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January 17, 2013

Finding Your "Why"

The purpose of finding your why is to create a passionate reason for you to accomplish whatever you are looking to achieve in your life.

You may have a number of different "whys" and over time, your direction may change. If your mission is to create wealth and have passive income, your "why" is financial security. If you want to create wealth to take care of your family, your "why" is your family.

To create your mission statement, one that is created on purpose and in alignment with you true desires, your reason for accomplishing your mission must be bigger than you.

Knowing your "why" is very important. If you goal is to create wealth but you don't have a why, at the first obstacle, hurdle or challenge, you will give up. Knowing your why, you may still stumble and even fall, but your why will keep you focused and give you the strength and determination to get up and continue on your journey. Overcoming adversity will prepare you for greatness. Your "why" will act like an invisible magnet, drawing you step by step towards your goals and dreams, until you achieve them.

Creating your mission statement:

By knowing and standing by your mission statement, you control your results. When you are faced with a decision, you will make that decision easily and without delay, because your mission statement will give you the specific directions you require and you will know exactly which actions to take to keep you on the right path to achieve your goals and dreams.

You may not enjoy every moment of the process. What is important is keeping your eyes on the outcome so you continue the process. You must focus on the results. A woman may not enjoy the pain of childbirth; she will enjoy the results - a beautiful baby! An athlete may not enjoy the pain of training; an athlete will enjoy the results - winning!

Average people compare themselves to other people. That is why they are average. You only need to compare yourself to your potential and you will not be average.


You may have multiple statements for different areas of your life, 1 for personal, 1 for business, 1 for physical or any other area in your life you want to change. A mission statement is only a paragraph long, has specific and measurable outcomes and a deadline to achieve that outcome. It is the best way to start your journey to success.

Food for thought for your mission statement:

List 5 positive characteristics that describe you:


List 5 goals (personal and/or professional) you would like to accomplish 12 months from today:


List 2 financial goals you would like to accomplish 12 months from today:


To Your Success.

For more information, lessons and exercises, visit our website and sign up for the FREE 7 Day Success E-Course:


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