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October 3, 2012

Being Happy - What Makes You Feel Happy And Fulfilled At Work?

"Apa gunanya kaya harter, popular dan berkuasa, kalau tidak bahagia" (What's the use of being rich, popular and powerful, if it doesn't give you happiness?)

The original quote is in Bahasa Indonesia and I recently read this on a trip to the beautiful island of Bali. Although most of us might have heard similar statements in the past, I always find it worthwhile to take a moment from time to time to think about it again.

For me it automatically brings up the question about what should make us happy instead? And once we found that out for ourselves, how do we manage to get up and follow our own path rather than aiming for what everybody else thinks is important?

In our modern society it's too often somebody else's goals we are trying to achieve. Our parents, spouses, managers and the media regularly let us know what is expected of us. And sometimes we even like it because it's convenient and it keeps us from having to think about a plan ourselves. But this is dangerous because sooner or later we might get to a pint where we suddenly start questioning and wonder if there shouldn't be more to life - to many of us this happens around the age of 40 or so where most of our life seems already well settled and we believe to be on a certain track that we cannot leave or change anymore. Often the lack of self-awareness keeps people from discovering what they truly want to do and how they want to live in the first place.

What are you passionate about? What are your core values and motivators?

Sure, we need a certain level of financial stability to live a "normal" life but think about it: If you did something you are really good at and passionate about, wouldn't it be likely for the money to follow more or less automatically after some time? Okay, this might not be true for all passions and all situations, but even if you only started to apply a bit more of your strengths and passions in your current work environment, it might already lead to a significantly higher level of satisfaction, success and feeling of being connected to your job.

So, why don't you start today and find out what really drives and motivates you? What is it that can make you happy in the long run? Then move on and create your own agenda and stick to it as much as you can until you find an even better path.

Gunnar Jaschik is a successful Trainer, Speaker and Life- and Career Coach in Singapore who specializes in helping managers, expats and other professionals to create more happiness and fulfillment at work.


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