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August 11, 2012

Do You Really Want to Help People and the Common Good - Then Help Yourself First!

First off, Ayn Rand was right. Secondly, I often get tired of all those folks who can't help themselves or won't telling me to pay more in taxes to help the common good for all the poor people. You see, the greatest thing anyone can do is to participate in our free-market system and help themselves, and by doing so they are not a burden on society. If everyone did that, there would be so few poor people that our vast wealthy society could easily take care of those who truly can't.

Unfortunately, if we make people weak, create low self-esteem, and treat everyone like children eventually they won't be able to do much of anything for themselves, and therefore they won't. Now they become a huge burden on the rest of us, always demanding more - desiring to re-distribute the economic gains of those who produce and give it to those who don't. This is the real reason socialism doesn't work.

Not long ago, someone joked to me that Jesus was a socialist. And yes, there were some stories in the good book that might lead one to that conclusion. Still if Jesus was a socialist, I'd like to tell him where he can go, but I know he wasn't, not in the common definition. You see, it's okay to help your neighbor to help himself, but it isn't okay to hire the government to steal my money, to go give it to someone who wants it, yet will not plant, harvest, or bake the bread.

Before you condemn my comments, I'd like you to know that I've volunteered countless hours to help in the various communities I've been a part, far more than you have actually. That is the right way to play it, people helping people, not enlisting the government which is inefficient to pretend to help while funneling our tax money to their friend's businesses and pet projects.

Some would say that capitalism is no better, but they'd be completely naïve in doing so. There is nothing wrong with free-market capitalism, only with crony capitalism which is the type of distorted and prostituted capitalism that the socialists and corrupt practice for which I condemn in the strongest terms, just as I do this push towards socialism in our great nation under the auspice of helping people; it doesn't, it makes people pathetically weak, and thus, weakens our entire society and civilization.

In the end there will be hell to pay, economic collapse, poverty, and misery. Yes, everyone will be equal then, equally poor and hungry. No thanks socialists. I'll take freedom and liberty with responsibility over that any day of the week. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Politics and Economics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;


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