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November 28, 2012

Start a New Thanksgiving Tradition

Thanksgiving is a unique American tradition that was officially set as a national day of celebration the 3rd Thursday of the month of November by Abraham Lincoln in 1863. It is a day in which we celebrate the pilgrim's safe arrival to the new World.

While the celebration continues with some of the original theme of giving thanks, face it, for most of us, Thanksgiving is the start of the flurry of the holiday season, filled with extra duties, and endless errands and a never ending list of things that must be done. We are often stressed and exhausted as a result.

What if this Thanksgiving and the entire holiday season had a different outcome for you?

What if your Thanksgiving is the start of a season of renewal, restoration and a return to a time of magic and miracles instead?

This is very possible with a few soul and energy strategies. Here is the first step along with some ideas that I have used to help you start a new tradition for yourself.

Let's start with a personal promise that you will not allow yourself to be exhausted, over extended or depleted. That would be a road less traveled for most of us. Here is a tip that will change everything for you? Start the season with a soul strategy with a plan for appreciating, taking care and serving your needs before you take care of other people needs, expectations and requests.

Take some time to be self (full) sometimes seen as selfish. Not in the way that you forget about the needs of others but in but in the way in which you truly appreciateyourself. Take time out to serve your own needs.

Consider these words from Oprah, who does so much for others. She asks herself this question to guide her actions. "What can I do right now to serve MYSELF, THEN others?"

We forget that we have to drink from the well first in order to be able to serve others. Your soul's request is to fill up your own cup from the divine well of universal energy first.

What does this look like? Well it may be scheduling an extra massage a few days before the meal or going to lunch with a friend to share a few strategies and laughs.

Perhaps it is taking things off your list, hiring a house cleaner to come in for a few hours or asking your daughter- in- law to bring a few extra dishes.

It can also be giving away the need to be perfect and allow your meal to be less formal or the house to be not as clean as you normally would have. What if you spent time finding just the right poem to read at the dinner table or rented a fun movie for yourself after guests left that would be a treat for you to watch? These were a few things I have done that have worked well for me. So, brainstorm a few minutes and come up with a list and plan of your own. Then follow through on it.

Face it, for most of us, any focus on ourselves is frowned upon. But, taking care of ourselves extends beyond being selfish, it is soul-filled. Our culture doesn't teach that instead we are trained early on that we have value only when we serve others. But the truth is we can only give what we give to ourselves first. If we have value, appreciation, gratitude and thankfulness for our own lives we have plenty to share with others, without the well going dry.

Katherine Allen has emerged a leader in the soul-led spiritual mentoring in helping women over 40 to make transformational shifts with lasting results to design their lives from soul purpose and passion. She is uniquely qualified in both the intuitive arts and the sciences. She holds a BA in Art, Health and Sociology, a Professional Interior Design degree, certification in Feng Shui, shaman training with Lynn Andrews since 1990, certified yoga instructor and certified in the Courageous Coaching Method by Kendall Summerhawk, of She has an engaging, simple to understand approach in sharing how universal and big ideas can make an impact in our daily lives. Her no-nonsense, humorous and compassionate perspectives are a joy. Please visit Katherine's website at and read her blog at


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