Top Energy Innovator” challenge. Voting will end at 8:59 a.m. EST. on Monday, February 6, and the top start-up companies out of the 14 participating – based on the public vote and an expert review – will be invited to be featured at the premier annual gathering of clean energy investors and innovators around the country, the 2012 ARPA-E Energy Innovation Summit, at the end of February.

"Through the America’s Next Top Energy Innovator Challenge, we are unleashing start-up companies to do what they do best: create new products, new industries, and new jobs,” said U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “We’ve challenged America's entrepreneurs and innovators to create new businesses based on discoveries made by our world-leading national laboratories.”

Americans can view profiles of the competing start-ups and vote on which ones could make the greatest contributions to the country’s economic and energy future by visiting An expert panel will also evaluate the companies and rank them.

“America’s Next Top Energy Innovator” is part of the Obama Administration’s Startup America initiative, which aims to create the best possible climate for high-growth entrepreneurs across the country. The companies participating in the challenge have signed option agreements allowing them to license valuable, cutting-edge technologies developed and patented by one of the U.S. Department of Energy’s 17 National Laboratories and the Y-12 National Security Complex. Thirty six companies in total have signed these option agreements with the national laboratories. They have done so under a streamlined, simplified application process. Learn more about the America’s Next Top Energy Innovator program HERE.

Below are descriptions of the companies participating in the challenge:

7AC Technologies, based in Woburn, Massachusetts, is developing Liquid Desiccant HVAC systems for Commercial and Industrial buildings using technology from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. These Liquid Desiccant HVAC systems deliver a 50 to 75 percent reduction in energy usage over conventional HVAC units. The system consists of a membrane conditioner responsible for drying and cooling the air and a heat-driven regenerator. The liquid desiccant design allows for the utilization of solar or waste heat sources, paving the way for net-zero energy retrofits to existing buildings with costs comparable to conventional HVAC. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

Borla Performance Industries, based in Johnson City, has an option to license a novel, nano-pore membrane technology from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Combining this innovation with Borla’s exhaust technology will lead to a low cost, unique exhaust system that will double as an energy neutral device to recover and reclaim clean water from engines powered by diesel, gasoline or natural gas. Military and commercial applications include transport and stationery power plants, marine, cars and trucks. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

California Lithium Battery (CaLBattery), based in Los Angeles, California, is developing a low-cost, advanced lithium-ion battery that employs a novel silicon graphene composite material that will substantially improve battery cycle life.  When combined with other advanced battery materials, it could effectively lower battery life cycle cost by up to 70 percent. Over the next year, CALBattery will be working with Argonne National Laboratory to combine their patented silicon-graphene anode material process together with other advanced ANL cathode and electrolyte battery materials. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

e-Chromic LLC, based in Boulder, Colorado, will use electrochromic technology developed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to create a new thin film window material that reflects sunlight on demand, making windows more energy efficient while reducing cooling costs for consumers. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

Element One, based in Boulder, Colorado, has created the only available coatings that change color when detecting hydrogen and other hazardous gas leaks, either reversibly or non-reversibly, to provide both current and historical information about leaks.  Element One’s patented gas indicators and sensors use catalyzed thin films or nanoparticles of a transition metal oxide to create very low cost sensors for use in industrial and consumer environments, greatly reducing the potential for undetected leaks and their cost and safety implications.  This technology is also being integrated for use in refineries, industry gas and fuel cells systems and was developed using technology from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

Integrated Dynamic Electron Solutions, Inc., based in Belmont, California, uses Dynamic Transmission Electron Microscopes (DTEM) to enable imaging of nanoscale objects, such as proteins, thin films and nanoparticles at unprecedented time scales and frame rates. By utilizing a laser-driven electron source, DTEMs are able to produce short bursts of electrons that can form an image with nanometer resolution in as little as 10 nanoseconds. This enables observation of dynamics in material systems that play an important role in a wide range of energy technologies, including battery electrodes, petroleum catalysts, solar cell materials, and organisms for bio fuel growth. Integrated Dynamic Electron Solutions uses technology developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Read more about the company’s technology HERE.

IPAT, based in Nevada, Iowa, is using gas atomization technology developed at Ames Laboratory to make titanium powder with processes that are ten times more efficient than traditional powder-making methods — significantly lowering the cost of the powder to manufacturers. The powder form of titanium is easier to work with than having to cast the metal — where manufacturers melt and pour liquid metal into molds — particularly given titanium’s tendency to react with the materials used to form molds. Titanium’s strength, light weight, biocompatibility and resistance to corrosion make it ideal for use in a variety of parts — from components for artificial limbs — like those used by wounded veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan — to military vehicle components, biomedical implants, aerospace fasteners and chemical plant valves. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

SH Coatings, based in Dallas, Texas, employs Super Hydrophobic Coating (SHC) technology that protects power systems by preventing ice accumulation on power lines in ice storm threatened areas and contamination of power lines from salt on the coasts.  In order to successfully utilize and commercialize the SHC technology for this application, tools to apply the coating onto new and existing lines must be developed. SH Coatings is developing these tools with the help of technology from Oak Ridge National Laboratory. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

SynchroPET, based in Shoreham, New York, is a start-up biotech firm with the next generation of PET Scanners, which have superior imaging capabilities to what is currently available on the market today. SynchroPET's technology was developed at Brookhaven National Laboratory and it enabled SynchroPET to miniaturize the typical PET Scanner while improving its image. SynchroPET's technology can be paired with an existing MRI machine for a simultaneous image. These advances will accelerate the creation of new pharmaceuticals to treat cancers, and Alzheimer and Parkinson’s diseases. SynchroPET currently has four prototypes built, and each have been used by researchers from labs in New York. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

Teknikem, based in Clinton, South Carolina, is developing a chemical blend platform technology invented by the Y-12 National Security Complex that is known as RonJohn.  RonJohn is a safer, more eco-friendly alternative to dangerous chemicals and processes used to strip paints and adhesives from parts and equipment.  RonJohn is not toxic, not flammable, and not carcinogenic, but is biodegradable and very effective on many plastics, paints, and adhesives.  Market segments and channels are being developed including the military, aerospace, shipping construction/maintenance, ground transportation, general industry, and consumer retail. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

TrakLok, Inc., based in Knoxville, Tenn., intends to use an Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)-developed, technology for tagging, tracking, locating and communicating with cargo containers and trailers in transit. The ORNL technology provides an avenue to meet increasing requirements for shipping containers to be "smart boxes" that can be tracked electronically. TrakLok uses GPS technology and satellite communications as part of its tracking and warning capability and international container locking technology to protect against container tampering, theft, vandalism and smuggling. Shipments can be tracked through a web-accessible, information technology-based global tracking system to provide real time visibility of cargo. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

Umpqua Energy, based in Medford, Oregon is using an Argonne National Laboratory technology to develop a system that allows a gasoline engine to operate in an extreme lean burn mode in order to increase gasoline mileage. One negative side effect of a lean burn engine, whether powered by gasoline or diesel fuel, is an increase in the amount of harmful gases released to the environment. The company expects to both increase fuel economy and simultaneously reduce emissions with its system. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

Vorbeck Materials, based in Jessup, Md., is using a Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)-developed method for building tiny chemical structures to greatly improve the performance of lithium-ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries are rechargeable batteries that are widely used in portable devices such as laptops and power electric vehicles. Vorbeck is using PNNL’s method to develop better lithium air and lithium sulfur batteries. The new material in Vorbeck’s batteries stores twice as much electricity at high charge and discharge rates as current lithium-ion batteries, and creates increased battery capacity and a longer cycle life. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

Woodmont Enterprises, based in Nashville, Tennessee, is creating a top-coat solution moisture barrier product for oriented-strand board (OSB), an engineered wood product formed by layering flakes of wood, by using technology developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. The primary focus is to create a moisture barrier on OSB during transportation and after installation. One net benefit to moisture protected OSB after installation is mold resistance. View a video on the company’s technology HERE.

To learn more about the Administration’s “Startup America” initiative, visit To learn more about the 2012 ARPA-E Energy Summit, visit

News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940

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Red Cowboy Boots

Red cowboy boots are both trendy and highly fashionable. Fashion has always been one of the most important parts of our lives and it includes western and traditional clothes, dresses, jewelry, and even our choice in boots. When it comes to accessories, boots are a very important part of our complete outfit. The choice of boots greatly depends upon the style of clothes we wear and what activities we are going to be involved in. Boots can be selected to be worn with formal attire or with a nice pair of jeans.Cowboy boots come in different styles including riding, formal and casual. There is a

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February 8, 2012

Three Keys to Inner Peace

There are so many ways to improve your outlook on life that it is virtually impossible for me to list them all here for you, but in general, there are a few simple tips I can give you that have made my own personal enjoyment of life increase exponentially. They are not complicated and do not involve any rocket science or algebra equations to figure out. It just involves you to honestly look at your self and the situations that affect how you feel and making the choice to let events enhance your life not harm it. These are three simple things I have implemented in my own life that have made it a much more enjoyable experience and you will too. I almost guarantee it. The steps are acceptance, forgiveness and peace, and you are on your way to happiness. If you want to be.

The first thing you have to be able to experience is acceptance. This was a difficult one for me personally because I always believed that by saying I accept a situation, that I simultaneously admit the situation will never change and I am doing nothing of the kind. Acceptance does not mean approval, consent, permission, authorization, sanction, concurrence, agreement, compliance, sympathy, endorsement, confirmation, support, ratification, assistance or even liking whatever it is you are accepting it is simply saying, "it is what it is, and what is, is what is. Popeye believed the same thing, "I am what I am." and so does Patriot Coach Bill Billichick when he analyzes a game, "It is what it is." Until you choose to accept things as they are, realizing and identifying the situation accurately, you will never be able to develop a plan to overcome an obstacle, learn what you need to learn and grow from the experience. Acceptance is the first step, and the most important, because if you never start a journey you will never get to the ultimate destination.

Step two in this search for self discovery is forgiveness. Forgiving someone for doing something that hurt you or someone you care about can be very difficult to do, because we all internalize things that happen to us and take them personally, but to quote an ancient Chinese Proverb, "Anger is a hot rock that burns the one who holds it." To me this means that the heat of anger, disappointment, jealousy, whatever negative emotion you associate with the actions of somebody else, you have to forgive, and let go in order to move on with your life. I also have learned that you don't have to make your forgiveness known to anyone other than yourself. You don't have to have a ceremony, a rite of passage or even talk to anybody. All you have to do is forgive whomever you have to in your heart and you will find you are on your way to finding peace. If you don't believe me, try it. Just think about a person who you feel has done anything, big or small to hurt you, then accept whatever the situation is, and then forgive them for whatever they did or you perceived them to do, truthfully and whole heatedly and if you are sincere you will start to feel relief almost immediately. You can let all of the foolishness of life, and the anger that you are carrying around because of the actions of others, and experience a growth that is outstanding. You can even forgive yourself, and probably that is one of the first places you should start. Whatever shortcomings you have had, mistakes that you have made, dreams you left unfulfilled, goals you haven't reached yet, whatever is pissing you off about yourself, forgive you for being human and accept what has happened. You will find the road that leads you where you want to go will appear to you almost magically. Forgiveness is simple, but it is never easy, because we as people tend to hang on to things and internalize them and they become a part of who we are. Then when you go to forgive them and let them go you fight against it, because these situations have become a part of our identity, they have become who we are, rather than something that happened to us or something we did. Forgiving everyone is what I advocate and moving on into a better place.

Thirdly, if you follow these two things you will find the third almost without any work, it will come naturally to you like an inevitable turn in the river you are riding on, you will encounter peace. With peace will come freedom from the thoughts that you have been carrying around with you. It is as simple as thinking: I accept that experience, I forgive that experience, I am free. This is where positive thinking will start to emerge in your life. It was explained to me that just thinking positive thoughts at the exclusion of bad thoughts is difficult to do, because you have been having those negative thoughts all your life, whatever they are, My parents didn't pay enough attention to me, I am poor, I am always treated poorly in relationships, I am poor because that's all I deserve, when you accept your thoughts as what they are and forgive them, these negative thoughts are not ignored but rather transformed into thoughts of a positive nature. You will find that when this happens you will be happy most of the time. Peace is just another word for experiencing an inner happiness about who you are, where you have been and where you are going.

So give this process a try, accept a situation that has hurt you and all the people involved. Forgive them, all people do crappy things because they are people and its not personal, they are just trying to live their life and you will find a feeling of peace and understanding. Accept yourself and others for who they are and move.

Jonathan Hilton is an author and self discoverer. You can always read interesting things at There are articles and interesting videos and thoughts that you will find thought provoking and stimulating.

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Trading And Operating In Foreign Nations

In the modern environment of the competitive global marketplace, companies and organisations have to continually innovate, developing new and improved products and services, new methods of delivery and the opening of new markets. With more relaxed and open trade agreements, many businesses and companies are looking towards other regions of the world to drive sales and increase profitability. However, when trading and operating in foreign nations, it is essential that information and marketing material is available in the native language of that country. Furthermore, with the proliferation of

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February 7, 2012

Current Hair Care Tools and Products FT. The Best Hair Mask EVER !

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3 Android App Development Tricks to Ensure a Successful App

Everybody is looking for tricks and tips that will help them simplify a certain process that they are undertaking. This fact is also reflected when android app developers want to develop a successful android app. They are looking to make use of certain tricks that ensure they are able to develop a highly effective and engaging mobile app for the Android OS.

While there are no shortcuts to success in the world of mobile application development, there are certainly some tricks that can be used to ensure a smooth and seamless process of uncomplicated development. This ensures the development of a successful Android App.

Simple App means Less Mistakes

What do you want to develop - an app that is highly complex, but full of errors or an app that is simple and straightforward with zero errors? Of course you don't want to leave scope open for making mistakes, what this means is that you need to focus on simplicity of the app. Now, please do not think simple apps do not work. If they are able to bring to life the client concept, than they are inherently successful. This is because if the app is simple, it is fairly easy to understand and users will be able to perform tasks in an optimal manner. This is what they appreciate.

Don't try too hard

Another trick or you could also call it a golden rule of mobile application development is that you shouldn't try too hard. In this case the trying too hard refers to the fact that some developers are so intent on making their apps unique that they lose focus on everything else like functionality and design. The app finally might or might not end up being different, but there are no doubts about the fact that it is not functional and won't appeal to the users in any way or form.

Adhere to the Fundamentals of Design and Development

Whether you are designing and developing for the web or the mobile, the fundamentals remain the same. For e.g. when it comes to navigation, the focus should always be on simplifying navigation as much as possible. Or you can talk about the user experience, whether it's a mobile platform or a web platform, the focus on ensuring a satisfying user experience should drive all efforts regarding design and development. What this means is that if you don't ignore the fundamentals, you will be on the right track as far as mobile application development is concerned.

The pointers given above can be called tricks or something else, but the fact remains that if you want to achieve success in android app development, it's of paramount importance that they figure in your considerations while developing the app.

PLAVEB is a leading mobile application development and android app development company based in Los Angeles, California.

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February 6, 2012

February 5, 2012

Secretary Chu and Energy Department Officials to Travel Across America to Discuss the Obama Administration’s Commitment to Energy Innovation and Manufacturing

Secretary Chu and Energy Department Officials to Travel Across America to Discuss the Obama Administration’s Commitment to Energy Innovation and Manufacturing | Department of Energy Skip to main content

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Washington D.C. – This week, Energy Secretary Steven Chu, Deputy Secretary Daniel Poneman and other senior Energy Department officials will participate in events across the country to highlight President Obama’s State of the Union address and discuss the Obama Administration’s commitment to energy innovation and advanced manufacturing.

On Thursday, January 26, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu will travel to Albuquerque, N.M., to tour renewable energy research facilities at Sandia National Laboratories, which is working to advance industry collaboration on clean energy and advanced manufacturing. Secretary Chu will also host a State of the Union Town Hall with students at the University of New Mexico.  Secretary Chu will be joined during the visit by U.S. Congressman Martin Heinrich (NM-1).

Also on Thursday, Deputy Secretary of Energy Daniel Poneman will travel to Minneapolis, Minn., to visit the Eolos Wind Energy Research Station at the University of Minnesota. The Energy Department is supporting the University of Minnesota’s research on mechanical power transmission and electric generator systems for wind turbines. Deputy Secretary Poneman will also host a roundtable with local business leaders and students from the university.

On Friday, January 27, Acting Under Secretary for Energy Arun Majumdar will travel to Greensboro, N.C., to visit the Volvo Truck Headquarters. The Energy Department’s Super Truck program supports Volvo North America’s efforts to improve the efficiency of heavy-duty trucks.

On Wednesday, January 25, Acting Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Henry Kelly will travel to Houston, Texas, to make an announcement about President Obama’s Better Buildings Challenge with Mayor Annise Parker and local business leaders. On Thursday, Assistant Secretary Kelly will deliver remarks at the Energy Investment Forum in Austin, Texas, and host a roundtable with local business leaders and students from the energy club at the University of Texas – Austin.

On Thursday, January 26, Assistant Secretary for Policy and International Affairs David Sandalow will deliver remarks at the Washington Auto Show, highlighting the Obama Administration’s investments in advanced vehicles and fuel efficiency technologies.

News Media Contact: (202) 586-4940

Addthis Related Articles Secretary Chu to Tour Sandia National Laboratories and Highlight President Obama’s State of the Union Blueprint to Build an Economy that Lasts University of Minnesota Hosts Clean Energy Events With U.S. Deputy Secretary of Energy Poneman and Senator Franken Volvo Truck Headquarters in North Carolina to Host Event With Acting Under Secretary of Energy Majumdar What We Do For You General Electric will build a new thin-film photovoltaic (PV) solar panel manufacturing facility in Aurora, Colorado. The plant will produce enough solar panels annually to provide electricity to 80,000 homes and to create 355 jobs in Colorado over the next three to five years. | Image courtesy of Edelman.Energy EconomyEnergy Economy InnovationInnovation National Security Technologies scientists, technicians and engineers from the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Nevada Site Office board the Air Force C-17. Highly trained nuclear emergency response personnel and more than 17,000 lbs of hi-tech equipment are being sent to Japan as part of the Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration’s effort to assist Japanese personnel with nuclear issues. | Photo Courtesy NNSA NewsNuclear Security & SafetyNuclear Security & Safety Careers & InternshipsContact UsEmail Updates Popular Topics SavingsHeating & CoolingIndustrial Heating & CoolingSolarHome WeatherizationAppliances & ElectronicsAbout this siteWeb PoliciesPrivacyNo Fear ActInformation QualityOpen GovEnergy DepartmentBudget & PerformanceDirectives, Delegations & RequirementsFOIAInspector GeneralPrivacy ProgramSmall BusinessFederal GovernmentThe White

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Make Money With Autoresponders Is it possible to make 0 in under 24 hours without a website using an email autoresponder. You'll be amazed how simple it is for you to start making money now with email autoresponders just by selling your services to businesses in your local area. Download the full report From Offline Store Front To Online Gold at... For the report Offline Gold For The Online Marketer which reveals how you can start making money today selling your internet marketing services to local businesses go to

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February 4, 2012


You are watching the latest business report from FRANCE 24. More business news on FRANCE 24: FRANCE 24 INTERNATIONAL NEWS 24/7 France

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President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts


Office of the Press Secretary


January 23, 2012

President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts

WASHINGTON – Today, President Barack Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:

Erin C. Conaton – Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, Department of DefenseScott H. DeLisi – Ambassador to the Republic of Uganda, Department of StateDeborah Delisle – Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of EducationTracey Ann Jacobson – Ambassador to the Republic of Kosovo, Department of StateJames J. Jones – Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances, Environmental Protection AgencyFrank Kendall III – Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, Department of DefenseJames N. Miller – Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Department of DefenseMarietta S. Robinson – Commissioner, Consumer Product Safety CommissionAdam E. Sieminski – Administrator, Energy Information Administration, Department of EnergyJohn Christopher Stevens – Ambassador to Libya, Department of StateLinda Thomas-Greenfield – Director General of the Foreign Service, Department of StateConstance B. Tobias – Chairman, Board of Veterans’ AppealsPamela Ann White – Ambassador to the Republic of Haiti, Department of StateJessica Lynn Wright – Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, Department of Defense

The President also announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to key Administration posts:

Eldar Shafir – Member, President’s Advisory Council on Financial CapabilityRobert J. Stevens -  Member, Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and NegotiationsKimberlydawn Wisdom – Member, Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health

President Obama said, “I am grateful that these talented and dedicated individuals have agreed to take on these important roles and devote their talents to serving the American people. I look forward to working with them in the comings months and years.”

President Obama announced his intent to nominate the following individuals to key Administration posts:

Erin C. Conaton, Nominee for Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness, Department of Defense

Erin C. Conaton is currently the Under Secretary of the Air Force.  Prior to her confirmation in 2010, she served on the House Committee on Armed Services as Staff Director (2007-2010), Minority Staff Director (2005-2007), and Professional Staff Member (2001-2005).  From 1998 to 2001, she worked on the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century, also known as the Hart-Rudman Commission.  She holds B.S. from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service and an M.A. from The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

Ambassador Scott H. DeLisi, Nominee for Ambassador to the Republic of Uganda, Department of State

Ambassador Scott H. DeLisi is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service and is currently U.S. Ambassador to the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, a position he has held since March 2010.  Prior to his assignment in Nepal, Ambassador DeLisi was the Director of Career Development and Assignments in the State Department's Bureau of Human Resources.  During his 30 year career in the Foreign Service, Ambassador DeLisi has served as Ambassador to the State of Eritrea and as Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Gaborone, Botswana.  He has also served as Director for Entry Level Programs in the Bureau of Human Resources, Director for Southern African Affairs, and Chief of the Political Section in Sri Lanka.  His other postings include assignments in Pakistan, Madagascar, and India.   Ambassador DeLisi received his B.A. and J.D. from the University of Minnesota.

Deborah Delisle, Nominee for Assistant Secretary for Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of Education

Deborah Delisle served as the State Superintendent of Public Instruction for the Ohio Department of Education from 2008 to 2011.  Previously, Ms. Delisle worked in the Cleveland Heights-University Heights City School District in Ohio, first as Associate Superintendent from 2001 to 2003, then as Superintendent from 2003 to 2008.  Since beginning her career as an elementary teacher in Connecticut in the 1970s, Ms. Delisle has served in a variety of roles at the school district level in Ohio, including as Director of Academic Services, Director of Curriculum and Professional Development, and Coordinator of Gifted and Talented Programs.  Ms. Delisle has served on several education boards, including the Governing Board of the Minority Student Achievement Network, Executive Board of the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, and the Council of Chief State School Officers Executive Board.   Ms. Delisle is a recipient of the Betsy Cowles Women in Leadership Award and the Buckeye Association of School Administrators Distinguished Service Award.  She holds a B.S. from Springfield College and an M.Ed. from Kent State University.

Ambassador Tracey Ann Jacobson, Nominee for Ambassador to the Republic of Kosovo, Department of State

Ambassador Tracey Ann Jacobson, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, currently serves as the Deputy Director of the Foreign Service Institute (FSI).  Prior to joining FSI, she served as U.S. Ambassador to Tajikistan (2006-2009) and U.S. Ambassador to Turkmenistan (2003-2006).  Previously, she was Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Riga, Latvia.  Prior to her assignment in Riga, Ambassador Jacobson served as Deputy Executive Secretary at the National Security Council.  Other assignments have included overseas postings in Seoul, Korea; Nassau, Bahamas; and Moscow, Russia.  Ambassador Jacobson’s Washington assignments have included service in State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, and Office of the Under Secretary for Management.  Ambassador Jacobson received a B.A. from Johns Hopkins University and an M.A. from John Hopkins Nitze School of Advanced International Studies.

James J. Jones, Nominee for Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances, Environmental Protection Agency

James J. Jones is the Acting Assistant Administrator for Toxic Substances in the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).  In 2011, Mr. Jones served as Deputy Assistant Administrator in the Office of Air and Radiation at the EPA.  From 2007 to 2011, Mr. Jones was Deputy Assistant Administrator for the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention at the EPA from 2003 to 2007 he served as Director of the Office of Pesticide Programs at EPA.  Mr. Jones held a series of management positions in the EPA’s Office of Pesticide Programs from 1994 until 2003, when he became the Director.  He served as a Special Assistant to the Assistant Administrator of what is now the Office of Chemical Safety and Pollution Prevention from 1991 to 1994.  Mr. Jones earned a B.A. from the University of Maryland, College Park and a M.A. from the University of California, Santa Barbara. 

Frank Kendall III, Nominee for Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics, Department of Defense

Frank Kendall III is currently the Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics.  President Obama appointed Mr. Kendall to be Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics in March 2010. From 2008 to 2010, he was a Managing Partner at Renaissance Strategic Advisors, prior to which, he was a consultant in the areas of technical and program management.  From 1994 to 1996, he was Vice President of Engineering at Raytheon.  Mr. Kendall spent 12 years at the Department of Defense, serving as Director of Tactical Warfare Programs (1989-1994), Assistant Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Strategic Systems (1986-1989), and Chief of the Systems Analysis Office within the Ballistic Missile Defense Systems Command (1982-1986).  From 1971 to 1982, he served as an officer in the United States Army.  He holds a B.S. from the United States Military Academy at West Point, an M.S. from the California Institute of Technology, an M.B.A. from Long Island University, and a J.D. from Georgetown University. 

James N. Miller, Nominee for Under Secretary of Defense for Policy, Department of Defense

James N. Miller is currently the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Policy.  Prior to his appointment in 2009, he was the Senior Vice President and Director of Studies at the Center for a New American Security.  From 2000 to 2007, he worked in the senior leadership at Hicks & Associates, Inc.  From 1997 to 2000, he served as the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Requirements, Plans, and Counterproliferation Policy.  From 1992 to 1997, he was an assistant professor at Duke University.  Dr. Miller began his career in 1988 as a professional staff member for the House Armed Services Committee.  He holds a B.A. from Stanford University and an M.A and Ph.D. from the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

Marietta S. Robinson, Nominee for Commissioner, Consumer Product Safety Commission

Marietta S. Robinson has practiced as a trial attorney for 33 years, handling a wide variety of complex litigation for both plaintiffs and defendants.  She is also a Fellow of the International Society of Barristers, a position she has held since 1994, and served as its first female president from 2010 to 2011In 2011, Ms. Robinson served as independent legal counsel to the Chair of the United Nations Peacebuilding Commission in Liberia.   Previously, Ms. Robinson served for eight years as a federally-appointed trustee of the Dalkon Shield Trust, which disbursed over $2.4 billion to more than 300,000 claimants in over 120 countries.  She is a Fellow in American Bar Foundation and Michigan Bar, and in 2000 was a candidate for the Michigan Supreme Court.  In 2009, Ms. Robinson was an appointed member of the Judicial Advisory Committee for the Eastern District of Michigan and from 1985 to 1989 she served on the Michigan State Building Authority.  She also served as a member of the Michigan State Bar Representative Assembly.  Ms. Robinson earned a B.A. with High Distinction from the University of Michigan-Flint and a J.D. from the UCLA School of Law.

Adam E. Sieminski, Nominee for Administrator, Energy Information Administration, Department of Energy

Adam E. Sieminski is currently the Chief Energy Economist for Deutsche Bank where he has served since 2005.   Prior to this, he served as the Director and Energy Strategist for Deutsche Bank’s global oil and gas equity team, a position he has held since 1998.  Mr. Sieminski served as Vice President and Senior Oil Analyst for NatWest Securities from 1995 until 1998 and Vice President and Oil Analyst for Washington Analysis Corporation from 1973 until 1995.  In 2006, Secretary of Energy Sam Bodman appointed Mr. Sieminski to the National Petroleum Council, where he still serves as a Member.  Mr. Sieminski received his B.S. and M.P.A. from Cornell University.

John Christopher Stevens, Nominee for Ambassador to Libya, Department of State

John Christopher Stevens, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, served as Special Representative to the Libyan Transitional National Council from March 2011 to November 2011.  Prior to this role, he was the Director of the Office of Multilateral Nuclear and Security Affairs.  From 2007 to 2009, he served as the Deputy Chief of Mission in Tripoli, Libya.  From 2006 to 2007, he was a Pearson Fellow with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.  Previous overseas assignments have included: Deputy Principal Officer and Political Section Chief in Jerusalem; Political Officer in Damascus; Consular/Political Officer in Cairo; and Consular/Economic Officer in Riyadh.  In Washington, Mr. Stevens has served as Special Assistant to the Under Secretary for Political Affairs, Iran Desk Officer, and a Staff Assistant in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs.  Prior to joining the Foreign Service, Mr. Stevens was a Peace Corps Volunteer in Morocco from 1983 to 1985.  He holds a B.A. from the University of California, Berkeley, a J.D. from the University of California Hastings College of the Law, and an M.S. from the National War College.

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Nominee for Director General of the Foreign Service, Department of State

Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield is a career member of the Senior Foreign Service, with the rank of Minister Counselor and currently serves as the U.S. Ambassador to Liberia, a position she has held since August 2008.  Previously, she was Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau for African Affairs from 2006 to 2008, and Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration from 2004 to 2006.  Other assignments have included overseas postings in Nigeria, The Gambia, Kenya, Jamaica, Pakistan, and Switzerland.  From 1991 to 1993, she served as a Staff Assistant in the Office of the Director General of the Foreign Service.  Prior to joining the Department of State, Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield taught Political Science at Bucknell University.  Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield received a B.A. from Louisiana State University and an M.A. from the University of Wisconsin.

Constance B. Tobias, Nominee for Chairman, Board of Veterans’ Appeals

Constance B. Tobias is currently Chair of the Departmental Appeals Board at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.  Prior to her appointment in 2007, Ms. Tobias served as the Chief Veterans Law Judge for the Board of Veterans’ Appeals (BVA) at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) from 1995 to 2007.  From 1993 to 1995, she was Counsel to the Chairman of the BVA.  From 1991 to 1993, she was a Staff Attorney in the Office of the General Counsel for the VA.  She began her career in 1983 as a Staff Attorney for the BVA.  In 2007, Ms. Tobias received the Department of Veterans Affairs Distinguished Career Award.  She holds a B.A. from St. Augustine College and a J.D. from Cornell University. 

Ambassador Pamela Ann White, Nominee for Ambassador to the Republic of Haiti, Department of State

Ambassador Pamela Ann White, a career member of the Senior Foreign Service with the rank of Career Minister, currently serves as the U.S. Ambassador to The Gambia.  Prior to serving in The Gambia, she was United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Mission Director in Liberia, Tanzania, and Mali.  From 1999 to 2001, she served as USAID’s Deputy Director for East Africa.  Previously, Ambassador White held a number of overseas positions with USAID, including: Executive Officer in Senegal, Haiti, Egypt and South Africa and Community Liaison Officer in Burkina Faso.  Prior to joining USAID in 1978, Ambassador White served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon from 1971 to 1973.  She holds a B.A. from the University of Maine, an M.A. from the School for International Training, and an M.S. from the Industrial College of Armed Forces.

Jessica Lynn Wright, Nominee for Assistant Secretary of Defense for Reserve Affairs, Department of Defense

Jessica Lynn Wright is currently the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower and Personnel.  Prior to joining the Administration in 2010, Ms. Wright served as the Adjutant General of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and Commander of the Pennsylvania National Guard.  Previously, she was the Deputy Adjutant General for the Army (2000-2004) and State Army Aviation Officer (1998-2000) for the Pennsylvania National Guard.  From June 1997 to November 1998, she was the Commander of the 28th Combat Aviation Brigade in the 28th Infantry Division in Pennsylvania.  From 1989 to 1996, Ms. Wright held several roles at the National Guard Bureau Headquarters in Washington, DC including executive officer and chief of the budget and services branch and chief of the personnel service division for the Army National Guard personnel directorate.   Ms. Wright began her military career in 1975 in the Pennsylvania National Guard.  She holds a B.A. from Alderson and Broaddus College and an M.A. from Webster University.

President Obama also announced his intent to appoint the following individuals to  key Administration posts:

Eldar Shafir, Appointee for Member, President's Advisory Council on Financial Capability

Eldar Shafir is the William Stewart Tod Professor of Psychology and Public Affairs in the Department of Psychology and the Woodrow Wilson School for Public and International Affairs at Princeton University.  Dr. Shafir’s research focuses on descriptive analyses of decision making, and on issues related to behavioral economics, with a focus on decision making in the context of poverty and on the application of behavioral research to policy. He is Past President of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making, a member of the Russell Sage Foundation Behavioral Economics Roundtable, Research Affiliate of Innovations for Poverty Action, and Fellow of the Filene Research Institute, the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, and the Institute for Quantitative Social Science at Harvard University. He is co-founder and director of Ideas42, a social science research and development lab. Dr. Shafir received his B.A. from Brown University and a Ph.D. in Cognitive Science from MIT.

Robert J. Stevens, Appointee for Member, Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations

Robert J. Stevens is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Lockheed Martin Corporation.  He serves on the International Advisory Boards of the Atlantic Council, the British-American Business Council, and the Aerospace Industries Association’s Board of Governors.  Mr. Stevens is member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a director of the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, and served on a Presidential Commission to Examine the Future of the United States Aerospace Industry.  Mr. Stevens has received the Marine Corps Heritage Foundation’s inaugural LeJeune Recognition for Exemplary Leadership and the National Defense Industrial Association’s James Forrestal Industry Leadership Award.  Mr. Stevens served in the Marine Corps before receiving his B.A. from Slippery Rock University.  He received his M.A. from the Polytechnic University of New York and his M.B.A. from Columbia University.

Dr. Kimberlydawn Wisdom, Appointee for Member, Advisory Group on Prevention, Health Promotion, and Integrative and Public Health

Dr. Kimberlydawn Wisdom is the Senior Vice President of Community Health & Equity and the Chief Wellness Officer at the Henry Ford Health System, positions she’s held since 2011.  She is also a board-certified Emergency Medicine Physician at the Henry Ford Health System and serves as an assistant professor in the Department of Medical Education at the University of Michigan Medical School.  From 2003 to 2010, Dr. Wisdom served as the first Surgeon General in Michigan’s history.  Dr. Wisdom established the Institute on Multicultural Health at the Henry Ford Health System and created the “Generation with Promise” program, a W. K. Kellogg funded initiative focused on addressing issues of childhood obesity.  She has also served as a Fellow with the American College of Emergency Physicians and has been widely recognized for her work on wellness issues, having been asked to present her research to numerous professional and academic audiences.  Dr. Wisdom earned a B.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, an M.D. from the University of Michigan Medical School, and an M.S. from the University of Michigan School of Public Health.

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