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January 3, 2011

Departing Gov. Schwarzenegger cuts prison sentence of son of political ally in ... - New York Daily News

In one of his final acts in office, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger commuted the prison sentence of the son of a close political ally who is serving time for manslaughter.
In one of his final acts as governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger reduced the prison sentence of the son of a close political ally who is serving time for his role in the murder of a college student.
In the 11th hour deal -- one of several pardons, commutations and appointments he squeezed through in his final day on the job --- Schwarzenegger cut the prison term of Esteban Nunez, son of former state Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, from 16 to seven years.
Esteban Nunez, 21, pleaded guilty to manslaughter for his role in the stabbing death of Luis Santos during a brawl outside a fraternity party at San Diego Mesa College in 2008.
Nunez had been charged with murder, which would have led to a life sentence, but pleaded to the lesser charge in exchange for a more lenient sentence.
In a statement, Schwarzenegger cited the fact that Nunez did not strike the fatal blow – the court found that his friend, Ryan Jett, stabbed Santos – in his decision to reduce his sentence.
"I do not discount the gravity of the offense," the governor's statement said. "But given Nuñez's limited role in Santos' death, and considering that … Nuñez had no criminal record prior to this offense, I believe Nuñez's sentence is excessive
Santos' family said they were outraged, calling the move "an absolute injustice."
"The governor did not even have the courtesy to notify the victim's family," Fred Santos, the victim’s father, told the Los Angeles Times. "This is dirty politics, cutting backroom deals. I guess if you're the son of somebody important, you can kill someone and get all sorts of breaks."
Nunez's father, Fabian Nunez, served as Assembly Speaker from 2004 to 2008.
He and Schwarzenegger were close allies and worked together to pass the state's global warming law, one of the governor's signature pieces of legislation, the Times reported.
Fabian Nunez had argued after the sentencing that the judge's decision was too harsh and motivated by politics.
Schwarzenegger also commuted the sentences of two other inmates.
Sara Kruzan, a former prostitute who was convicted of killing her pimp when she was 16, had her sentenced reduced from life with no chance of parole to 25 years with a chance of parole.
Alberto Torres, who also shot and killed a man and claimed self defense, had his prison sentence for discharging a firearm shortened from 25 years to 10 years.
The governor also pardoned nine other criminals.

Esteban Nunez is serving in prison for his role in the stabbing death of a college student. (AP)
With Wire News Services


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