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August 28, 2012

Traits Of Successful People - 8 Characteristics Of All High Achievers

Over the years the traits of successful people has been a topic of much discussion.

All the great pioneers, entrepreneurs and entertainers of the world possess certain characteristics that have seen them achieve incredible success. But the good news is, these are success traits not just afforded to an exclusive group of people. They are not things that they were born with.

They are things that can be easily developed by you, me and everyone else, if the drive and desire for success is strong.

Everyone has an entitlement to be successful, but as you probably know by now, success is not something that just happens.

Below is a list of 8 traits of successful people... those must have characteristics that distinguish the achievers from the 'also-ran's'.

1. They Have Strong Belief

They all believe that they can succeed in whatever they set out to accomplish. They never let fear, worry or doubt control them. They encounter obstacles and challenges with a strong confidence that they will be overcome and a positive outcome will result.

2. They Have Perseverance

This is an essential trait if success is to be realized. Success is often a windy road. It is never easy or straightforward. Most of the successful people we know have shown great inner strength to keep pursuing their goals despite facing seemingly insurmountable challenges. Just think of Thomas Edison.

3. They Set 'Fantasized' Goals

Goals are vital to anyone's success, but what distinguishes the great from the ordinary are the types of goals they set themselves. Great innovators don't set goals they know or think they can achieve; they set goals that are perceived by many as stuff of fantasy. A great example of this was that of Bill Gates, whose dream was 'a computer on every desk and Microsoft software on every computer'.

4. They Love What They Do

Every day they have an incessant drive, hunger and vitality which inspires them towards their goals and success. For the high achiever, success is never an overnight thing. It's a long, hard and difficult road so without a love and passion for what they do they would have given up well before the finishing line.

5. They Fail

All successful people have failed at one time or other. They realize that failure is an essential part of success, and so don't waste any time and energy worrying about it. They all seem to adopt the philosophy of the great poet Samuel Beckett "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better."

6. They Are Optimistic

Optimism is a key trait that all successful people possess. However difficult things get for them they never get deterred or disillusioned. They have a consistently positive and upbeat mentality which ensures their drive and desire never diminishes despite challenges or difficulties.

7. They Are Focused

Focus is at the core of all successful people's characters. They have a steadfast ability to prioritize projects that will move them closer to their goals, and avoid distractions that will prevent or hinder their progress.

8. They Take Responsibility

They are willing to accept responsibility for the events and circumstances that occurs in their lives, whether they initiated them or not. They refuse to blame and play the victim. Because of this, they are able to make the necessary changes and create the right circumstances that will bring about their desired success.

As George Bernard Shaw said "People are always blaming their circumstances for what they are. I don't believe in circumstances. The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."

This is exactly what the super-successful do!!!

The great achievers past and present experienced incredible success because they possessed characteristics that set them apart from everyone else. Traits that inspired them to achieving last success. But as I said in the beginning, the traits of successful people are not genetic; they are in fact things that can be learned and developed. So quit waiting and get started today!

Achieving success and realizing your most desired goals is never easy. In fact success in life is often out of the reach of the vast majority of people. Go here to discover Traits Of Successful People that will guarantee the realization of your every goal and dream.

August 25, 2012

The Future of the World Depends on Failure of the EU - Human Freedom and Liberty Needs It to Fail

Yes, I'll admit that title is a little hard-hitting and in your face, but what better way to get the point across. Now then, you are going to want my explanation for such a harsh reality type statement like that, and I believe you are justified in your inquiry, so, let's get right into the meat of this debate, and then you can contemplate on this argument, whether you agree or disagree is immaterial, my objective is purely to get you to think about it all.

Now then, if you will recall Greece is world of financial hurt, mostly due to their over expenditures on socialist type government give-aways, and rather than going to austerity measures to re-align themselves with the rest of Europe, they elected a more left-leaning socialist leader. What did France do? Well, they are not without their own challenges although far better off than the PIIGS - Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece, and Ireland. But what did France do, well, they too voted in a more left leaning President recently.

All these left-leaning socialist methods are what has caused all these problems, and rather than fixing them, they decide to add more fuel to that fire and dig a bigger hole, rather than digging their way out of the one they'd created. If the ECB becomes an entity with the same power as the Federal Reserve and attempts to borrow its way out of things without changing this socialist mindset, it only will blow the balloon up bigger for one less hoorah before the big pop and implosion in the years ahead.

Worse, in the meantime it gives other nations a model to follow, and they too will reach the same potential eventuality and drive off a similar future cliff. And, let's not forget our own nation's problems, isn't our current leadership also following socialist theory and borrowing so many bad economic habits from Europe already? If the governments of the world become the parents and nannies of their citizenry, then what happens when the parents can no longer provide.

Perhaps you will recall when you were young and your parents took care of you? You didn't have that much freedom, and you always wanted more, but those were the rules right? Well, if the government is your new parents and you live as a socialist subject then you will not have any freedom or liberty, and then may I ask what you intend on doing when your parents lose their home, and leave you all alone? Freedom and Liberty come with responsibility my friends.

Of course, I am utterly amazed that the US voters would elect a regime that promised them such a socialist dream, something that goes against everything this great nation stands for. It's time to understand that socialism does not work, and maybe it is time for the European Union's experiment to fail before other nations follow it into the same abyss. Mexico is about to elect a left-leaning socialist, and many nations in South America already have. History shows this to be unwise, and it will surely cause those economies an early demise.

We as Americans know better, or at least most of us used too, today, it appears that the majority may not know better - nevertheless, maybe it's time that everyone see the light. It might be much better off for the future of mankind, for freedom and liberty worldwide, if the EU simply fall apart and those nations which are less socialistic are allowed to succeed on their own accord and those which aren't are allowed to pay for their foolhardy mistakes, then we might see a rebirth of freedom and liberty, yes, with responsibility, as that is the nature of things on this planet, it's always been that way, no matter what a politician might say.

Please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Economics and Politics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

August 22, 2012

Compassion Means Saying 'Yes' to Our Deeper Selves

Not too long ago, a story made the rounds on the internet, from news sites to emails to Facebook posts, about a famous musician who decided to play in a busy public area of a major city and see what happened. Sadly, the musician, a world-class talent who typically filled auditoriums and sold out shows, only attracted fleeting glances from the bustling pedestrians who walked by him that day. His experience reflects a good deal about our collective conscience when it concerns people outside our tightly scheduled lives. A musician playing on a street corner or busy walkway isn't a threatening proposition. Maybe everyone passing by that day truly had too much on their agendas to stop, listen, and offer a dollar. But the story is telling on this level: we've become immune to the outside world, even when it offers us beautiful music.

Compassion Suffers from Our Jaded View of the World

Daily, we are wrapped in discouraging news from across the globe that bombards us from every angle. Some of us manage to close off the rat-a-tat-tat of negativity. Who among us knows someone, maybe yourself, who doesn't read a newspaper or watch a news show of any kind? We blame the media and say they focus too much on the negative and never report the positive. This may be true, but we inoculate ourselves from caring by placing a bubble around our lives. We become closed off to the suffering of others; we rationalize we can't do anything to change the circumstance; we turn off the music, both good and bad.

This is an insular way of living. True, life is difficult. Our trials will be many, and we argue that our personal stock of coping energy is depleted by dealing with the immediate, personal matters that affect us directly. When news of disasters or political upheavals seep through our barriers, we are good at pushing them back to the other side. "Let someone else help," we think, "because my life is all I can handle." Perhaps we need to think again.

Compassion: Part of What Makes Us Human

Over the course of human history, which can be viewed as minuscule or expansive, compassion has been a driving force of change. Human suffering has a way of motivating individuals and the masses. One person's compassionate acts can affect hundreds-abolitionist Sojourner Truth escaped slavery and worked the remainder of her life to ease the lives of black Americans. Acts of compassion also arise from nations-all but one European country has abolished the death penalty. Compassion is an agent of change.

The truth of the matter is that turning off our compassion entirely is impossible and deadening to our core consciousness. Albert Schweitzer (1875-1965), the physician and Nobel Peace Prize winner, said: "Until he extends his circle of compassion to include all living things, man will not himself find peace."

Inspiration for Acts of Compassion Can Be Surprising

Take Maddie. Maddie was a beloved family pet of the founders of PeopleSoft, the business-to-business software company. For ten years, Maddie delighted her owners with love, companionship and laughter. In her memory, Dave and Cheryl Duffield decided to begin a foundation to decrease the numbers of pets euthanized in the United States. The mission of their foundation, Maddie's Fund is to "revolutionize the status and well-being of companion animals." Their efforts to support no-kill shelters and promote spay and neuter programs have contributed to a decrease in euthanasia in the United States. All this came to be, because of a Miniature Schnauzer.

Reconnecting with Our Compassion: A Few Steps

There's no formula for finding our compassion once we recognize it has never left us in the first place. If your ability to care for others seems dormant, start small. You may have no desire to advocate for the homeless or volunteer at a non-profit organization. That's okay. But there are issues and people that you care about, and they are all around you when you are ready to see them. Ask yourself a couple of questions:

What do I care about in life?Who are affected by the things I care about most?Are there needs to be filled, small or large, that could benefit from my time, talent or money?If so, how do I undertake a compassionate act that best suits my resources, abilities and comfort level?

Make a commitment to write down the answers and review them. Keep revisiting them until they feel right. When they do, take the next step and act. In the end, the lives of a few or many could benefit, and your life will also reap the rewards of connecting with your humanity.

I invite you to visit and download a sneak peak of my upcoming book "Adventures of the Tornado Kid" and follow the compelling story of two young kids born into two families with very different values. Two kids... and a devastating tornado.

August 18, 2012

Energy Department Announces Investments to Accelerate U.S. Manufacturing of Energy Efficient Lighting Technologies

Energy Department Announces Investments to Accelerate U.S. Manufacturing of Energy Efficient Lighting Technologies | Department of Energy Skip to main content Find information about your town or city. Search form Search Public ServicesTax Credits, Rebates & SavingsHomesVehiclesBuilding DesignManufacturingNational Security & SafetyEnergy EconomyFunding OpportunitiesState & Local GovernmentScience & InnovationScience & TechnologyScience EducationInnovationEnergy SourcesEnergy UsageEnergy EfficiencyMissionNews & BlogMaps & DataAbout UsFor Staff & ContractorsOfficesAll OfficesProgram OfficesStaff OfficesLabs & Technology CentersField SitesPower Marketing AdministrationOther Agencies You are hereHome Energy Department Announces Investments to Accelerate U.S. Manufacturing of Energy Efficient Lighting Technologies June 7, 2012 - 1:44pm Addthis News Media Contact(202) 586-4940

WASHINGTON -- As part of the Obama Administration’s all-of-the-above energy strategy to help reduce energy costs for America’s homes and businesses, the Energy Department today announced more than $7 million for three innovative lighting projects at companies in California, Michigan and North Carolina that aim to lower the cost of manufacturing high-efficiency solid-state lighting (SSL) technologies like light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs).  LEDs and OLEDs are generally ten times more energy-efficient than conventional incandescent lighting and can last up to 25 times as long, and by 2030, these technologies have the potential to reduce national lighting electricity use by nearly one half, which could save up to $30 billion a year. 

"Partnering with private industry, the Energy Department is driving innovation in new, more efficient lighting products and boosting our national competiveness in manufacturing,” said U.S, Energy Secretary Steven Chu. “The investments announced today will help expand lighting choices for consumers, reduce the nation’s energy use, and drive down costs for American lighting manufacturers and the families and businesses that buy their products.”

The two-year projects selected today will focus on significantly reducing manufacturing costs while continuing to improve the quality and performance of solid state lighting technologies.  These investments, which will leverage an additional $5 million in private sector funding, will focus on improving manufacturing equipment, processes, or monitoring techniques that will help make LEDs and OLEDs cost-competitive with other lighting options.

The awards selected for negotiation include:

Cree Inc. (Durham, North Carolina) This project will develop an optimized, cost-competitive LED fixture design that can be readily integrated into buildings and applications and uses fewer raw materials – all without compromising performance. The project builds on Cree’s existing LED technology and aims to provide warm-white light over a minimum lifetime of 50,000 hours, while reducing the cost of manufacturing the major components and assembled products. (DOE Award: $2,344,000; Total Project: $3,044,000)KLA-Tencor (Milpitas, California) -  This project aims to develop a measurement tool that will help reduce variation in LED production quality, helping to improve performance, reduce manufacturing costs and provide white light that has consistent color quality and brightness. (DOE Award: $3,995,000; Total Project: $7,989,500)k-Space Associates (Dexter, Michigan) - This project plans to create a more efficient manufacturing process by building on k-Space’s existing optical monitoring technology to enable high-precision measurements of OLED layers during mass production. The tool will measure layer thickness and composition to ultimately improve the efficiency, color, and lifetime of OLEDs. This development, a first for the industry, will serve as a platform for future large-scale OLED production facilities, paving the way for a strong U.S. presence in OLED manufacturing. (DOE Award: $800,000; Total Project: $1,200,000)

The announcement made today represents the third round of Energy Department investments in solid-state lighting manufacturing projects since 2010 and supports broader Department efforts to accelerate domestic manufacturing and technical leadership in SSL technologies, helping to create jobs, boost exports and strengthen America’s role as a global leader in energy efficiency and clean energy technologies.

Additional information on the awards announced today is available HERE.

To learn more about energy efficient lighting efforts at DOE, visit the Solid-State Lighting Program website.

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August 15, 2012

Popular Choice Winners Announced for “Apps for Energy” Competition

WASHINGTON – The Energy Department announced today the Popular Choice winners for the “Apps for Energy” competition, with app developers submitting more than 50 innovative mobile and web applications that will help utility consumers save money by making the most of their “Green Button” electricity usage data.  Popular Choice awards reflect the results of public voting at, which ran from May 17 to May 31 and involved over 12,000 participants. Other winners in the competition were selected by a panel of expert reviewers and announced May 22 at Connectivity Week, a gathering of smart grid industry leaders in Santa Clara, California.

“We’re pleased to see such a strong response to our call for innovative new apps that will save consumers money by saving energy,” said Energy Secretary Steven Chu.  “This is about giving consumers easy access to information so they can make sense of their electricity bill – and more importantly, reduce their electricity bill.”

In April, the Department launched Apps for Energy -- challenging developers to create apps that were designed to make the best use of the data provided through the President’s Green Button initiative, through which nine major utilities and electricity suppliers will provide more than 31 million customers with access to data about their own energy use. Learn more about the announcement HERE.

Eligible apps included those for mobile phones, computers, tablets, software programs and more – providing new tools for understanding their electricity usage, taking action, and making better-informed decisions. The public may now use all of the Apps by visiting

The team that developed the best overall application, Leafully, won $30,000. Second place, Melon, won $15,000, and third, VELObill, won $7,500. The best overall student application, wotz, won $15,000, and the second place student application, Budget It Yourself, won $7,500.  VELObill, the winner of the public vote, will receive $8,000 and second place public vote winner, Innovative Solar Demand Response, will be awarded $4,000. 

Winners for the “Apps for Energy” Popular Choice competition are:

Popular Choice Grand Prize: VELObill

Location: New York, NY

Cleantech software and services company, Zerofootprint’s VELObill app helps makes it easier for utility customers to view their energy usage, measure whether it is high or low, and compare it to that of their peers. With this information in hand, users can create an energy saving action plan tailored to their individual needs and preferences.

Popular Choice Second Prize: Innovative Solar Demand Response

Location: Dayton, OH

This app uses Green Button Data to size a Solar PV and a battery system based on average peak energy demand of a home during different hours of the day. The battery is charged by solar PV during daytime (when solar radiation is available) and a charge/discharge controller would release the stored energy during peak times, when energy production is more costly.

Winners Chosen by the Expert Panel are:

Best Overall App Grand Prize: Leafully

Location: Seattle, Washington

This application is the brainchild of Seattle-based team, Timothy Edgar and Nathan Jhaver who describe themselves as “two developers with an idea.” Their app submission, Leafully, helps utility customers visualize their Green Button data, as a variety of units, such as the amount of trees needed to offset an individual’s energy usage. Leafully encourages users to set energy savings goals and to share their progress on Facebook.

Best Overall App Second Prize: Melon

Location: Washington, DC

DC-based startup Melon, describes itself as the first company to utilize Green Button data to simplify the process of obtaining an ENERGY STAR benchmark for commercial buildings. The app uses Green Button to evaluate the energy performance of commercial buildings. By providing basic information about the building and its energy usage – the app delivers an ENERGY STAR score and recommendations on reducing energy waste and saving money. 

Best Overall App Third Prize: VELObill

Location: New York, NY

Cleantech software and services company, Zerofootprint’s VELObill app helps makes it easier for utility customers to view their energy usage, measure whether it is high or low, and compare it to that of their peers. With this information in hand, users can create an energy saving action plan tailored to their individual needs and preferences.

Best Student App Grand Prize: wotz 

Location: Irvine, CA

School: University of California, Irvine

The wotz app, submitted by a team of students at UC Irvine, lets users explore and play with Green Button data. Provides several games based on the "shape" of your data, and provides creative comparisons to illustrate your usage, like how many cheeseburgers worth of energy you used last Tuesday from 5-6 pm.

Best Student App Second Prize: Budget It Yourself

Location: Cleveland, OH

School: Case Western Reserve University and Cleveland Institute of Art

The Budget it Yourself app is a collaborative project a team of students at Case Western Reserve and the Cleveland Institute of Art. The app helps users track their energy usage and make energy-savings goals.

A diverse panel drawn from government and the energy and tech communities evaluated the apps. The panel includes:

Karen Austin, Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer, Pacific Gas and Electric CompanyPatricia Hoffman, Assistant Secretary for Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability, U.S. Energy DepartmentSharelynn Moore, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Itron, Inc.Aaron Shapiro, Chief Executive Officer, HUGEBill Reichert Managing Director at Garage Technology Ventures

August 11, 2012

Do You Really Want to Help People and the Common Good - Then Help Yourself First!

First off, Ayn Rand was right. Secondly, I often get tired of all those folks who can't help themselves or won't telling me to pay more in taxes to help the common good for all the poor people. You see, the greatest thing anyone can do is to participate in our free-market system and help themselves, and by doing so they are not a burden on society. If everyone did that, there would be so few poor people that our vast wealthy society could easily take care of those who truly can't.

Unfortunately, if we make people weak, create low self-esteem, and treat everyone like children eventually they won't be able to do much of anything for themselves, and therefore they won't. Now they become a huge burden on the rest of us, always demanding more - desiring to re-distribute the economic gains of those who produce and give it to those who don't. This is the real reason socialism doesn't work.

Not long ago, someone joked to me that Jesus was a socialist. And yes, there were some stories in the good book that might lead one to that conclusion. Still if Jesus was a socialist, I'd like to tell him where he can go, but I know he wasn't, not in the common definition. You see, it's okay to help your neighbor to help himself, but it isn't okay to hire the government to steal my money, to go give it to someone who wants it, yet will not plant, harvest, or bake the bread.

Before you condemn my comments, I'd like you to know that I've volunteered countless hours to help in the various communities I've been a part, far more than you have actually. That is the right way to play it, people helping people, not enlisting the government which is inefficient to pretend to help while funneling our tax money to their friend's businesses and pet projects.

Some would say that capitalism is no better, but they'd be completely naïve in doing so. There is nothing wrong with free-market capitalism, only with crony capitalism which is the type of distorted and prostituted capitalism that the socialists and corrupt practice for which I condemn in the strongest terms, just as I do this push towards socialism in our great nation under the auspice of helping people; it doesn't, it makes people pathetically weak, and thus, weakens our entire society and civilization.

In the end there will be hell to pay, economic collapse, poverty, and misery. Yes, everyone will be equal then, equally poor and hungry. No thanks socialists. I'll take freedom and liberty with responsibility over that any day of the week. Indeed, I hope you will please consider all this and think on it.

Lance Winslow has launched a new provocative series of eBooks on Politics and Economics. Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank;

August 8, 2012

Uncovering and Erasing Limiting Beliefs to Achieving Abundance

Do you know the only reason most people live in scarcity is because they have been hypnotized into accepting a host of limiting beliefs around their ability to create the abundance they rightfully deserve? Do you know most of those beliefs are held clandestinely outside of conscious awareness stored deep in the subconscious mind? Do you know that the source of those beliefs is rooted in early negative experiences stored as negative memories that must be unearthed and erased in order to permanently erase the negative beliefs associated with them? Finally do you know that not only is this now possible it is essential in restoring individuals to their fully Divine and Empowered state as the Human Beings they were meant to be? Want to learn more?

Let's take an example to help you clearly see how individuals are lured into a limiting trance like state that blocks the effortless flow of abundance into and through their lives.

Let's say an individual experiences some form of financial failure at some time in their life. When this happens the negative memory associated with this event immediately gets "downloaded" and stored in the mind. In time it sinks deep into the subconscious mind and anchors itself there.

Now what is less well known is that it's this kind of memory that "programs" the individual with negative limiting beliefs (and feelings) such as:

1. I'm a failure.
2. I'm inadequate.
3. I don't have what it takes to succeed.
4. The fear of failure.

And so on.

Now as long as the memory remains lodged within it will go on supporting and serving as the "evidence" for the beliefs/feelings noted above.

In other words, nothing short of erasing/deleting the negative memory program from the subconscious mind will yield a permanent and complete result.

Yes, I know that many will tell you that they have employed such modalities as NLP, EFT, Hypnosis, Sedona method, etc. to release or reprogram their negativity. Unfortunately none of these, in my experience, having worked with many of the practitioners of these modalities as clients, has yielded permanent and lasting results.

The reason being that many of these modalities do not have the capacity to permanently and completely erase/delete a negative memory. Indeed many of the individuals who practice such modalities don't even believe that it is even possible to completely erase a negative memory in such a way that the individual will feel like it never actually happened to them.

A decade ago it was discovered that in order to erase negative memories one had to become consciously aware of a number of finite lies associated with them about how they are supposedly useful to an individual.

For example, if we take the experience of failure noted above, many individuals might say that the memory of the event has helped them to learn not to make the same mistakes again, or to be more prepared the next time etc.

Well, it turns out that if one were to rigorously follow through on the logic behind such beliefs one would find that in fact they are not true i.e. they are lies!

When this is done in a systematic manner a very interesting thing happens. As the lies about the "usefulness" of such negative memories become "conscious" the memories they support and "anchor" into the individual progressively become "unhinged" and start to float away and out of the person's mind/body.

As all the (and there are only a small finite number of) lies are made conscious the memory completely vanishes permanently in such a way that a) the person cannot recall it and b) it feels like it never happened.

The other interesting phenomenon associated with this "detoxification" is that the negative limiting beliefs (and feelings) also permanently disappear.

This leaves the individual in a new and more empowered state of consciousness where they now see and know clearly who they are and what they are truly capable of.

So if you are one of those individuals who is dying under the weight of the negative past and wants to be free, empowered, and abundant kindly visit the web site below where you can request a free introductory telephone/Skype consultation of a powerful new coaching process that erases negative memories.

Nick Arrizza M.D., a former Psychiatrist and Medical Doctor is now an International Expert Life, Relationship & Spiritual Tele-Coach, Author the developer of the powerful Mind Resonance Process® (MRP).

A Free 1 Hour Introductory MRP Telephone/Skype Consultation and a Free E-copy of my new book are available upon request. (You will be asked to cover your own long distance telephone charges)

Web Site:

Copyright© 2012, Nick Arrizza, All Rights Reserved Worldwide

August 4, 2012

SpaceX's Success Is A Case for Privatization

Elon Musk's SpaceX did it's job. The company's SpaceX capsule successfully docked with the international space station this week. This is HUGE. History was made with the docking of its Dragon capsule to the international space station, the most impressive feat yet in turning routine spaceflight over to the commercial sector.

It marked the first time a business enterprise delivered a supply ship to the space station. Privatization on a massive scale.

I was a huge fan of the Space Shuttle Program. I did a project on it when I was a senior in High School. I went to Cape Canaveral to watch a launch. I spent DAYS in front of the TV when the Challenger exploded. So, I was a little dismayed when I heard the program was ending, but in truth, it is probably for the best. The private sector can do most things immensely better than the public sector. Competition brings costs down and innovation up.

The privatization of this program should show us that we need to explore other ways to get Government out of our way. People like Mr. Musk will always step up to the plate and fill the voids. Of course, the opposite is true also. I personally believe that if our churches and non-profits would truly fulfill their missions, Welfare and possibly even Social Security would not be needed. But when the private fails to do it, government steps in. It is a balancing act. The Government certainly has a role to play, but far too often they step over the limit.

Bob Dole made a huge campaign commitment to state's rights. And although I totally agreed with him, I knew he could not win an election on this point. Dole was too much of a moderate to win. (personally, I think the same is true of Romney).

Moving power and control away from the federal government back to the states is a good thing. Moving power and control away from the states and back to the local level is even a better thing. Should the Fed & State have some guidelines and requirements? Of course. But the best person to make decisions for me is - well, ME! The best people to make decisions for my community are my friends and neighbors - aka - the community itself.

While the SpaceX accomplishment is historical on so many levels, I think a huge statement being proclaimed is that the private sector can handle areas formerly reserved for the government. Do away with DOE? Yes. Do away with the IRS? Yes (a national sales tax is the answer). Do away with other agencies and regulations? Yes.

From local garbage pickup to space transportation; every governmental function must be examined in light of Elon Musk's successful mission.