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February 15, 2013

Did The Fiscal Cliff Just Become a BASE Jumping Parachuting Opportunity?

Back when I was a young man in building my business up, I think the year was 1987 or something like that, our federal government failed to produce a budget and it ran out of money, and they shut the government down for a few weeks. Do you know what happened? Nobody noticed.

Okay so I'd like to talk to you a little bit about this so-called self-imposed fiscal cliff which is said to be such a big deal right now (November 2012). You see, the reason we have a fiscal cliff is because our legislative branch could not come up with a federal budget on time as they were supposed to.

Indeed, it's their only one job that they must do by law every single year. They couldn't seem to figure out how to balance the books, live within their means, and they just kept borrowing money and spending. They had put forth a limit of the amount of debt that they would incur on the behalf of the American taxpayer. They went over that amount, several times, always kicking the can down the road. Now they've come up against the can in the road again, rather than deal with it, they all went on vacation for the Thanksgiving Holiday. Amazing isn't it?

Some say this fiscal cliff is going to be a big deal and could cause us to go into recession, in fact, the Congressional Budget Office which put out such a warning. Well, I say; can you imagine the depression that will occur if our government continues to spend at this level? And why didn't they deal with this last time, or the time before, or the time before that - you ask? Simple, the politicians didn't want to cause any hardship or modify the government (taxpayer) money flows to their favorite lobbyists, or deal with the voter fallout from budget cuts on social services or big corporate contracts.

This last time it seems the Democrat Leadership wanted to wait until after the 2012 elections to deal with their obligations to have a budget and to stop spending over the debt limit they'd set, which by the way were quite high, high enough no one thought they'd hit for another decade or more, and by then inflation would have basically taken care of it - not that such a strategy is acceptable - it's clearly not, but that's what they were thinking. Instead they ran up against that limit in about 3 years.

Maybe this time, and this is real "hope" maybe we can get these socialist spenders to stop wasting our taxpayer's money so we can parachute down without going off this cliff at a full clip, because we won't make it to the other side if we don't have a plan. Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Innovation in America. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;


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