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October 21, 2012

The Diamond Jubilee and the British Economy

There is no doubt that the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elisabeth II was a massive hit with the vast majority of the public but playing devil's advocate, can the outlay be justified in the current financial state of the British economy? Yes, there was an undoubted feel-good factor and this was evidenced by the look on the faces of the crowds and the interviews that took place. I am sure that many countries will have been impressed by the organisation, the numbers that turned out and the pomp and ceremony this country is renowned for with many tourists arriving to share this experience.

The majority of people in this country are suffering great hardship during this prolonged recession and are having to cut back on everyday items by either buying cheaper products or going without some essentials altogether. Many older people worryingly are switching their heating off at a time when they need to keep warm to survive the cold spells that are continuing. This is being done just to manage their bills in order to keep up with the payments for fuel which has been allowed to increase well beyond the inflation rate.

Is it therefore immoral that this country has diverted and paid so much for these celebrations when this resource could have been used to help those on the poverty line or even to pay off some of the enormous debt which has led to the austerity measures applied by the current government in order to pay for the largesse of the previous administration? I understand the Queen was deeply touched by the outpouring of shared celebration and good wishes towards her but by that token, are we not all in this situation together? It seems that funds for the royal purse increase each year even though they are amongst the richest people in the world. Even a small amount of their wealth diverted to the exchequer would help and show their willingness to share the pain of the nation as well as the Diamond Jubilee.

As stated earlier there was a clear feel good factor experienced by many during the whole weekend of the Diamond Jubilee celebrations but will this not be short lived, and from now will reality of our financial plight once again take a grip. What did the extra day's holiday do for the British economy? As it is also half term for schools in many parts of the country, there is evidence that many people are taking the whole week as a holiday, creating the impression that the United Kingdom is closed for business whilst the rest of Europe cashes in on our supposed intransigence at a time when we need to be the most diligent and competitive.

In conclusion, the public are living with and already experiencing the deteriorating situation with the advance of the recession, this includes increasing unemployment, higher prices and constraints on salaries. Unfortunately, in this unbalanced society, the people that could make the biggest contribution are excused the most or exempt from the majority of the effects and are clearly not going to spontaneously offer tangible support. It is time the government created a level playing field. It is the small and medium size businesses that always contribute the most to recovery and it makes sense instead of penalising them, to help them expand and create opportunities for the unemployed. These are indigenous companies who are not going anywhere to seek out cheap labour after receiving government subsidies.

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This company has the additional and unique benefit of having their own Digital Printing facility, they also produce CD & DVD Packaging in low volumes for such products as CD & DVD Digipaks.

With a Graphic Design department to help customers design their artwork and an Authoring Suite to create the master CD, DVD or Blu-ray disc.

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