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March 11, 2013

What If We Could Save Your Brain In the Future - What Would You Put It In, A Space Ship?

It seems scientists are getting somewhat close to being able to preserve a human brain, perhaps the first brain transplant may occur within the next several decades? But perhaps this won't be common, so many complications, ethical issues, and challenges of putting one brain into a different body. But if your own body is caput and your brain is fine, well that's just a real shame to waste a perfectly good brain if we don't have too, and I am certain that individual doesn't want to check out early due to a failing body, an accident, or some other challenge.

Now then if we can save the brain, what should we put it in? Providing of course that the brain can psychologically adapt to having lost its host, let's assume it can, humans seem to be able to adapt to all sorts of things right? Should we just download the brain and put that information and consciousness in the cloud - that would be like a digital heaven in a way I guess? Or should we put it into an incasing to protect it, and to give it mobility? How about mounting it into an exoskeleton-like android robot? We could do that too.

If the brain doesn't have the body to deal with, which is the weak link for so many things, then it could be mounted in a deep see submersible, on a UAV, or perhaps enclosed in a special case in a space ship thus, able to travel the galaxy? Maybe we could mount it inside a little unit low to the ground, something similar to a Romba with a docking port, the brain simple goes back to its docking port folds up the legs or wheels, or four-VTOL-rotorblade system and parks itself at the docking station. In this case it could be sent on the space ship and thus attached to the ship when docked?

Of course it might need an escape pod system in case the space ship crashes. The old fighter bomber aircraft, the F-111 had a neat escape pod system. We could make something like that only much smaller of course, as in a three-foot long system, with folding legs or wheels once it landed on the surface of something?

A couple of years ago I was discussing all this with an overseas acquaintance, and he mentioned that the human brain would need stimulus and desire to have something like its "traditional organic sensors" so that it could interact with its environment, and this would go a long way to helping it maintain a positive psychological displacement. If it was controlling a space ship, you wouldn't want it to get any Jihadist type ideas right?

Yes, huge issue, but before we start hiring a bunch of neuropsychologists to start speculating for some super salaries, let's remember they don't know the answers to these questions, and although I completely agree with you, we just don't know yet. The Chimpanzees seem to adapt when researchers have cut into their skulls and wired them up, although they probably aren't too happy about it, still they adapt.

A human while alive may apt for a new extended life within a space ship, just so it wouldn't die, remember self-preservation is a huge need, just as Maslow. Further, the volunteer for such a mission has to accept these challenges in the name of science. People have volunteered for all sorts of things in the past, for science, so you'd be surprised. Well, I hope you've enjoyed today's topic and future concepts dialogue? Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Future Concepts. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;


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