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April 5, 2013

How Online Admission Enrollment Process Is Benefitting Class Organizers?

Technological progress, which has made the world, a global village, has equally impacted the education arena. Now, classes and training programs are being conducted online, which is not only saving time but also considerable amount of transportation expenses. Class organizers, who are dealing with such online classes, will surely have to deal with the admission or registration process, before starting classes. Taking the admission process online for your online classes, can be a smart choice, as it will streamline your managerial activities, making it easier for you to deal with the process, effortlessly and conveniently. Here are a few reasons why you should use the online admission enrollment process, for conducting online classes:

· Cost-effective and offers service 24x7:

The cloud-based class management solution offering online admission option is completely free and requires no prior installation or purchasing charges. You will not even have to download any particular hardware or software, for running the application. Thus, it can be a cost-effective solution for the thrift class organizers, as they can save considerable amount of money. The solution also offers services, 24x7, which can benefit your attendees, extensively. Interested students from any part of the world can register for your class, sitting at their comfort zone, any time.

· Hassle-free online registration:

Using the online solution, you can create customized registration forms within minutes, selecting from an array of templates. You can also add up relevant information and customized fields within your form, depending on the nature of the class and make it available online for the registrants.

· Offers easy payment gateways:

The online solution will help in accepting the registration fee via credit cards, PayPal and such gateways. You can also maintain your own merchant account for accepting the payments from the registrants. Security may be question when you are processing online transactions. As the online solution is certified with PCI-Compliant, it assures you and your potential registrants, complete security, where transaction can comfortably be processed online.

· Access to online class calendaring tool:

Being a class organizer, you will have to schedule your classes accordingly before the session starts. The online calendaring tool will help you in scheduling all your classes and programs online, which can be easily viewed by the students. Thus, they can easily track the important classes and can register for selected one accordingly.

· Helps in promoting extensively:

The power of internet has made the social networking sites, an effective platform, for promotional activities. By employing the online solution, you can directly take the advantages of the social networking sites for promoting classes online.

Thus, by opting for the online admission enrollment process, you can be on an advantageous position and can offer rewarding experience to your registrants.

Jonathan is a professional Indian event planner. Event professionals in India are increasingly relying on automated software to streamline the event registration in India along with payment management, and attendee relationship management. Acteva is the market leader in providing event planning solutions in India at competitive price.


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