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April 30, 2013

A Perfect Life - Ways to Achieve It

Success and Happiness Define a Good Life - How to Achieve It?

There are two things you need from life to make it complete - happiness and success. Both are equally important to mark a good life yet one without the other is meaningless. Together they make a life worth living and to make yours one you need to figure out what defines a good life for you. And unless you do you cannot hope to achieve it and make a difference to the world around you. While the definition may differ from person to person, the underlying need for fulfillment lies deep in all of us.

Let us first look at happiness, its definition and how we can achieve it. According to the Merriam-Webster, happiness is defined as - "a state of well-being and contentment; joy; a satisfying experience". If you notice, no matter which way you define it, the meaning always veers towards the self. And that this where you should begin and end your journey.

Begin by daring to dream. Begin by asking yourself what you want. By giving in to your deepest desires. And when you start traveling on this path you will contentment at every step. With every milestone that you achieve you will feel a surge of satisfaction. And with every small success you will feel the proximity of your bug win and find the strength to achieve it through the true happiness that you feel by following your dream.

Next comes success. Success is defined as "favorable or desired outcome; also: the attainment of wealth, favor, or eminence" - according to the Merriam-Webster. When you know what makes you happy and what your heart desires most, you will know which road to travel to achieve the heights of success. Everyone who puts in an effort will achieve some measure of success or minor results. But in order to attain greater glory one must put in more than the ordinary effort. Glory is not meant for the fearful and puny at heart. To achieve it you have to risk the conventions and step into the wilderness. For it is only then that you can carve out your own path.

It is our foremost duty to be happy, to respect the life that we have and to dream. True fruition is the ultimate goal and to achieve it we will have to pass through all odds. As you can see, both happiness and success are deeply and intrinsically linked to each other. Together they form the twin pillars of a life well lived.

"Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get." - Dale Carnegie

Do you want to learn more about personal growth and development to create a happy and successful life of your dreams and desires?

If so, visit for more tips, advice and strategies to change your life and achieve greater personal success.

Also download a Free copy of my ebook Grooming Yourself for Unlimited Success.


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